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slapshot 3

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Everything posted by slapshot 3
  1. What our learned friend Mr Baldilocks was trying ( ) to say is that yes we'd seen them and there was a front page article on them a couple of weeks ago, you need to learn about the sarcasm on here ....
  2. Another of these eveolution changes that happens with components. Remote reservoirs, piggy back reservoirs none they are all out there if you look, my 02 beta has a piggy back version. As Lee says its to allow the Shocker to work better without compromising damping rates etc.
  3. Nice cell with some of the US's finest hoodlums.....he won't last long. Serves him right!!
  4. Jeez, that's a bit of an understatement .. or with Mandelson is more appropriate
  5. Personally I think this is an offensive question I'd have thought about 85-90% was perfect......cushions the blows when you fall on your a***!!
  6. ...and you love it if she offered to kick yours..!!! I don't think there are many "Honda Haters", we all know they have made some really classy machines over the years but the problem with ALL of them has been the price. Even the TLR's were fairly pricey for a twin-shock at the time, the RTL was extortionate,
  7. Wrong. Steve left because he was offered a mega bucks (at the time) deal with Fantic, then got the rough end of the stick with them to ensure Michaud kept winning World crowns, remember the SSDT debacle where Fantic "forgot" to bring his bike?? No question Steve would have won the worlds the following year on the Honda, that's why Fantic signed him. Eddy didn't retire, he had at least a season with Merlin after Honda.
  8. I'm afraid I didn't know Leigh but any time one of our fairly small clan of trials riders passes away, especially a younger rider, it's something that affects us all. My condolences to his family and friends
  9. 6:35 am, that garage must be a really exciting prospect mate!!
  10. Dabster and Atom again.......fantastic..... pass the popcorn
  11. Now I was going to suggest that you were the chubby cheeked youngster in the buggy in Gorgie Market ... Truth be known Uncle big John I was going to credit you being a couple of years shy of being born!! Seriously, there's a miserable old bugger in Ayrshire now in absolute raptures watching them, thanks Stecks and Andy
  12. Agreed.. Has anyone spotted a very young Big John in any of the vids yet?????
  13. Clicky Copey, I understand Texans now...It's all about the hat!! Between about 40 mins and the end
  14. Louis and Joyce were making passionate love in Louis's mini van when suddenly Joyce, being a bit on the kinky side, yells out "Oh fat boy, whip me, whip me!" Louis, not wanting to pass up this unique opportunity, obviously did not have any whips on hand, but in a flash of inspiration, he opens the window, snaps the antenna off his van and proceeds to whip Joyce until they both collapses in ecstasy. About a week later, Joyce notices that the marks left by the whipping are starting to fester a bit so she goes to the doctor. The doctor takes one look at the wounds and asks, "Did you get these marks having sex?" Joyce, a little embarrassed that she has slept with Louis (let alone that she allowed the kinky sod to whip her) eventually admits that, yes, she did. Nodding his head knowingly, the doctor exclaims, "I thought so, because in all my years of doctoring you've got the worst case of van aerial disease that I've ever seen.
  15. From another thread Clicky Maybe an explanation, Honda reducing their commitments to companies they supply on a small scale to concentrate on core business??
  16. Sometimes ya never know.... Picking up on what Copey said and expanding it a little: I think underneath we all have this little tendancy to look at our own ethnicity as something that little bit special and protecting it, that is why we sometimes become intolerant of other ethnic groups. Old Schicklegruber and the Nazis took this to an extreme. The real psychotic Muslim Fundamentalists look at the Qur'an and take it as the motivator for killing every non-muslim. Aparthied did it. Segregation in the US. Religious sectarianism is still rife. These are just a few examples of the concept, they are not meant as a condemnation of those specifics though any normal upstanding individual would condemn most of them. What I'm getting at is the survival instinct of each individual race, which, when protracted gives rise to the examples we've seen of ethnic cleansing over the years. Mark talks about both the schisms in his local community and the integration and it's only by that integration can the world actually exist together. I grew up with two forms of this nonsense, religious sectarianism and the old Scots/English chestnut. Some of my relatives are still staunch members of the Orange Lodge, the bigotry is unbelieveable but it's part of growing up in the south west of Scotland, I thought green sweets were bad for you until I was about 12 and I still have a cousin who will only eat carrots as a veg!!! Your biggest survival battle is knowing who supports Rangers and who supports Celtic. The brainwashing didn't work on me, I couldn't care less about that crap. The Scots / English stuff, a lot of it is banter these days but again there are cousins I have won't associate with me because Mrs Slapshot's old man is English, their loss. Maybe we got over our own attempts "terrorism" and "ethic cleansing" centuries ago and largely we are integrated but more and more you see demands made on our society to change to accept other races/ethnic groups instead of them integrating into society and the workplace. No matter how much you do to help them integrate they want everything on a plate. I have no objection to these people coming into the UK and contributing, what I do object to is the wholesale overhaul our society and national identities our countries have to go through to suit some of these immigrants, jeez I've got the whole problem sitting on the workstation opposite me!!! I've got friends and acquantancies from every corner of the globe, even Texas ( ) just don't bring me bad people. Here endeth the Sunday Sermon......
  17. A man ia queueing at the 5 items or less checkout. The girl in front of him turns around and looks at his basket. He has a 4 pack of lager and an Indian meal for 1. She smiles at him. He looks in her basket and sees a half bottle of Lambrini and a Chinese meal for 1. He says to her "You're single aren't you?" She gives a girly giggle and says "Yes, how do you know?" The man replies "Coz you're an ugly bitch"
  18. Group B Lancia Stratos on full chat ....... was there ever a better noise????
  19. The support for the Provos in the US was more than waning at that stage so the timing was rather opportune is maybe a better way of putting it. That and the fact that the nutter camel jockey Gaddaffi didn't want blamed for any more so he stopped the supply as well. Said this before somewhere I think but the last real attempt the provos had agains British Forces in Germany was while we were there. They had launched a home made mortar into a barracks in Osnabruck and scored a major own goal but sticking it through the Chapel window. Few nights later we had been in town for a leaving do in the town Brauhaus, couldn't get back home because the MP's had cordoned off the whole stretch of the road to the barracks. They had found a suitcase in the road ditch behind our house and the one next door. The young babysitter was in the house with our two crapping herself because she couldn't get hold of us and they wanted to evacuate. In the end they did a small controlled explosion in situ took out 20 feet of fence but there was no device, it was a hoax, but it hit you there and then how these psychopaths work. It was personal it was as close to us as you can imagine. 9/11 took terrorism onto a global scale and it has had a net effect on every single person, to a greater or lesser extent. In the case of our colonial cousins and Texans( ) it put it on their doorsteps, it became a problem that they couldn't ignore any longer. It wasn't happening to someone else, somewhere else that they'd seen on a map. What still gets me about that afternoon is the secure teleprinter (remember them) that started rattling in our comms room, it was only there for one thing, it's previous use had been during Gulf 1. To be honest I don't think something like a bombing does hit you until it reaches that personal level, whether it's affected you or a friend or family member. 9/11 has had a massive effect on the world and I don't think we should underestimate those effects on any one. When it comes to these b****rds, if the Texan wants to hold the wires.....I'll crank the generator handle.
  20. ..and it never rains in Yorkshire???
  21. Buggers get round those distinctions by saying "British or otherwise" then the Ethnicity Question comes in as White - British. They tend to send them back when you score out British and write Scottish over the top......
  22. Surely you mean ..... BRITAIN EXPECTS Dabster,.......
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