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slapshot 3

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Everything posted by slapshot 3
  1. One of the best shows on the box, certainly better than most of the dross we are forced to watch
  2. I think....... AAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH just about covers it...
  3. And I will be there for both days of the Pre-65 and the full SSDT week this year (because I'm not going to Japan or Guatamala - yippee!) and I will fulfill on my promise to publicy shame those who jeapordise these events with their selfishness and laziness. Simple Question......which pub?????
  4. Where did you get OTF. Know someone else looking. All the action is pretty handy, bikes are a definate no no, otherwise Andy will take your piccy and call you a muppet publicly... if you pm me an e mail addy, I'll send you a scanned copy of last years routes as a guide Cheers Donald
  5. During the week, yes: Pre 65 everything takes place around Kinlochleven
  6. OTF, I tried booking accomodation in Kinlochleven for my old man and I back in November and it was tight then, eventually found a b.e.d & breakfast Try these Hotels Tigh na Cheo Kinlochleven B&Bs
  7. Never mind the forecast - look out your window! Oi don't give away scientific knowledge like that
  8. Cold and Snowy up on the North Yorks Moors between now and Sunday.....any snowfall turning to rain as Saturday and Sunday progresses, there will still be a lot lying on the ground come Sunday especially up in t'moors.....kid on you're in Scotland Boys and Girls
  9. definately, get some off the lazy b......... of their backsides. Every time I mention Graham Jarvis' name, that eejit wife of mine starts singing the flipping tune
  10. It a symbol similar to the triads.......we know them as the R2W Mob.. I fell off while out last Friday. Bashed my leg but has no retsriction of movement all it was was a bruise. Thought nothing of it till I'd finished work on Sunday night when my leg swelled up like a ballon (no comments necessary). Contacted NHS 24 who said I should get to a hospital PDQ, because it sounded like I had a blood clots blocking a vein or an artery and if I didn't get checked I could really be in the smelly stuff. Everything okay thankfully and managed to get to work on Monday. Must try and find some hard shell pads for above my boots that are not too bulky...suggestions
  11. Big John will be on Flybe booking his flights right now, whether Wee Jean lets him or not
  12. Bike mania on Ice is better and FAR more infuriating, same link but change the number to 733
  13. I was just about to reply the exact same thing! I was going to be less subtle and probably very rude
  14. Just to round these comments off with the Forum Moderator hat on, no personal opinion. (if Andy delete's then so be it) We received a complaint from, I believe, a very much respected member of the US trials community regarding Lane's continual acccusations and personal attacks. Andy gave Lane chances to back his claims up and to answer the accusations. When Lane did not respond within in a generous timescale the Forum was removed. The Forum wasn't removed to stop the fun, banter and nonsense that marked Lane's World, just to remove the vehicle for the bulk of Lane's diatribe. Maybe M4RT, whoever he/she/it was/is needs to make a comeback just to stir folks up again Hope this helps.
  15. It's nice to see Mike on here. A mate of mine went to the Tough One for the Enduro but after watching the Speed Trial he's keen for a crack at trials as well. Maybe that's a benefit of the tough one. What do English Rugby and safe sex have in common, both need a "Johnny" to score. Standard International season of fragile English Fly Half....... gg
  16. across the country you can just sense the reserves getting twitchy.....
  17. Great news on the frontpage about Alexz Link Congrats, the deal is well deserved and hopefully help him move to bigger and better things
  18. That's a worrying thought Mark, thank god there's no mistaking the figure in the ebay add.... I notice no one has come forward to admit ownership....
  19. Anyone got Dicko's email addy......... Congrats Andy, your work mate
  20. Welcome to the TC forum boards Repsolypf, like the attitude. My 13yo daughter asked why I was so slow writing texts, took her a while to understand what I meant by the phrase "I only write in coherent sentences".
  21. Not my first trial but out with my old man playing, years before I had a bike but I got a shot of his shiny new 340 Bultaco, (blue and white first of the proper bash plates, thing scared the cr@p out of me) anyway I was plootering about on this thing and I ran it into a fence....nearly 30 years ago, I still get ragged about it and I guess it's about to get worse......
  22. ...apart from that I'm 40, i don't understand it, I hate it. I get emails from some of the younger players in my team in text talk and it irritates the hell out of me, sent an email back to one of worst of them in Russian, took hours to create but it was worth the phone call 5 mins after I sent it......."what the hell was that all about"
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