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slapshot 3

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Everything posted by slapshot 3
  1. It gets worse....front page...DABBLE talks TRW...don't they mean Dabill....OOPS!!!!
  2. Another trick is to stick it into gear pull the clutch in and rock the bike until you feel the clutch free off, stick it back in Neutral kick it over and you should be fine, however, the Dextron/ATF route will be a better solution
  3. Very much in agreement with the post above, far too much oil. I run 75:1 in a 02 rev 3, I don't have any problems with fouling plugs unless the horrid daughter plays with the throttle. I also found that if i used something like Shell powermax petrol, I could go down to 70:1. Castrol or Silokolene 2T generally Hope it helps
  4. What you going to need warm gloves for anyway It'll be a lovely week, haven't you lot heard of Global Warming.........
  5. So will Raga be usurped by the old King or will a new one rise to the challenge......8 is a much rounder number than 7 Toni has lots of years to win it
  6. Ahhh, Memory lane........ Must admit did like that logo (and those stickers.......Lens hood sized )
  7. To quote Jeff Goldblum in Independance day..."Oops..."
  8. It's done "to encourage riders to take out an annual licence"...
  9. Brother in Law and me are trying to configure a way of using DPOF function on Canon DSLR's to drop card contents onto a memory stick. Don't know whether it'll work yet but it's different. If not that then it's time to buy a new laptop!!!!
  10. Not for TV, no. You can however get hold of a shedload of video from Sheffield, plus from the majority of last year's world rounds and everything we publish for the next year for a mere tenner though advertsing on the forums........
  11. So who would that be then....The AAA's, the Wanderers...........
  12. That's 'cos they are stinkin' Leafs. Flippin Eck, they've even got Welsh imports brainwashed, eh...
  13. Hi Floored, Welcome to TC. I hope you are not another of these wierd Canucks fans like that Fracy bloke, all I ever get from him is abuse cause I support them allegedly "stinkin" Leafs. Anyhow enjoy TC Slapshot 3
  14. Anyway - earn your keep - what are the chances of us Scottish Scoobies seeing snow in Glasgow later this week so we can have some car park fun? What keep.......... Sending you a PM...boy racers
  15. Yeah, but you'd just take them down Valleyfield and sell them for vodka and drugs. It's the envelopes are/were/is the stumbling block. The stickers are too big for standard DL envelopes. Last time I used A4, but several reported receiving theirs ripped. Also since they changed the postage charging it costs more to send an A4 envelope even if it does weigh next to nothing. I was looking for those long narrow envelopes folk use to post calendars. My local Staples doesn't do them and I got extremely confused by all the codes on the online sites I looked at. Looks like it will have to be A4 again. They might have my employer's logo on them though Slave offered as well........ You better give them to Her Ladyship....you'll never hear the end of it otherwise
  16. The noblemen who signed the Act Of Union 300 years ago, were all open to the highest bidder, just as well they went for England really, gives us Scots a worthwhile buffer from the Cheese eaters
  17. Git....managed 50!!! but then again have you ever seen my parking......
  18. Disagree that this is what makes Raga#1, there are probably dozens of equally spectacular shots of the different riders in the same position as him (as the later shots show) What makes this a superb photograph is the timing. If you look closely you can see Sergio has caught the shot just after the point of impact, the back tyre has started to crumple before the suspension takes the hit, Raga is still beyond the vertical. It is a good shot, however and I'm not detracting from the shot itself only the impression. Sergio's photo does not show the kicker they have launched the splat off or the crash mats (psychopaths the lot of them), it's possible this is what makes the section look less than what it is in the video. Timing again, (for me anyway) is what makes the second Eric Kitchen shot of Ross all the more spectacular as well, but then again Eric is the Master. Any good modern camera will get the exposure right but unless you have the eye to catch THE shot, you'll only be an average snapper.
  19. Looks like Kinell will be looking for one of them prosthetic "lady"suits for the day....that's a horrible thought
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