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slapshot 3

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Everything posted by slapshot 3
  1. Paul, I think there enough scope on the route both days to get to parc ferme for a top up, have a look at the route I sent you last year, I don't think they'll be hugely dissimilar Donald
  2. slapshot 3


    Who's been talking..
  3. The other day I went into town to shop at Woolworth's. I was only in there for about 5 minutes, and when I came out there was a cop writing out a parking ticket. I went up to him and said, "Come on man, how about giving a senior citizen a break?" He ignored me and continued writing the ticket. I called him a Nazi turd. He glared at me and started writing another ticket for having worn tyres. So I called him a $%#&! head. He finished the second ticket and put it on the windshield with the first. Then he started writing a third ticket. This went on for about 20 minutes. The more I abused him, the more tickets he wrote. Personally, I didn't care. I came into town by bus. I try to have a little fun each day now that I'm retired. It's important at my age
  4. I'm obviously getting too predictable........ beer for the observers, large bribes for your single clean of the day.......... If you want serious, even last year, I threw some basics in my bag just to run up the road to the dam. Couple of plugs, turds and a tube, couple of split links, and a brake lever. You never know...now if I'd put a spare silent block from the middle exhaust, I might have caught it before it fried the brake hose and ruined my brakes...could have got back down the Penstock road even quicker.
  5. slapshot 3


    The brain is wrapped round the waist, how else would it get this big..... Been studying all this stuff since I was a kid, Physics, Maths you want to see some of the books I have at home, of all the really bright guys think Carl Sagan is my favourite, had to move one of his books out to get your's in
  6. slapshot 3


    Big bunch of girls.......no one resorted to maths or bull$h!t yet..: Examine the Milky Way (our Galaxy, not the choccy bar you can eat between meals without ruining your appetite) Okay if we assume, using latest estimates, that there are 400 billion stars (4.0 x 1014, one UK Billion = 1.0 x 1012) in the Milky Way then a little bit of assumption and maths tells us the following: if 1 in 100 stars in the Milky way have planetary systems then there are: 4.0 x 1014 / 100 = 4.0 x 1012 supporting a planetary system in the Milky Way If we then assume 1 in 100 of these stars have planetary systems similar to the Solar System then there are: 4.0 x 1012 /100 = 4.0 x 1010stars with planetary systems similar to the Solar System in the Milky Way If we then assume that 1 in 8 planets (Pluto is not officially a planet anymore) is capable of supporting intelligent life AS WE KNOW IT.. then 4.0 x 1010 / 8 = 5 x 109 or 5,000,000,000 planets capable of supporting life in our own Galaxy. This is purely based on simple numbers no other factors taken into account, however; as 75% of the stars in the Milky Way are Red Dwarfs and lack the UV Radiation thats been critical in evolution of life on Earth then we could safely cut that number by a quarter to 1,250,000,000 potential planets that could support life. It is completely unknown how many stars have planetary systems or if these planets have moons that can support intelligent life (many scientists thought that Europa, one of Jupiters moons, may have the right conditions), it's impossible to accurately review these numbers. If we assume however, purely for hypothesis sakes, these numbers are realistic (not flippin likely) then based on the estimate of 240 billion galaxies in the known universe, then: (1.25 x 109) x (2.4 x 1014)= 3 x 10 23 planets (and Milton Keynes ) capable of supporting intelligent life. Based on these numbers alone I think it's safe to say there are others out there however there are far better brains than mine looking at this. Dr Frank Drake, the guy who championed and was instrumental in setting up SETI (Search for Extra Terrestial Intelligence) created The Drake Equation in the 60's examining the true potential extent of life in other star systems, worth a read.....(maybe), alternatively, you could always go along with the thinking of Enrico Fermi another eminent physisist who created The Fermi Paradox which questions the apparent contradiction between the high probability of extraterrestrial civilizations' existence and the lack of contact with such civilizations. The Wikipedia geeks go into Drake and Fermi much better than I ever could, I'm not going to cut and paste links above. UFO's, definately, there has to be someone else out there with the same power of imagination to ask the same questions we do. Jeez, you'll have us question the existance of Nessie soon This post has been sponsored by Billy Craig, Healthchek and Bull$h1t Organisation and by the Dabster and AtomAnt Fighting Fund.
  7. javier, there is a minor problem in beer issue. Big John is pretty well known around these parts for the tight grip on his wallet, so tight is his grip that Andy (TC site owner) took a photo the last time he bought a round. If he digs deep again be sure to record it for posterity and post it on here as well... one of these odd weekends he's going to slap me.
  8. I think the phrase what goes around comes around.....I remeber all the abuse I used to take from scottish trials riders when I was a kid (a certain individual as well) so it only seems fair now....and as I said what goes around comes around a certain young whippersnapper by the name of David Moffat takes the mickey when ever he can.... hmm thick skinned think you have to be in this game.
  9. I'm affy glad he added the "and yourselves"....any similarity between Big John and a Pro trials Rider is purely coincidental I phone Anne Gordon and get her to put two #99s in the programme
  10. Please note pic...one of only three in known existence where John has both feet on the pegs. Did you get your entry John, or has Annie given you the push as well.... If they've given you a number near Paul you can hold each other's hands, means David(if he got an entry) could enjoy his day instead of nursing you old boys around.
  11. Go on a diet .... get your scales checked first Slapshot 3 - been playing and coaching ice hockey for the last 25+ years ...the three is my shirt number
  12. Agreed, taking the pi$$ a bit with prices like that but it's not the first item he's had on E Bucket at rediculous prices...
  13. Frenchie, where the P65 Scottish (for want of a better title) is concerned, the rules have caused so many problems, there is no way you can comment on a "Whimsical" basis........pity
  14. ....erm....because the factories prevent them from riding... or do you have more insider info?????
  15. His morning run is really only 40 minutes but he missed a turning somewhere.......
  16. just make sure there are plenty of the "podium Girlies".......
  17. Pretty sure Atom resigned with TTT Beta for another year. Much the same opinion, nothing to prove but 100 is such a nice round number, 8 is a nice number as well....
  18. Alpinestar No Stops - Sealskins...always dry good strong grippy boots, nothing better
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