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slapshot 3

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Everything posted by slapshot 3
  1. Welcome to the feet up world Magicjuan.... As said in an earlier post to Sag Sag 280 the thre clubs in your vicinity, Lanarkshire Stevenston and Dalmellington will have something to suit and possibly even some Practice Ground. I can give you contact details for Steveston and Dalmellington, Big John put the Lanarshire club URL in a previous post. Send me a personal message and I'll give you the names and numbers. Know the two Ayrshire clubs very well, the trials are generally always sensible and will cater for most standards of rider. Used to go play feet up stuff on the old industrial estate in Irvine, not much there for trials riders but a little imagination goes a long way, dy
  2. Barry, Again as I suggested before, speak to Stevenston and Dalmellington clubs as well. As a club member, you will get knowledge of a few places you can use as practice ground. I know if I fancy a run out I've usually got head there and I'm in the northeast, politics politics........ dy
  3. slapshot 3


    Thanks Big John dy
  4. slapshot 3


    Getting ready to put the beast back together just looking for a bit of advice, what does everyone consider the best oil to use in the engine/clutch of the TLR 250 Don't just want to throw anything in there dy
  5. Big john, was only joking about the commission, suppose the real value is seeing the bikes in the hands of people who will appreciate them. Are Pat and tommy still down in the Morecombe area, Tommy came up in a conversation a few weeks back dy
  6. and lastly setting up for the very steep climb and big step at the top, pic at the top too dark to publish unfortunatley. Hope you like em donald
  7. the little jiggle to square himself up.....
  8. The Endo at the bottom of the hill, Colley came down the slope on one wheel, Michaud was knocking on a bit though (still a genius on a bike that man)
  9. here you go BA specially for you, A series of 4 shots of Thierry Michuad in Germany
  10. As I said, heres the evidence, don't think some of the Fantic boys were overly happy at the attention being taken away from Thierry Michaud that afternoon, but put Steve and Sammy together us brits wouldn't be too interested in a three (?) time world champion
  11. I sense the word commission coming out next......
  12. How bout a better poll. Which of the TC boys ends up in the care ofthe local constabulary first in Duluth
  13. I think they are but not 100% sure, suspicion they are from the year before when he had his police problem in the Fort for allegedly getting around town too fast (Diplomacy or what!!), if this is the same year then yeah he would have done, because the zero came out the following year??? Really not sure dy
  14. Last one for now, Doug, either second or third Scottish win, sure it was the Hat Trick but can't remember the numbers, the programmes are yet another box....... Ben Nevis, last section on the Saturday, horrible section only two cleans, even Colley had a dab, only one of the Ludgate boys(Sam i think) and Doug cleaned it the whole day.
  15. Pic 2 Ex Scottish Champ Les Winthrop, again Achlain Farm, always think this and the Saunders pic are two of the best trials pics I've ever taken, purely personal dy
  16. amusing myself now really, following posts my three favourite from the Scottish over the last 20 years or so First one, Steve Saunders first year at Fantic. This bike was a knackered practice bike rebuilt at the Sunday Weigh in as "confusion with the factory" TMX quote, meant his new one didn't turn up. Sammy miller ended up painting the numberplates about ten minutes before the weigh in closed. Sections are the top two at Achlain Farm ( for newbies it up near Creag Lundie), great group, but disappeared from the trial in the early 90's I think
  17. Aluminium Works, John, would never have made Blackwater, I had father in tow Dy
  18. Huge problems getting a pic with his feet up though dy
  19. Superb looking Matchless, believe the rider is a bit ropey mind you.
  20. Hiya, Did anyone ever make a specific conversion for the TLR's to upgrade to disc brakes, Front rear or both, just intrigued..... dy
  21. Once played a double header (Ice Hockey) after a Friday night out with the boys, Tequila and cans of red stripe don't mix well.... Never felt a single hit the whole weekend and played better than when sober, spent the week wondering where all the bruises came from mind you. Hope the TC trial goes ahead on a weekend off so I can go as well dy
  22. Doug to come back and take day 2 Hopefully
  23. You've obviously been away so long you don't remember the temperatures here in October for camping! That's alright, the booze heats you up......
  24. Andy, Mak it easy on yourself, hold it in Scotland dy waits patiently for torrent of abuse
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