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slapshot 3

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Everything posted by slapshot 3
  1. I think Jammy " word won't get past his word filter" just about covers it......
  2. Just to irritate all you nay sayers.....but Clicky........guess you could say don't count your championships till the stewards sing...
  3. Anyone heard anything yet??????
  4. no clutch...I flipping kill myself...
  5. FFS give the kid a break, shouldn't the teaqm know about this, they are the ones changing the tyres. As for sanction, there is no set sanction for this offence
  6. AtomAnt's opinion is absurd in your eyes, but not in the eyes of many people. Debate and discuss but respect the right to an opinion, isn't that why Blair and Bush concocted the smoking gun lie in the first place, to give the people of Iraq an opinion, a right to choose their own futures. If it's not the reason then the war in Iraq was nothing more than State Sponsored Bullying. Unfortunately, I fear your attitude to Atom's valid opinion speaks volumes for global alliances today....... I see that you don't have respect for my right to an opinion about Mr. Ant's opinion. Volumes, indeed. Wrong Malibu, I have every respect for your opinions, you simply did not express an opinion till much later in the thread, you just launched a glib caustic statement about someone elses, that was my objection, nothing more, nothing less. I am not some Pinko Pacifist who wants to drag our troops home for no other reason than they are there, If I could point you to my original comment : THAT IS WHY WE ARE THERE As to comments about terrorism: One Friday night whilst living in Germany we were in town saying goodbye to a colleague, we couldn't get home because a suspect device had been found near the back gates of our base, our young Kids were at home with a young baby sitter, the road was closed and the bomb disposal guys were having a good look at things. This happened the same night as a Mortar blasted a hole in a church in a Garrison in Osnabruck(the IRA scored an own goal there mind you it was the Chapel they bombed). The controlled explosion proved that it was a hoax but it took three days to rebuild the stretch of our fence that the explosion had damaged....terrorism on your doorstep, been there done that. I KNOW why we put our troops in places we maybe shouldn't, I strongly suspect, like Gizza, there are friends we wished we still had but don't because they have given their lives in the defence of the rights and freedoms we take for granted... NEXT
  7. AtomAnt's opinion is absurd in your eyes, but not in the eyes of many people. Debate and discuss but respect the right to an opinion, isn't that why Blair and Bush concocted the smoking gun lie in the first place, to give the people of Iraq an opinion, a right to choose their own futures. If it's not the reason then the war in Iraq was nothing more than State Sponsored Bullying. Unfortunately, I fear your attitude to Atom's valid opinion speaks volumes for global alliances today.......
  8. What century are you posting from? Malibu, it's called expressing an opinion whatever century or archaelogical period you are in. If you have an opinion express it properly, don't just throw in a caustic remark just because you disagree
  9. Don't think it'll ever end up like Vietnam, there they had a finite end point, one country unified under communism as it was at the time. Iraq is different we'll have civil war and continual factions battling for decades to come until one man is able to unite the factions, you know someone like Saddam Hussein, the Blair Jnr Jnr and Bush Jnr Jnr Jnr will go and invade to get rid of another dictator.... you can see some predictability of a pattern here. We make our allegiancies and honour the commitments to them, we've done that and we need to continue to do it to protect those who can't protect themselves. However, I do think it's time that they had the chance to stand on their own. going to take the splinters out my butt now
  10. ty250...if you update your profile it'll automatically tell us where you are mate
  11. From the Xipsa response I'm expecting a Ghostly machine, all their talk of apparitions and manifestations...... This is going to get fun isn't it
  12. Let's be blunt, the kid is pretty special. If a kid like Lewis can elicit the comment "the greatest driver around now, probably ever", from Stirling Moss who has never rated anyone since Fangio, he has to have something. Hope he trounces them next weekend. As for the comments (a little arrogant if you want an honest opinion) about a spoilt brat and stuff like that look at what his old man did to get him where he is as well as what McLaren have done. Tell you what though if being a spoilt brat was going to earn me a
  13. Every Outing First, give the bu&&er a good clean, don't blast bearing sites with the power hose, dry it off. Check all bolts for tightness or take em all out and loctite the bu&&ers in. Take off timing side cover dry it out give it a blast with WD40 Take bolt off bottom of float chamber on Carb empty it out and make sure there are no deposits in the bottom, if so clean em out Clean Air Filter Give chain a good soak in deisel, wire brush the worst of the cr@p off, wash it to get the rest off it put it back on the bike and give it a blast with chain lube (the better ones disperse any water left between plates rollers etc. Check all breathers/fuel hoses for cracks, blockages, splits etc replace as necessary Every 12 - 15 hours use All of the above PLUS Change Gearbox oil (use 500cc Dextron ATF) Check for play in bearings (Wheels, suspension mounts etc etc) replace as necessary Check for play at head stock, re-adjust if necessary Check brake calipers, clean them make sure pads aren't lipped or overly worn replace as necessary Strip Carb blow through jets etc with an airline or compressed air canister Check play in Chain adjust as necessary, check wear on sprockets replace as necessary That's the routine stuff I do plus dealing with any other issues as they happen, hope this helps
  14. Interesting to know, does anyone know if this still happens? Boof you've moved......yeah be interesting to know what there is, might join again if it's worth it
  15. FAT LADS WHEELIE - dead easy Pick 3rd or 4th gear, give it a handful and hang your lardy butt over the back of the mudguard....some of us are experts at this
  16. Joined CSMA years ago not long after I started working for the Met Office (22 years ago!!!) membership lapsed after a few years but often think about joining again.
  17. Moved to Sherco Forum...
  18. Nah - I've seen how he rides his bikes Was that one of them right place right time coincidences....... I'd be shouting for commission at least Andy
  19. And as if by magic, the shopkeeper appears By the way tuck chow away mate you'll be catchin up soon....... My body is a temple.....Just that the conservatory and other extension show as well. It works Spud, there's more weight to move around
  20. Dodgy ground Spud Dodgy ground.........
  21. slapshot 3

