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slapshot 3

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Everything posted by slapshot 3
  1. I've never been involved at any level in trials apart from doing my little bit for the club but I can vouch for John's frustrations. For the last 9 years solid I've been involved at various level in Ice Hockey. Team Manager, Fixtures secretary, Club Chairman, Team Coach at club (all junior age groups), conference, Scotland, and GB. I've worked with the SIHA closely in that time and know exactly the frustrations John has written. I've spent years being dragged through employment tribunals, equal opportunities councils, Racial equality councils, Local council ombudsman, hauled in front of Sportscotland, MSPs you name itbecause one a*** thinks he's bigger than the club/sport etc. I've been there all for the love of a sport. I've been on the expensive overseas trips, to the expensive hotels (sleeping bag on a school floor next to the rink in Sweden), I've had the free, fancy national team jacket that cost me a donation of
  2. Sorry guys, old arguement on here. Only way forward and to bring trials to a sensible level is NO STOP. FIM and everyone else needs to adopt this other wise the "SHOW" that is WTC and Indoor WTC will get further and further away from we know as trials
  3. you sure....after seeing some of his driving round the peninsula I'd have second thoughts..specially if "you know who" was navigating (Andy can we have a spell check please had to re read that)
  4. Hmph! Take it we're dumped this year then?! Ne he's getting a minibus and we're all coming...think we should tell him first????
  5. too busy watching for the big face plant to listen to the lyrics
  6. Likewise never knock what you don't know. My old granpa tried to get me to join three times before he passed away but I never bit, the miserable old git doesn't even bother trying. An army half colonel mate of mine tried to persuade me a few years ago as well but no dice. Think religion and stuff like that should be personal, don't ram your views down someone elses throat and all that. Couldn't handle the brainwashing at an early age south west of Glasgow, get a kicking based on the school you go to or the wendyball team you support, great joke - not. A quote I got from another army man "don't mind what beliefs people have just don't bring me bad people" kind of apt in this day and age really...
  7. You're kidding, not believe it...I've nearly been excommunicated from the Young Family cos I'm the first in 8 generations who has not joined the funny handshake boys....Did try the Knights just to be awkward but my Blue and Orange sash gave the game away......We've a park near here called Templars if that's any use Seriously no, but membership of the lodge goes back a long way in the Young clan, it's never been a big issue (cept with my old Granpa) but I'll stick to my own beliefs
  8. Or the shocker....but doen't that just affect Heath....
  9. It's a bit like a virtual Masonic Lodge, funny handshakes and the like..... you should them at the Scottish, anoraky type blokes funny handshakes the lot
  10. Fine efforts young man, look like a fun place to play as well.
  11. looks like "trial something"... maybe thunderfart for the stroker next year?????
  12. The extra quid was pocketed by the tight yorkie bell boy....
  13. You've every right to be paranoid....isn't every parent there are some nasty Ba*****'s out there who just want to do damage, 21st century graffitti
  14. I suppose our very own Ubergeek needs something semi normal to do so I'll go for the Corgi Car Collection (ties up with the scoob, I suppose, definately can't be modding the scoob, two big TC stickers don't count) though have to say the vintage wine s caught my eye...
  15. Hi Gordon... What's this guy on
  16. Scotland....Fort William....first week in May...every year Riding might not be fun but the beer and banter is great
  17. You could fiddle that with photoshop Heath and kid on it's you.....
  18. Why can't wtc organisers have more common sense like Crosser, Man and Machine against the terrain, perfect. Loads of years ago when we had a wtc round in Glen Nevis, Steve Suanders retired, he appeared at the side of the big marquee on his mountain bike to watch the end of the proceedings, asked him why. Too hard was the response. However, what this said to me and my reply to Steve was this: this is the stuff that connect trials riders whether you are a fat aging git like myself who struggles to get the bike off the rack never mind ride a trial or "immortal" like Steve. We can all have a day when it gets too hard, we can have days when the last thing we want to do is hit that chuffing big step on the last lap, cos you're knackered and know you're more likely to end up at the bottom than the top, chuff it and put the bike back on the trailer. You don't disrespect a rider of Steve's calibre for that level of honesty Whatever level you ride at you have a scrap with the terrain, we have to do it on our own why can't the good guys. they chuck their leg over a bike the same as us, they're just a bit better at it...respect the good guys but how much more would we respect them if the WTC was like Crosser suggests, and how many has he ridden in his career, think he might know
  19. Thats nasty.... I Like it!!! Some ubernerd in here has a way taking a screen dump of the desktop and putting it in front of everything else. The screams of frustration are great, especially if it's a particularly irritating forecaster you catch... Not you Slapshot? I would never be associated with a cunning wheeze to upset my allegedly superior and more esteemed colleagues in here, well not till I had a Large Latte in the morning
  20. Thats nasty.... I Like it!!! Some ubernerd in here has a way taking a screen dump of the desktop and putting it in front of everything else. The screams of frustration are great, especially if it's a particularly irritating forecaster you catch...
  21. Was that aimed at me? if so I get the avatar bit but not the spares? yup, pm'd you about the hub last week, she found out and I got grief....again!!
  22. jeez.....man enough to admit it as well
  23. What a shower..... Bit of choke, ONE kick, on 70:1 with Silky 2t.....piece of pi$$...though not in with the petrol obviously. Seriously when I got it I put a new plug in and blew through the carb before I kicked it over cos the guy I got it from had problems too. ....maybe it's weight behind the kick.... like the new avatar Barry, (ps she won't let me buy superflous spares........sorry mate)
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