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slapshot 3

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Everything posted by slapshot 3
  1. Panic, look where you want to go, tightly close your eyes, cross your fingers then let Gravity take it's course
  2. Loads of threads on this topic in "general". Alpinestars and Sealskinz...can't beat them
  3. So, you don't want any Newfy jokes ....
  4. Any propeller or any sort will suffer from cavitation when it's in water and going quick enough....simple physics really
  5. We were waiting for the Girlies to adorn the bonnet of the car.....least it would have been better than work
  6. ...How crazy are they..... Right now out the back of the office here there's a guy with a gleaming white Impreza having loads of photos taken of it. Now that maybe doesn't sound too odd but they've set up a whole fecking studio in the carpark, big Flashlights with umbrellas light meters the whole lot......Its MINUS 4, the car park is covered in ice and snow you can barley stand up but they are there taking fecking photos....mental
  7. I quite enjoy that girly stuff you americans play...... even watched that Soup Bowl thing the other night...
  8. I work in an office whose fixation is bloody football, can't get away from it.
  9. I saw the phrase RAW goat yohgurt and felt a bit queasy, a nice goats cheese maybe but come on. I didn't realise RAW made a range of food products...
  10. Dom I hope that's been photoshopped if not I'd feel sorry for the poor beggar whatever gender he/she/it might be
  11. Never touched the stuff...... 25/30 years ago it was all about carbs and nothing but the carbs...
  12. Best response you'll get it to try as many different bikes as you can and narrow down from there. What suits us may not be what you're after. I ride a Beta and find it suits me better than anything else; try them all first. Know what your budget is, try as many different types as you can and a couple of the same bikes as well because they all ride that wee bit different. Buy the best you can afford.
  13. Yeah, big style mate...... ...is it noticeable
  14. Too much of a generalisation, it's a balance of nutrition, Proteins and Carbs. Whereas 10 years ago a pro cyclist might have scoffed his way through 7000 to 10,000 Calories a day it's now probably 5000 to 7000 because of the understanding in how carbs are absorbed and how protein levels assist the absorbtion aand physical use of carbs. Many Many moons ago I used to swim competitively and trained 5 hours a day most days, 2 hours before school, an hour at lunch and 2 more after school. I'd eat 6000+ cals a day to fuel swimming up to 8000M a day but more than80% of what we ate back then was carbs, boxes of mars bars and other sweets were it and most likely the cause of my rotten teeth and less than dynamic shape.... Main point is, everyone's individual optimum diet is specific to them, you can only take a guide from what people tell you or advise, lots of trial and error involved. One study I read recently suggests its a 60% protein / 40% Carb split in general though exact percentages are obviously very individual.
  15. ...we'd heard that.... Oh yeah Brilliant.......now Mrs Slapshot and sprog are trawling the trials sites to see where they can get the tops, (the new Hebo/Iris Kramer designed stuff) my copy of YOU HAVE USED WORDS OR A PHRASE WHICH ARE NOT PERMITTED ON THIS WEBSITE. PLEASE DELETE YOUR POST/TOPIC. DO NOT TRY TO CIRCUMVENT THE FILTERS IN PLACE ON THIS WEBSITE just happened to be open at the right/wrong page whatever way you look at it...... Agreed though, good to see trials on TV .... Can you call Channel 5 mainstream yet???
  16. Ignore the music but loved some of the prangs. Always make me feel good when I superstars making a complete B*****ks of it.... I did notice our erstwhile Webmaster moving in like a bullet to record the fate of a certain young Mr Dabill, going backwards rapidly minus bike...
  17. Just watched the Genoa stuff on Eurosport, that looks like fun...
  18. Can I suggest maybe you read some of this thread again a bit more closely. No-one is obejcting to people doing the self help stuff like you suggest and I suspect for years there have been moans and groans to various Stewards and officials about some of the shenanigans that have happened over the years however, the rider in question is an agents rider and an award winner over many years. What's got people's backs up is that it's been so blatant and that even though caught and shamed he stood his ground and refused to confess, accepted his awards and did others out of their rightful positions and awards. My previous comment on this topic: The guy in question should never get an entry to the trial again and maybe the riders, his peers should shame him into quitting but after what's happened so far I don't think he has any shame. Ultimately he chose to cheat It's his responsibility
  19. Big John....obviously knows more about these things than he's letting on
  20. See as a professional Ayrshireman I'd never have got that ..... always said there were some funny folk over that side..
  21. Like every sport cheating's been going on forever but if you condone or try to reason why then all you do is a: completely disrespect the event the organisers have put together, b: disrespect your fellow competitors and c: disrespect the sport. If you can live with yourself through that then good luck to you, hope you get caught, hope it's public and sincerely hope you never get near the sport again. Said individual got caught out, he has no entry this year and for sticking the proverbial two fingers up at the organisers I hope his entry "get's lost in the post" every year, same goes for anyone else caught. He couldn't have done this alone so some others out there need to have a good look at themselves but he chose to do it, someone with a bit of honour and respect would have retired, end of. As for the stewards, they have a huge event to look after, they are not omnipresent, you see something, shout!! I do remember one rather vociferous steward in the mid 80's like nothing better than catching French riders bending the rules...
  22. ...As in that BSA you ride p65 trials on you soft git!!!! you're just as bad as that pillock Kinell, I should have known better than use that word on here
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