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slapshot 3

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Everything posted by slapshot 3
  1. slapshot 3


    Copey, I'll sort it, usual rules apply!! the dongle works in the Glen Nevis Caravan an chalet park.....result!! Update - High in the Atlantic but wer'e on the cooler northeast side of it so likey to be cooler than you might expect. It sinks a little south midweek but moves north again towards Friday/Saturday Sunday looks pretty good bit cloudy late morning early afternoon but generally bright. 10-12 degrees. Monday looks pretty good as well, certainly the best day in the early part of the week. 12-14 degrees we'd be unlucky to see a shower. Tuesday; as alluded to last night theres a chance of some patchy rain and showers on Tuesday, nothing particularly heavy but we might find a few merging together for a longer spell of rain. Temperatures around 12 - 14 in the Fort, 10 - 12 towards Creag Lundie Rest of the week much as before! more to follow
  2. slapshot 3


    As far as the charts said last night Mark. If I can get connection in Glen Nevis with the dongle I'll keep you connected either that or sneak in and use HL's internet connection in the Milton if I'm stuck. Still looks pretty good but there's one or two days with an increased chance of showers and patchy rain, Tuesday and Wednesday most likely.
  3. slapshot 3


    Basic qualifications..... o levels in Art and Maths anyway ....... In Kinlochleven, nice evening!! P 65 Friday As noted earlier cool and showery possibly a heavy shower or two, there
  4. slapshot 3


    Ah well....signing my own abuse warrant here!! High pressure....the darker the orange colours the better, they represent something different but relate to surface temperatures..... Self explanatory but we are still early and actual conditions might be different
  5. HL, you NEED to get that in the programme some year ....
  6. Get Javier to bring him to Alvie in June....He'll love it
  7. ...and the trick is to get there before Andy otherwise there's bugger all left
  8. The general night oot?? me and 3!!
  9. slapshot 3


    Right ya big bunch of girlies.....first look!!! This weekend for the Pre65 not stunning cool and showery all weekend not particularly windy but there will be a few showers about, max daytime temperatures around 9-11 degrees (don't fancy being in a tent much!!). The week, too early for any real details but if early suggestions in the models are correct then it may not be that bad certainly better than last year though that wouldn't be difficult, there is a bit of consistency showing for now that's generally a good sign that the models are in synch and the forecasts are generally right, good or bad weather!! There's a big high developing in the Atlantic which will keep the weather largely settled temperatures maxes showing around 18. In light of the usual abuse, please remember this is a first look. Technology has arrived in the shape of a dongle so I will keep this updated as the week progresses. I leave here Thursday morning so will put some more info up tomorrow night.
  10. Where exactly are they Perce and can I get there with a camera???
  11. Superb result for Pat, congratulations
  12. Interesting view Tim, I'd say we need them all. I can't talk about what Honda do or don't do at the FIM level but suffice to say if we continue to want a choice we need a big money player or two in market place. Very few small independant team have the money to invest hugely in the new technologies that will drive the sport forward. Every year we see a new iteration of the Gasser or the Beta or the Sherco or whatever, the last ground breaking change we've seen is the Sherco juggling where everything is but before that the 4RT was the biggest step forward since watercooling, twin disk, monoshocks and the monocoque style frame and with the exception of the frame none of them were new technology. The next step is the Ossa but if that doesn't sell how long is the bank going to fund that development, I think we need them all and i'd love to see yamaha, Suzuki and Kawasaki getting back into the game either on their own or in collusion with others. We're too small a market to want someone to pull out. As for Toni, might be another couple of years but someone will get there.
  13. Remember my old man "cleaning" a Wednesday evening club trial many moons ago, said it was the toughest win he ever had, next guy lost 1.
  14. DRIVE THROUGH CASH MACHINE A new sign in the Bank lobby reads: 'Please note that this Bank is installing new Drive-through Cash machines enabling customers to withdraw cash without leaving their vehicles. Customers using this new facility are requested to use the procedures outlined below when accessing their accounts. After months of careful research, MALE and FEMALE procedures have been developed. Please follow the appropriate steps for your gender.' ************ ********* ********* * MALE PROCEDURE: 1. Drive up to the cash machine. 2. Put down your car window. 3. Insert card into machine and enter PIN. 4. Enter amount of cash required and withdraw. 5. Retrieve card, cash and receipt. 6. Put window up. 7. Drive off. FEMALE PROCEDURE: 1. Drive up to cash machine. 2. Reverse and back up the required amount to align car window with the machine. 3. Engage handbrake, put the window down. 4. Find handbag, remove all contents on to passenger seat to locate card. 5. Tell the person on you are talking to on your mobile phone you will call them back and hang up. 6. Attempt to insert card into machine. 7. Open car door to allow easier access to machine due to its excessive distance from the car. 8. Insert card. 9. Re-insert card the right way. 10. Dig through handbag to find diary with your PIN written on the inside back page. 11. Enter PIN. 12. Press cancel and re-enter correct PIN. 13. Enter amount of cash required. 14. Check makeup in rear view mirror. 15. Retrieve cash and receipt. 16. Empty handbag again to locate purse and place cash inside. 17. Write debit amount in cheque register and place receipt in back of chequebook. 18. Re-check makeup. 19. Drive forward 2 feet. 20. Reverse back to cash machine. 21. Retrieve card. 22. Re-empty handbag, locate card-holder, and place card into the slot provided! 23. Give dirty look to irate male driver waiting behind you. 24. Restart stalled engine and pull off. 25. Write debit amount in cheque register and place receipt in back of chequebook. 26. Re-check makeup 27. Redial person you were talking to on your mobile phone. 28. Drive for 2 to 3 miles. 29. Release handbrake.
  15. slapshot 3


