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slapshot 3

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Everything posted by slapshot 3
  1. It's not a new scenario and funnily enough Honda involved agin, think we all hypothesised at the prices of the RTLs Steve and Eddy lejeune rode in the 80's, I heard numbers in the hundreds of thousands. It's the price we pay for havng the biggest manufacturer in the business involved in the trials game though Montesa, think i'd rather have them than not.....
  2. Thanks and done. Welcome to the throng madcr500
  3. Clicky Linky You'll find the info at the link above Marcus
  4. Dodgy education Mr Bigfoot....Sweetie not sweaty, dragging this website into the gutter.... mind you if it should be sweaty is that why it's called eye candy
  5. Go tour the Battle of the Bulge places. Bastogne, Malmedy etc. That's what I'd do, but not everybody's cup of tea! .......and you miss out the Belgy Beer and a weekend of Jakes company.....
  6. Texan bars and Aztecs were my favs, we're kind of lucky in Stonehaven we have a wee sweetie shop that still sell boiled sweets and other less popular stuff, it's great. Same growing up, got my pocket money from my gran and used to go to ganelli's in Saltcoats for my weeks sweeties.....10p pocket money!!! how times change. Their home made ice cream was to die for
  7. Interesting, what's the scoop, I don't buy the rag very often and have missed this one. In any situation though you don't shaft the volunteers that ensure your events run properly, either that or a) you need to pay them or B.) the Acu needs a rethink on the National Sporting Code....not good what ever the scenario is
  8. All your old favourites........ Sweetie Heaven
  9. I think Ian's comment covers it Jeez, what can you say to that!!!
  10. Yeah, he's much bigger than you.....
  11. Don't want to gloat or anything like that but ....looked like I got the weather spot on........ two years in a row.... Jake wants to stop these expensive subscriptions and put me on commission..... Glad it didn't pi$$ down, tends to water the beer down too much
  12. Echo this, well done Atom (no not you Ian ).....Pretty immense season, championship in the bag with two rounds to go, nice one. Bigger picture of course, gives us a great outlook, Atom, Wiggy, Sam Haslam (obviously had a blinder in the Gasser), Lee Sampson and of course Ross in the youths, Jack Challenor and a rake of others from the schoolboys British trials has a rosy future, Well done each and every one of you. Still hacked off I couldn't get there but never mind, such is life
  13. You know what, I finally plan a year where it's likely I'll get to Hawkestone and work bu&&ers it up but you jammy sods who are going, "work" looks like it's going to turn out pretty good for you Good sunny periods temperature 19 to 21 degrees maybe 22 at a stretch, not too breezy 20% chance of a shower.....hate the lot of you Even that cr@ppy bbc autotext rubbish works out in situations like this...have fun and I hope your hangovers are murderous on Sunday morning
  14. depends how much you drink...... Mind you the way the evolution has gone in the last couple weeks anything could happen, snow anyone????? flippin nightmare
  15. The forecast is getting better you lucky people: Chart: from yesterdays, the little low looks as though it does not develop and deepen as much therefore will have less northern movement (it's called warm advection....) therefore the worst of the rain will stay well south of hawkstone, though pic 2 suggests a really clear area on Sunday, there's still a chance of a shower or two
  16. Trials Central Health Warning: Riders should NOT try to emulate the injuries Of Barry Baines..it is dangerous Hope things get better soon Stump Magnet, that does not look good. Keep us up to date with your recovery
  17. Mind you talking to myself is the only way I can get a decent conversation.........
  18. Right a bit more: Two pics attached Pic 1 forecast chart for 1200Z (1300local) Sunday: Low pressure heading across central midlands area (should help the flooded areas further south out a bit), the position of the warm front and the low does not help Hawkstone, Rain & low cloud across most of the area but won't be cold not too windy either. Second pic (hopefully) rainfall pattern again 1300 Sunday paler colours light rain, purple colours heaviest
  19. Not second guessing, just science.... weather.......
  20. Right, had a good look at our guidance for the weekend and it looks as though Saturday will be pretty good but Sunday is not looking great at all Saturday: Generally dry with bright periods but the odd chance of a shower during the day, a light winds, temperatures up a max of around 18 to 20 degrees. Should stay dry through Saturday evening but as the night progresses it'll start raining. Sunday: Not nice, yet another band of moderate/heavy rain crossing the southern half of the UK. How much will hit Hawkstone area/ Shropshire is a bit open to debate just now depends on the exact track of the low however models suggest a good 12 hours of rain with a few fairly heavy bursts in among that, temperatures staying fairly high 18 to 20 degrees and light winds. Probably not what you wanted to hear, we only the messengers.....I'll look again towards Friday
  21. Flood Aid - buckets..........and Ian I'd happily pay
  22. Whahay a vote of confidence, thats a first on here I'm busy just now but I'll have a look once the new model data and guidance comes out after midnight, might as well use the up to date stuff
  23. skite.....was that a spelling mistake Steveo
  24. I own this site and am a Scotsman myself (which is partly why these guys are doing this - they can't find a kangaroo to mount so they'll wind up the Jocks!). I firmly believe if you can't laugh at yourself then you have no right to laugh at anybody else. You appear to be one of the modern day "Pee Cee" brigade who can't take a bit of fun, like to scream "abuse" at every opportunity and are contributing to the downfall of our once great country where everybody must be politically correct 100% of the time. I don't hold with that. It's banter, end of story. I could delete it in a second - as could Slapshot, but we see it the way it's intended. Just a bit of fun and winding up on an internet forum that means nothing in real life. If you don't like it, don't read it. I am not about to let Trials Central fall victim to the PC brigade. Andy I can assure you - i am not part of the PC brigade. I must be a bit slow but how is it winding up Scots. I suspect your comments are aimed at the original joke and I did contemplate deleting when It came up however it didn't target a single group and the first response back came from a guy who lives in New Zealand but used to live in South Africa no problems there. As to the wind up, I can give as good as I get and enjoy the banter. Like the boss said I could have deleted it but didn't see the need
  25. Yea thats it Cope, but unlike those Scots, we dont wear dresses... Unlike us Scots though, you lot ain't man enough to be able to wear a kilt Now dont you go jumping to conclusions Slapshot,I once tried a kilt that was borrowed from a friend in the local pipe band,a great big strapping lad he was too. The problem was we could na get the hemline low enough to venture out in public.... Steveo, you can always remove your extentions before adjusting the hemline or do what most of us Scots do....wrap it round your thigh a couple of times
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