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slapshot 3

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Everything posted by slapshot 3
  1. You'll be forever known for that piccy John ...man at c&a I'll get my T shirt eventually, just cos you got one first. Wednesday sounds good be nice to put a few more faces to names A rare photo of a Scotsman with his hand in his pocket ;-) I'll see you lads in the west end Wed 7.30pm Hand in pocket to prevent money escaping...a trick handed down through the years, I believe its also a hereditary trait in Yorkshire
  2. You'll be forever known for that piccy John ...man at c&a I'll get my T shirt eventually, just cos you got one first. Wednesday sounds good be nice to put a few more faces to names
  3. I am......... , well P65 anyway, still like a pop at one or two of these muppets mind you
  4. i bet your granny would never have suggested such a thing It's true, I watched a couple of folk at the bottom of Mamore Road a couple of years back trying to keep people out they just got ignore and in one case pushed out the way, it's a joke. Don't know what the answer is, you can appeal to them but the reality is thye'll do waht the hell they like.
  5. Depends how lucky you get during the week mind you the burds might expect you to buy your own Andy.....
  6. Ah well time for the abuse to start... Pre 65 and first weekend is looking pretty good from the Pics below 4th: Dry long sunny spells, 15 to 18 degrees light winds 5th: As above 6th: As above but a little warmer, 17-19 degrees 7th: Again as above but warmer again 18-20 degrees its a pretty settled pattern and the longer it stay that way the better however the latter part of the week doesn't look that great at the minute but remember that's nearly two weeks away. It's likely things will start to break down Wednesday/Thursday wet becoming cooler and showery after that.....more to follow before I leave on Thursday.
  7. Flood the engine trying to start it, one last almighty kick and pour all that fuel in to the exhaust, leave it in your silencer for a few minutes and wait for the black tar-like muck to trickle out of the pipe........
  8. Neo, Atom, you're just a pair of cynics (looked this up in the dictionary it said Sherco rider ???? ). There are awkward bits of maintenance, the same as any other bike, yeah they leak fuel but it can be sorted (granted the factory should have done this by now) but for some of us they are a superb trials bike. Neo, the support in this country is absolutley second to none. Do you understand the concept of dillusional behaviour PS Oi Ian, you coming to Gods Country next week or not?? We'll get Passport control set up specially for you
  9. Problem is where the bolt terminates Neo, it's just in line to pick up every bit of crap the back tyre can throw at it, no matter how hard you protect it. I've filled the gap with silicon, see if that make a difference
  10. Good vid......pity about the dodgy facial hair....
  11. ...And if they don't say hello to the observer at dubh lochan on Friday there will be trouble.....or a 5...
  12. well said steve! but i would rather be playing toronto than anahiem. I know where to look for sympathy Steve, it's between sh!t and Syphillis in a dictionary (Queens English, i know you guys have some funny thoughts on spelling ) At least it'll give you Canucks fans a pointer for where to look next week. bit of clairvoyance going on there methinks.....I've just read six emails from my best mate, one after every goal the Scumbags scored and then one at the end. I need to chose my mates more carefully. Schwing........clonk, inagine the sounds of the golf course
  13. Is one allowed to be English these days? I thought the correct terminology was British. One wouldn't want to make any non-English Britons feel uncomfortable, it wouldn't be politically correct. B*****ks ! That politically correct enough for ya I Feel uncomfortable as a non-English briton
  14. limited adjective 1. restricted in size, amount, or extent. 2 not great in ability. What you inferrin mate
  15. wwadaya mean LIMITED.......
  16. At least you got there Brian.......
  17. I could have written anything, none of you would believe me but after 22 years of this job, it's nothing new. It is common in desert areas, but it does happen everywhere. Try this, maybe a better definition for all you doubting bigfoots..... "Virga is any form or precipitation that doesn't reach the ground. There could be rain virga or snow virga. But in either case, the precipitation evaporates somewhere on the journey from clouds toward earth. Virga, which is spelled v-i-r-g-a, is pretty common and you've probably seen it but didn't know it had a special name. It looks like a torn curtain hanging from the cloud, but only down about halfway to the ground below. Sometimes the air thousands of feet above the ground is moist enough to produce clouds and rain at the same time that the air closer to the ground is as dry as a bone. So when rain falls in these conditions it evaporates on its freefall to earth. It is easy to spot its wispy form seemingly hanging in the air beneath its parent cloud" Some Piccys
  18. Donald Wouldn't rain at 3000ft still arrive at ground level as some point soon afterwards? Not always, on that afternoon it was evaporating before it got any where near the ground, one of our higher gauges above Blackwater was registering rain, on our radar we had a band of rain right across the north west but nothing hit the ground till much later in the day. The phenomenon is called Virga Virga
  19. Now let's see... You told me it was going to snow so us Scooby boys could have some carpark fun - you got that wrong You told me it was going to rain at Kinloch for the Brit round - you got that wrong Who exactly are the amateurs? It was raining...if you been three thousand feet up was going to add a pic but it won't let me...sorted 1200UTC (1 pm) 03/05/07 Orange bits are warm air, surface temps about 22-24 degrees, dry patchy cloud light easterly winds (best kind for Fort William Green and Blue colder and suggest wind and rain. What we want is the high pressure warm air over the atlantic in the Pic to drift north and east towards the UK, that would be nice.
  20. Forecast info will commence probably Friday, unless the webmaster wants to use some amateur mob.....
  21. I dread to ask...why the hipflask..... ...... Oh wait I get it, someone get's LOST you get to play St Bernard
  22. nooooo, I'm nothing like Andy, I don't smoke..... Get your butt up here Beardsall, you know you want to
  23. ....so how will we recognise you Doogle....a flower behind your ear?????? I'm easy to spot, fat git with big camera
  24. What's wrong with a bit of hockey chat......I have some great conversations on here about hockey..even though I'm a Leafs fan PS Well done Vancouver, what's the odds on an all Canadian Stanley Cup Final, Vancouver against the Ottawa Scumbags come on Fracy you must have some odds on that mate
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