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slapshot 3

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Posts posted by slapshot 3
  1. Uncle Alex?..............Good one Donald as if that gets you off the hook :shutup:

    Uncle Alex being that very nice Chairman of the P65 committee who sent me copy of the programme because I might not have got there....ariived in the post today.

    PS Carolyn wants to know what all this mankini stuff is about

  2. I'm happy to buy a program, just would like to have an idea of where I am going before I get there :agreed:

    Friday - all the stuff along the lochside is there plus loch Eile Burn, Pipeline and the Aluminium Works

    Saturday - Aluminium Works and Pipeline again plus lots of groups along the top Mamore Road plus Lower Calliach and Lower Mamore on the north side of the Loch and the same groups as Friday on the south side.

    Thanks Uncle Alex......... :thumbup:

    oh and PS....any comments about Old Mr Gizza 5 you've had it....

  3. Up in Scotland for a couple of days but only going to be able to take in one day of the trial. Monday. Want to cram in as much as possible on that day plan is to start at Leanachan also do Lagnaha and Town Hall Brae can anyone recommend a group inbetween that I stand a chance of getting parked at? Was thinking Blackwater or Coire Mhorair, are these groups ok for spectators?



    Blackwater is a long long walk if you're planning Lagnaha as well. Leanachan, leisurely drive down to Lagnaha, coffee and buns in the community centre (unless fatboy Andy Greig gets there first) then two groups of brilliant sections at Lagnaha

  4. Headline news......up to Wednesday looks superb then it's starts to drift a wee bit. All the European models look consistent out till Wednesday which generally means high confidence in the conditions. Beyond that there are strong signs of the settled conditions breaking down. Anyway.... It'll probably all go wrong!! I'll have a look again towards Friday see what changes there are.

    Friday 29th - Partly cloudy, less than 10% chance of a shower, southeasterly winds less than 10mph, temperature 15-18 degrees

    Saturday 30th - Long clear sunny spells, DRY, southeasterly winds less than 10mph, temperature 17-19 degrees

    Sunday 1st - Long clear sunny spells, DRY, southeasterly winds less than 10mph temperature 16-18 degrees

    Monday 2nd - Long clear sunny spells, DRY, southeasterly winds less than 5mph temperature, 19-21 degrees

    Tuesday 3rd - clear sunny spells partly cloudy in the afternoon, DRY, Northeasterly winds less than 5mph temperature, 14-16 degrees

    Wednesday 4th - cloudy, patchy rain and drizzle, northeasterly winds 5-10mph temperature, 12-13 degrees

    Thursday 5th - cloudy, patchy rain and drizzle, northerly winds 5-10mph temperature, 10-12 degrees

    Friday 6th - cloudy, patchy rain, northwesterly winds 10mph temperature, 9-11 degrees

    Saturday 7th - cloudy, patchy rain, northwesterly winds 10mph temperature, 11-13 degrees

  5. just take your mankini and your waterproof poncho, thats you got all angles covered :thumbup::thumbup::banana2:

    Gizza....Mankini......oh god what a terrible thought.

    I'll have a look in a while, got some work stuff to do first.

  6. Hmm, not according to my charts..... light winds from the east warming very nicely coolest day Sunday, 15 - 18 degrees maximums up to 21, but its still over a week away things can and generally do change.









  7. You don't know what I want for it.

    I got rid of mine after a full rebuild about 5 years ago to start riding week in week out.....before my employers got some different ideas!! Would have one in an flash.

  8. I think he's trying to play on the "Honda" thing, you know how much TLRs and RTLs sell for, he's on that line.

    Oh and yes, if it was the right bike, I'd pay it....

    Slapshot 3

    Major Honda Fan

  9. But that was what Dougie wanted. Initially, as far as I can gather, Martin payed no attention to Dougies trials career. It was only later that Doug asked his dad to barrack him when he felt it was due.

    Which is exactly what I said, put the things they need in place then step back and wait, they'll come for the help and and advice when they are ready.

