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slapshot 3

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Posts posted by slapshot 3
  1. Wallace,

    Is this an open area for practice or private and personal. I'm desperate to find somewhere decent and not overly far from home. Last time I had a day out was in Ayrshire, not good when you live in Stonehaven!!!!


  2. Slapshot 3  -  As regards wheel building it's difficult to give a price as it depends on type of spokes etc. which affects cost. If you look at Central Wheel Components website, they have all prices on there so it's a reasonable guide. They also have rim prices too. Don't have a URL but you can find them on a search easy enough. As an example, it cost me about
  3. Gorgeous bikes boys, I feel rather ashamed of my scruffy untidy TLR sitting in the shed at home.

    One question, how much, roughly, to rebuild the wheels, I too have the rot, worry every time I hit something too big too hard


  4. Many Moons Ago it was called the Aberfeldy Two Day Trial and started from the Cattle Market in the middle of the town. You had to ride along the river to get to the first sections at the Birk's o' Feldy. It was always a superb weekend. My old man rode the first two or three of them, think the first was in '78.

    Two laps on the Saturday of around a 20 mile loop then a huge run on the Sunday, if memory serves 60-70 miles right out in the wilds of Rannoch. Places like Innerwick, Bridge of Balgie, Invervar ring bells. My dad always talks about the run over Scheihallion on the Sunday. I remember some awesome groups of sections, but bu**ered if I can remember many of their names (anyone remember some of them)and some cracking riders over the first few years, like of John Reynolds, think Nigel Birkett rode one of them. Like the Dan Stewart of the same era they were superb weekends. Too many years ago........


  5. I think that Whiz should be praised for taking the wrath of all trials ladies upon his head. :banana:

    I would suggest he keeps his head well down before one of them removes it for him.

    A very brave comment, very brave :banana: we salute the passing of this brave soul............

  6. Steve,

    25 years in the game, IIHF level 2 coach (Canadian NCCP intermediate equivalent), Coach kids at U19, U 16, U 12 years old, Scotland U16 and Chairman of the Aberdeen club, i even get to play now and again. I am also the worlds biggest NHL anorak... :D Would agree about the Hab in denial though... :D

    As to riding bikes been around trials all my life (went to my first Scottish before I was born!!), my dads been riding since he was 15. I come from the south west of scotland and still do most of my riding down at home. I know one or two north east boys but not many, really don't get the chance to get out as much as I'd like cos of work and hockey.

    Still my smelly old TLR 250 does the job even if i'm not able, don't see much point in footrests my feet seem to be on the ground all the time, still love it though.


  7. Hey JTT,

    At least in Nova Scotia you can get to see the St John's Leafs, surely thats better than the Habs :D

    Hockey Joke: ( a little old cos Jaques Martin got fired)

    Poor old Jaques dies and goes up to heaven, he's met by St Peter at the gates and get the grand tour. Eventually they get to Jaques new pad and it's all decked out in Sens colours so Jaques is impressed. However he notices a house nearby, much bigger, more sumptuous, bigger pool, bikini clad bunny girls and it has a big blue leaf on it.

    Jaques says to St Peter " Why is Pat Quinn getting a bigger house than me when he gets here"

    St Peter replies, "That's not Pat Quinns house, GOD lives there" :D


  8. Hey Steve

    It get's worse my best mate is a Senators fan..........

    Closest I get to BC hockey is following a young protege of mine playing for the Okanagon Hockey Academy in Penticton. Vancouver, nah never heard of them but we all know what they say about the girls in the Western Conference.......

    Go Leafs Go :D

  9. Missing the NHL on this side of the Pond as well, yup we play hockey in Britain too. We also get Hockey Night in Canada Live during the season on a channel called NASN, It's time god stepped down for Don Cherry. They have started showing us AHL and NCAA games just to keep us interested.....Go Leafs Go.....

    just have to keep coaching and playing to get my fix

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