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slapshot 3

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Everything posted by slapshot 3
  1. Brilliant day out, cracking sections, new section marking system worked brilliantly, brilliant weather as well what more could you ask. Gary MacDonald won dropping 4, Craig Houston second on 43, don't know any more scores.
  2. Anything with the name Canon on it. SLR's, I use EOS 30D, are best but I've also got a wee pocket job. Powershot 590 and it's done everything I've asked it to so far. A half press on the shutter button to focus and and almost instant reaction on full press, plenty of shutter speed range as well. I'll always use an SLR when I can but nowt wrong with some of the modern pocket cameras.
  3. Ain't bad at all.....agree about the flash gun.
  4. ...and one assumes you'll be there with Ciona showing her what the Scottish used to be like before she see's what a current den of debauchery it's become....
  5. Come on der Obergruppenfuhrer get it right....
  6. Wonder what happened to some of the other Oban boys. Met Gus Dickie at the Scottish a couple of years back (he flipped when he found out I was now over 40), Big Neil still floating about but has anyone seen Billy Matthews in recent years??
  7. Probably just heard the story..maybe?? Achallader would have been a Scottish Experts??
  8. Jeez there's a name from the past Ross, ....Taynuilt trial?? that story rings a bell
  9. Jeez existentialism on here...whatever next!!!
  10. If any bike deserves it own thread Bultaco does...... nice move bossman.....
  11. slapshot 3


    A man went to the doctor & said "Every time I pass wind it makes a funny noise." The doctor said "It's supposed to." The patient continued "No, not that kind of funny noise." "Well what sort of funny noise do you mean?" asked the doctor. "Well, it sort of comes out like HONDA!" "Mmm," said the doctor. "Can you give me a sample?" "I'll try," said the man. So he strained & strained until his face turned red & a vein was sticking out of his forehead until he managed to break wind which indeed sounded just like "HONDA." The doctor said "In all my years of general practice I've never come across anything so bizarre, I can only surmise that it must be some type of oriental disease. Have you been to the Orient lately?" The man replied "As a matter of fact, I've just returned from Japan." "Oh in that case, I'll refer you to a Harley Street specialist in oriental diseases, Dr. Fushinatu, he may be able to help. Here's his address & phone number to make an appointment." After making his appointment with Dr. Fushinatu, the patient arrived on time for his consultation. "What is probrem?" aked Dr. F. "Well Doctor, every time I pass wind it makes a funny noise." "It suppose to." "But not that kind of funny noise." "What kine a funny noise you mean?" "It sort of comes out like HONDA!" " Can you give me demonslation?" "I'll try." So once again he was straining for a good while until he produced a thunderous flatulence that sounded just like HONDA!" "Ah so," said Dr. F, "please lemove tlousers & lie on bed." The patient did as he was asked & Dr. Fushinatu took out a magnifying glass & began to examine the patient's rectum in great detail. "Ah, I see probrem." the doctor at last pronounced. "Is it serious Doc?. "No, no, you have abcess in lectum." "Does that make a difference?" "Oh yes, in Japan we have old saying - Abcess make fart go honda. ------------------------------------------------------------------- A father entered his daughter's bedroom and saw a letter on the bed. With the worst premonition, he read it with trembling hands. Dear Mum and Dad, It is with great regret and sorrow that I'm telling you that I've eloped with my new boyfriend. I've found real love and he is so nice, especially with all his piercing, scars, tattoos and his big motorbike. But it's not only that I'm pregnant and Ahmed said that we will be very happy in his trailer in the woods. He also wants to have many more children with me and that's one of my dreams. I've learnt that marijuana doesn't hurt anyone and we'll be growing it for us and his friends. They're the ones providing us with all the cocaine and ecstasy we could ever want. In the meantime, we'll pray for science to find the HIV/Aids cure so Ahmed gets better. He deserves it. No problems about money. Ahmed has arranged for me to be in films that his friends Leroy and Jamal make in their basement. Apparently I can earn
  12. Alpinestars are like slippers and have all the water proofing qualities of a teabag (unless you can get hold of some of the specially made dougie lampkin goretex lined chappies) however, with a pair of sealskinz they are the comfiest driest boots on the market. I had some Gaernes for a while and hated them so I guess it all down to the magic of whatever fits you best but at nearly
  13. slapshot 3


    ...I think your sums might be out a bit as well though Tim. If you look at the new TC Garage feature, when you register a new bike the drop down menu has a rather long list of bike names last seen in a thread called "what are all the trials bikes ever manufactured?", or something like that.......that Hitachi of yours might need a kick. I suspect the Wiki link might be something we'll see in the future, not sure but it would be a sensible assumption
  14. Googled before I did this, to be honest I was looking for a UK dealer because the euro direct site does not come up with what I want, even sending them a part number hasn't helped. If i can't get em I'll have to try something else.
  15. Greeting chaps...looking for some guidance / advice. Anyone know where I might get my hands on Supersprox spockets. Are there no trials spares places that sell them anymore?? Any suggestions gratefully received
  16. A couple of wire loops around it with 25000 volts running through it ought to do the trick.....
  17. Couldn't decide what bit was most sacriligeous, putting the Triumph engine into it or painting it feckin canary yellow.....
  18. Dabster's KOD... Okay I agree that he is but obviously not today, well done Dibs. Maybe this years BTC will be a hell of a lot more interesting than most people thought..
  19. Lets be blunt here chaps, If it's a Brit winning it's fantastic, if it's johnny foreigner it's boring. I'll tell you something the way Bou got up that last section on Thursday was incredible, if that doesn't impress you nothing will, it even impressed Mrs Slapshot
  20. I stopped buying it about 4 years or so ago. I don't want to waste a couple of quid every week on something thats predominantly motocross and mostly motocross based advertising, if that's what I was interested in then fair enough. I think the standard has fallen over the years to a situation now that I don't believe it's worth the money. The whole ethos of news media has changed, information is available rapidly these days through TC and they myriad of club websites you can get your scores and maybe good selection of images fairly quickly after the event, in those terms I don't see TMX still being on the shelves in a couple of years time. If it's got to go through a wholesale change to survive, I don't see where it can go. I don't think the owners would contemplate the suggestions already made,valuable as they are because there would be little need for a weekly publication of this sort.
  21. Probably got one of the kids to type it for him....
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