  10. When you see a kid, between the age of 8 and 10 years old, standing getting his card punched a 5 with tears streaming down his face an a loud mouthed Dad shouting behind him, you know there's a problem. This happened a few years ago at a BAMCC national trial at Lumsden and last weekend I was really pleased to see the same kid now in the A class riding really well and enjoying the trial, the difference?? Yup, his old man wasn't there berating every move he made. Some might say that the early stuff might have been giving the kid the motivation to do things right, i'd say b0llocks to that, that was a dad living his dreams through his kid.

    That same day I watched another dad, a well known bike dealer from the North of Scotland coax his son round. Walked the section with him, gave him pointers if the kid asked, then stepped back and let the kid ride making his own mistakes and realising why. That's the way it should be, you can see the same now with a former Scottish Champion coaxing his own son round now. These two are the exception to the rule, I wish there were more of them.

    Mike's article may not be a great advert for Youth Trials however it is stunningly accurate and as he points out, none of the pushy dads will admit to their personal issues. The number of kids you see having the pleasure of a trial destroyed by a shouty dad is sickening at times. On more than one occassion I've wanted to slap a few of these dads. Put the things they need in place then take a step back, kids need to learn and they do that much better by learning from their own mistakes, be there to advise if they want it but wait for them to ask. I think we'll find those objecting most to Mike's article are probably the most guilty of being a pushy parent.

    While a shouty Martin Lampkin as minder worked for Dougie, NONE of you dads are or ever will be a Martin Lampkin you're kids will NEVER be a Dougie if you destroy their love of trials when they are a kid!

  11. When I said the others, what I really mean is the other experts. I also don't need anyone to make me look stupid on a trials bike, I manage that comfortably myself :madnoel:

    Thing is it's been happening for a while now and that's not Gary's fault, they guy is just riding what's laid out for them all. If you make the sections hard enough that they are a big challenge for Gary you'll kill everyone else.

    If you look at the results across the board on Sunday the sections were spot on, winner of each category only lost a few marks, so the level was about right for the best of them and there were loads of cleans for everybody and in most cases not massive numbers of fives, the sections were all rideable, every section was cleanable in every category.

    In my view, you don't lay a trial out for Gary bar maybe the odd section that'll make him think and if you look at his marks, he lost them on two fairly innocuous looking burn sections that were just tricky (the 5 was a missed marker!!). Missing riders would have made the gaps that bit more sensible.

    If you have a trial where a class winner ends up dropping more than 50 or 60 marks it's too hard, you end up with riders fiving nearly every section going home less than pleased at their day out, you might not want to ride that one the following year.

  12. Not officially released yet but here's a sneak preview - I probably finished last in my class :rolleyes:

    Keep an eye on the BAMCC website for the results, I'm sure they'll be posted soon enough?

    GJ :wacko:

    I've a funny feeling you weren't impressed with my attempts on Sunday Donald? That makes two of us mate but it was fun all the same :thumbup:

    GJ :wacko:

    P.S. I hope the rotor puller I lent you strips your threads :moon:

    Gav You started saying those things.....as you're a mate I didn't want to disagree with you .... :thumbup::rolleyes:

  13. As soon as I get them I'll post them on TC and BAMCC.

    They are being finalised and checked tonight.....

    Not officially released yet but here's a sneak preview - I probably finished last in my class :rolleyes: Keep an eye on the BAMCC website for the results, I'm sure they'll be posted soon enough?

    GJ :wacko:

    Don't think you were that High up Gav..... :rolleyes:

  14. around 30 down on last year,could be the traveling costs.

    91 last year if memory serves, 71 entries this year both numbers include non starters. There were not too many from south of the central belt, which is a shame.

    Fuel costs are the same from the like of Fort William as they are from say Ayrshire. There were other trials on but that a whole other political argument!

  15. make sure your gloves fit properly,if they are too big they will bunch up which was the cause of my blisters

    Thought you forces types were all rufty tufty......... it's only a few blisters ;)

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