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slapshot 3

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Everything posted by slapshot 3
  1. slapshot 3

    2010 Xispa

    NB MOD's hat left at home.... Hang on a tic, all we want are facts but want them from a completely guaranteed honest source not an importer who has to make a crust out of it and will hype it out of all proportion. We do not want to listen to you spilling out the manufacturers advertising blurb to importers or read your narrow minded viewpoints on everything else because you've decided we are anti Xipsa - here's the rub matey, WE ARE NOT ANTI XIPSA; Got the message yet?? What we are pi$$ed about is listening to all the B*****ks you've spouted about a product that we can't get to see, hear or ride for ourselves. I have seen the back wheel of one, as it was wheeled into the back of a van. No a great first view. Personally, my own allegiance is to the sport of trials not a brand/dealer or importer. I ride a Beta because it suits me best but I have enjoyed a play on nearly everything else the market has had to offer for the last god knows how long. We get views from everyone, good and bad, because the product is there, we can all get a crack on a Gasser or a Beta most weekends if that's what's wanted but Xipsa, not a sniff. I think there's been more sightings of Osama Bin Laden than there has of the Xipsa. If you'd done this properly, come on honest and up front, pushed some advertising money at Andy and given yourself the chance to put your pitch out there, then there would have been no backlash. If you had spoken to some of the well respected riders in Canada, likes of Steve Fracy, to test it PROPERLY then come on here and report it we'd all have jumped to read it and the feedback would have been more positive. Instead you chose the dishonest method: you get everything you deserve Reason for edit - deleted Numbnuts maybe shouldn't have called him that on here...
  2. slapshot 3

    2010 Xispa

    That's because he's still laughing matey...
  3. slapshot 3

    2010 Xispa

    Hey Ringodog...... methinks you've been rumbled, is that a cut and paste from the importers bumf??? It's all these women he's been getting up close and personal with recently Ishy....
  4. big John's education obviously not up to scratch.......
  5. My wee charts suggest heavy showers rather than persistent rain but not looking great. No doubt abuse levels will be high over the weekend......can't wait mind you!!!
  6. Seconded..... Geography can't be on the syllabus down there mate..
  7. slapshot 3


    HERETIC........ Careful 2/4 that kind of post will have you labelled as the anti - christ by some in here..
  8. welcome....we were just killin time till you got here... Just beware of our resident Texan, Copemech. Don't let him lead you astray
  9. slapshot 3


    mmm that's a positive response. If I remember rightly there was an article on Todotrial about a year ago where someone was planning to resurrect the Ossa marque. Good luck to them.
  10. When was that.....don't remember that being labelled as a complaint???
  11. Unfortunately Andy Minns and Border Bikes fell foul of the rules by doing what Borus did initially. Despite all sorts of attempts by Andy and me to get him to sign up and to organise sensible reports on the bikes he chose not to. Nothing we can do about that. Like you I'd love a go on one to see what all the fuss is about and to put an unbiased report on here because I think it needs a good old fashioned honest story to put it's arguements across.
  12. Only time posts are deleted or in the end people banned are when they break the rules you sign up to when you first register. If people get into a war of words with der obergrupenfuhrer for fly advertising, rule breaking, abusive posts thats their problem. The biggest part of the Xispa problem is there have been so few around no-one has had the chance to give it a try, three sold in the UK?? not great is it.
  13. Now, back in the days of yore..... early 80's, I remember being awestruck by big Charley Demathieu who was Eddy Lejeunes mechanic at the time. His party piece was to pull a tyre of the rim with his hands, deflate the tyre stand on the bugger then pull tyre and tube away together.....now that was impressive.
  14. Dabster you know better than put teasing ads in the forums.....deleted
  15. At home...yes at work...no still here
  16. A recent post by my learned (??) Texan friend has the right idea... for terrorist read politician (something not right in that comment )
  17. Wouldn't miss it mate.....same corner in the Cricket Club??
  18. Personal view is that Bernie was one of those riders who could change the whole way we did things, start of pivot turns, bunny hops etc. Man was brilliant and would have been a star whatever era he'd ridden in
  19. The Flying Scorpa.....I nearly choked on my steak in the Turf last year when i first saw that........ mad the lot of em!!
  20. You venturing south again this year????
  21. Think we should just wish him luck for whatever he wants to do. I also reckon that if he agrees to the Richmond club's demands why shouldn't he get a crack at it. It's down to the club to agree or disagree, good on them for allowing something a bit different.
  22. Question is is will anyone want to own up to the dodgy hairdo in the second pic, bottom right handside???
  23. Ohh you're such a tease woman....
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