    Brakes Rubbish

    Ade, Chances are you have dinged something enough that you need some repairs. Before that try the adjustment on the rod, scroll the rod out in steps and try the brakes every turn or so, you might find that does it if not there may be issues with the master cylinder....they are not that expensive from Lampkins. If thats the case once you change it and put the system back together the best way to re bleed (after months of d!cking about and numerous phonecalls to Lampkins) is to attach the cylinder to the frame, get a long screwdriver and use it to pump the system till you get pressure in the system. Once there take the cylinder off and reconnect the rod and remount in the frame then adjust the acctuation rod until you get the feel you need in your brakes. This works believe me, good luck
  22. yeah lots...Stevenston (!) Dalmellington and Lanarkshire clubs
  23. ....and are you government employed....doing covert design work do you introduce yourself as Tim, Too Fast Tim and do you prefer your vodka martini stirred or shaken....... ....... I could tell you but...... Presently working for a company that manufactures teslameters (guess what they measure). High energy physics institutes (for those that don't know) use magnets, big magnets and lots of them. Also working on instrumentation for ITER (http//www.iter.org). Will be visiting JET (http://www.jet.efda.org/) in 10 days time as well as some of those institutes listed above. Donald, for somebody who plays Tetris on a Cray this is a bit rich I'll bet that you have one of the few Crays in the UK, you and GCHQ! I always thought Teslas were the girls OMD sang about......it explains your magnetic personality Tim Think we only use the Cray for space invaders now, it was deemed too slow for our needs and we now have one NEC SX-8 and 2 SX-6 Super chappies for Tetris, doom and occasionally forecast modeling, if the climate change mob don't get to it first..... Seriously they run on "Nodal" processors at huge speeds and processing power of 19.5 TeraFLOPS, pretty poor when beside Blue Gene but it seems to do the job...for now
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