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slapshot 3

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Everything posted by slapshot 3
  1. Yea thats it Cope, but unlike those Scots, we dont wear dresses... Unlike us Scots though, you lot ain't man enough to be able to wear a kilt
  2. And which bit of your anatomy do you use slapper? and we know it's not that bit Trade secret OTF.......... I never move stones in sectons, if i move the beggars I'm guaranteed they'll jump up and bite me how you doin anyway you old beggar
  3. Big John doesn't use his feet to shift rocks he uses a Matchless......
  4. nowt on Trialonline yet.......
  5. Lacho, Alpinestar no-stops comfiest things I've ever worn they are mega comfy. Get youself a pair of sealskins and you'll stay bone dry as well Cheers Slapshot
  6. Just a little reminder of your weekend at Alvie, thanks to Nigel Greenwood for the paddock photo. Big John OH for a caption contest.......
  7. I know we knew these guys were nuts but a Backflip on a Honda 90..........doesn't bear thinking about
  8. How much of a pain is stripping this thing down to fix the seals and what not.....any tips would be much appreciated Donald
  9. wondered why Dicko bought you a pint...... I'll get me coat
  10. If it's true our friends from Gas Gas might have a couple of issues.........
  11. He really does look after us you know
  12. It's just a good excuse to look at girlies lets be honest, that and to bring out all those smutty childish innuendos, them spanish supository things I did tell you about the .....Daily Distractions
  13. ooeer missus I can see this thread overtaking the Beta Stroker thread
  14. That's just wishful thinking justin.... but would agree to having similar thoughts
  15. You bad boy Mr Grieg ...... Carolyn made me say that but personally have to agree with Maria and perhaps add Gemma to your list......
  16. "O wad some Power the gift tae gie us tae see oursels as ithers see us!" - Robert Burns To a Louse Kind of apt, Good stuff ScottT
  17. What plug and mixture you using mate
  18. Knackered the back brake on my Beta at the Scottish, needed a new hose and the full bleed etc one I got it back together. Don't know whether this helps or not but what I did was to take off the reservoir, attach a full (50cc) syringe to the hose, open the nipple and push fluid through till I had a solid column of fluid, ie no air bubbles then nip the nipple back up. Kink the hose between the res and cylinder (as close to the reservoir as possible) just enough to stop any back flow reattach the reservoir and top up with fluid, give it a few taps and any air in the top hose should bubble into the reservoir. Pump the brake a few times make sure your pads are closing and refit to the bike. Should work , otherwise, your hose is leaking somewhere, your piston rubbers or your master cylinder is knackered. CAVEAT.....This was on a Beta Rev 3, I have absolutley no idea of the set up of Scorpa back brake but the actual process might work for you, they can't be that different
  19. I always thought that passport thing was an easy one...... "Carolyn Where's my passport" sorted
  20. I love all these "chats" about the rules, we all lose sight of reality. I think our sport needs to look at it's roots and it's history to see where we need to be. We started at no stop and have moved further away every year. The sport at it's top echelon is nothing like what you and me will tackle week in week out and to be honest that always worries me. My other sport, is going through a big transition just now in Scotland and it's probably going to kill hockey for smaller clubs. The big clubs whose focus is money are pulling the sport away from clubs that don't have the money or infrastructure to follow suit, instead of moving to support the smaller clubs our governing is following the big clubs and the money, they are moving the sport away from us. The mirror with trials is there, how much more is the sport going to have to change in this country to allow our young riders to cope with "The Show", it's where we've all dreamed of being at some point in our lives. Motocross is the same whether you ride club scrambles, classic scrambles, national champs etc, the difference is the ability to ride quicker than your peers but in base terms you still ride scrambles. If the sport of trials is to I firmly believe we need to get the rules back to where we were 20years ago before the hop skip and jump came in, back to no stop. The best riders will still be the best riders but it becomes something we can all attain. A recent thread in Rappers weekly column pulled about 80 responses on the basis of the severity of the Scottish and without hijacking it, the Scottish did what it had to do, find a winner from the 270 riders using no stop rules, maybe the answer is there...... Cue protests
  21. You can get it Mr Dabster, we use the cloth tape stuff on the blades of Ice Hockey sticks. If you have a skate shop near you (you should have in Milton Keynes they have English Premier league teams there) go in and ask for stick tape Hairspray, the expensive stuff the wife uses in the shop (none of you tell her by the way, that stuff's
  22. that's just an age thing Ian.... I was busy thinking about the copyrights of the Shipping Forecast
  23. 4th Pic down....now that's a proper bit of scrambling.. some nice pics in that lot
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