    Yer a' funny, what do you lot think you are?? A bunch of Daily Mail readers?? Next Week. Saying nothing just now, no consistency in any of the models out to day 5 never mind beyond that, so I'll wait a bit.
  16. In Scotland we tried to "Sell England by the Pound" but only got 50p for it ..... Trick of the tail and A Lamb Lies Down On Broadway on your i pod should keep you happy on the roads
  17. So.....science & technology moves on and we've a clever new toy that is issuing information on the concentration of dust particles in the atmosphere - Oh how we chuckled this afternoon!! Max concentration over Europe now and forecast on the chemical downwind stuff is 1.85 x 10-17grams/m3or for those that dont understand scientific notation...0.0000000000000000185gm/m3...overkill..just a tad
  18. Will you be back Iain? or will you still be hoping.......;-)
  19. Saw it yesterday, I get the dailymash on email suppose it was inevitable!!
  20. Loads of flight tests going on at the minute and a "suggestion" that the European Air Traffic authority and NATS may have been too cautious. All the test flights are coming back "clean", I suggest some of the main routes may open up in the next 24hours. In 5 days the volcano has only erupted less than 1% of the volume of debris that Mount St Helens erupted therefore concentrations of particles are not that much, 3 parts per million, St Helens was around 150ppm over north America. I suspect a lot of panic, none of the airlines want to fall foul of litigation but if some of the biggies are losing
  21. You getting at me again missus...... She's right of course, it's the one week in the year that's all about the trial and the beer of course!
  22. I thought all yank beer was like that..
  23. No-one really wants to read about the politics that there is between the SACU and the AMCA however as we've already discussed the nonsense that went on with TheDavidBaker about a year ago means that when we see similar posts we're going to react, as are those involved at all levels in the sport. Believe me, it's not aimed at you directly. His attacks became personal and pretty nasty therefore we do what we can to keep that down, banter is one thing what went on was another, like I say we'll react to prevent anything of that, it's not what trialscentral is for. Unfortunately, this has left a very sour taste around when it comes to discussing any of the AMCA events held in the Angus area. When you made your initial posts I saw similarites and reacted, we've dealt with that. No one wants to stop anyone riding, using this website or discourage anyone riding or enjoying the sport, that's not what we do it for but there are a lot of politics, it's part and parcel of the sport whether you want it or not, it's the same in every sport. Ignore it and keep your head down if you want to avoid it otherwise you'll always find it hovering somewhere.
  24. Beta sidestands are a little longer and thicker and hang at a better angle
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