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slapshot 3

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Everything posted by slapshot 3
  1. If only we could get some weather like that in Stonehaven, it's rare in the UK never mind Stoney..........mind you I do remember having to dig a shrouded Alfa out of rime ice like that in Germany, an amazing phenomenon if it lasts long enough to create conditions like that shown in the pic.
  2. Now there's a valid point for all of us Seriously, If the FIM are going to allow this then why bother reducing the number of minders, they could have any amount of input if they are on the right channel/frequency, sound a bit daft to me.
  3. Okay, this is getting stupid....1 mark down on the first lap: how is it feasible that Bou has gone from 5th last year to being miles ahead of the rest in such a short period of time???? If you can find what it is can I have some as well.....
  4. ....has to be photoshop, Andy's scoob doesn't look that polished
  5. ......because I'm technically useless........ Thanks For the replies all of you, I'll post back when she's sorted. What I need to fix properly first is the flippin back brake....can't get it any pressure in it the system, back to square one with It i suspect slainte Donald
  6. slapshot 3

    Mixture Screw

    Rejetted the Carb, curious to get peoples views on mixture, jets now 27.5 pilot 145 main, how many turns from fully "in"...advice please
  7. Its all to do with balance..... that couple of ounces at the front makes all the difference!!!! randyrat If you've only a couple of ounces at the front ...........fill in your own answers
  8. Mrs Slapshot thinks its a disgusting poll Andy First vote, and I'm definately trying not to kill myself......
  9. ......mind you I did notice a few mucky finger prints on the top of the crankcases...and I didn't put them there
  10. Took this at the Scottish and I guess our new Media Star, Professor Moffat, would go in the huff if no one puts it up on here....... ...mind you it is gorgeous
  11. Poor old bugger was flagging towards the end of the week but wouldn't any normal human being. K's bike sounded just like Pasquet's 280, practically no discernable noise difference but it certainly had a bit more grunt. 4t's looked classy at the Scottish and were so much nicer to listen than those noisy Monts and Shercos, they were drowning out the jets that buzzed us all week
  12. slapshot 3

    Beta Rev-4

    This must be some sort of joke? all those comments about the Beta and no you have seen the light! His happy pills have just Kicked in.........
  13. I have to agree with Perce, after two years living in Ripon, Yorkshire bitter is what I'll drink given the choice. John Smiths, Theakstons Best or Tetleys, the early stuff from the Black Sheep Brewery were bloody good: Black Bull in Masham the night it went on sale...fantastic, I've heard it's gone off a bit since
  14. On Saturday morning my Dad, Duncan Young a long time member of the Stevenson Club, suffered a Stroke as we were packing up ready to leave at the end of the day. He's okay and was moved from Fort William back to the local hospital in Ayrshire today. I'm really happy to say his condition is improving in leaps and bounds. This post is purely a huge thanks to the members of the trials fraternity who have passed their best wishes and messages of support back to us by phone, email and every other method possible since Saturday. It's probably impossible to contact everyone again so on behalf of the whole Young family THANKS I asked the boss if it was okay to put this in here, it seemed apt.
  15. A spectators view.... I'm not qualified to speak as a rider, Ive never ridden, I've only tackled bits of them moors on occasions but I can comment as a spectator after my 37th or 38th Scottish (lost count and I've more on my mind right now). Monday was vicious, Leanachan looked about spot on for openers but Lagnaha ( ) was horrific and would have been in the dry never mind the torrent flowing down it, it was horrible. Tuesday, decided to go and see the whole entry through Forest Gate, real tough sections but from seeing the entry through they were definately rideable by the whole cross section of the riders. Wednesday: Rubha Ruadh was the same as always straightforward if you got them right, hard if you didn't. First step is rideable by nearly everyone these days but as that slot wears away the second step catches many riders out. Saw a couple of other groups from the roadside but definately tough. Thursday our off day so didn't see anything Friday: WD's very rideable and Trotters is Trotters Saturday, I didn't see anything apart from half a dozen riders on the Town Hall Brae. On the whole this year appeared harder in the early part of the week predominantly, as already aluded too, the feedback from riders and mates outlined that. When you see riders keeping going on stubborness, lucozade and adrenaline by lunchtime on Wednesday, you know it's tough. I've seen other years much harder and others more straightforward in many variable weather conditions so maybe the balance was nearly right. My only real negative comment would be that I was surprised to see the THB so tough, that was a bit of a shock, many look forward to that section as their clean at the end of the week and maybe the toughness of that sums the week up for many. All in all I think it was a great week trials wise, it always is.
  16. have to agree, John was compulsive listening last week, the Jamie Reid Interview was priceless, nice one john
  17. Apologies to all the Mont and Sherco 4 stroke riders but the Beta's looked and sounded amazing last week, quiet and efficient and I'm not sure but was Pasquet riding a bigger capacity Beta, his sounded really special. Just my opinion....
  18. And the award for stating the bleeding obvious goes to... That's why I sign on as official press (as did Bigfoot and Matt). It gives me/us the benefit of insurance. Unlike the retards who just take their bikes where they fancy... ....and I'm hacked off i didn't have the camera to my eye when either Dan or Ben Hemmo gave Bigfoot a front wheel slap at Forest Gate on Tuesday
  19. Nothing new folks, still looking dodgy Sunday into Monday and Tuesday, looks like an improving situation through Wednesday & Thursday with Friday and Saturday likely to be the best days of the week, sorry folks. I've emailed HL a couple of links, if she'll let me I'll take a look mid week
  20. Vinnie.... or if we are being honest Trialero13, Carles Casas is due this year,
  21. You're just a big feartie... ..... You know that Anne WILL find you on Friday that's why you're being coy, now that would be fun to watch.
  22. There is loads of interest every year but they won't give any information away prior to the trial to ensure they sell as many programmes as possible you can understand their intentions. The last time there was anything published prior to the event was when the tMX published the programmes. I've tried sweet-talking Anne Gordon for an entry list to laminate the last couple of years but she won't bite even though she knows I'll buy half a dozen programmes anyway......(I'm a sad boy but you lot know that anyway)I think I've got every P65 programme
  23. You must be talking about our 'Master of Champions' series on ABC? either that or Judge Judy
  24. Ive tried to be a bit cagey about the weather for next week because basically we have not been confident about the forecasts beyond Sunday, believe it or not our customers place a lot on the "confidence" we have in forecast. How we figure that out is looking at the range of models (mathematical not glamour unfortunately) we use if they are similar then we can be reasonably confident about the pattern, if not less so. Over the last day or two none of them have matched very well however they are starting to come together and it's not great news. As you have no doubt guessed this don't look so great anymore, Friday and Saturday will still be fine for the pre65 but going into Sunday, it looks increasingly likely that the settled weather we've had will start to break down. At the moment we are looking at a band of rain crossing the North West of Scotland later on Sunday, a dry parade is touch and go, then showery for the next day or two after that out to Wednesday at the earliest, Thursday on it should start to dry out and warm up again. The only good thing is that it'll probably change again before the weekend. Sorry guys, come prepared for a "normal" Scottish. Hope Ishy packs the Goretex and hopefully this turns out completely wrong
  25. AtomAnt, write to JD and let him know your feelings. I did and he responded. I won't go into detail but its fair to say he doesn't feel there is much to be done until a legal case is put forward, whilst I do not doubt he will assist in the legal case I think he is very much missing the point. The overwhelming support is what will drive this fight forward. In response to Dabster I do not think any particular organisation is co-ordinating things. Y & G Club does seem the obvious choice as they must have an established relationship with Mr Fothergill. I did.....he's not commenting on my comment shall we say....
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