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slapshot 3

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Posts posted by slapshot 3
  1. Tour du Piccy,

    HL is right Corpach off in the distance and Loch Eil stretching into the distance towards Lochailort and Pipers Burn. The collection of white dots in the bottom left is the Glen Nevis Caravan park. the Hill to the left middle obscuring Fort William is the "Cowhill" to the right is the Meall-an-t-Suidhe

    Lovely pic

  2. On a lighter note we have just been reminiscing about the SSDT back in the early 90's and I wondered if the little fella in the brown robin reliant is still around  and involved with the trial.

    He was a real character and used to start each rider off in the morning and do the time control at the end of each day.

    I can't remember his name, anyone who rode back then will remember him though :lol:

    His name is Tommy, that's all I've ever known him as and I'm sure he was there last year, as you say a real character and not to be messed with.. :)

  3. I remember the World round in Osnabruck in Germany where the time limits became a necessity, some riders spending over an hour at one section, taking three or four minutes to ride it then haring round the rest of the lap, not exactly spectacular to watch. :lol:

    time limits for the top riders in sections is a must, a time limit on the trial is also important for Observers and riders alike. There is a big safety element involved with this for everyone, not just riders.

    I am a huge advocate of no stop but agree with other who have posted that something has to change but at the top end the next world contenders have to work on the same playing field as their continental counterparts. Until such times as the WTC gets back to what trials should be (IMHO No stop)instead of a circus, we have to give the likes of James Dabill the chance

  4. If it was an anonymous poster from Spain who mentioned riding out to the sections in a van, what would the response be then ?.

    Sorry if I offended anyone, I never thought I would be getting flak for not condoning cheating.

    Bit of a sad day when it is excepted as the norm.

    Don't think it's that Ishy, the idea of "cheating" has always been a bit of the folklore around the trial, certainly dating back to the 60's when "fuel planking" was apparently rife (modern bikes could do with some of that!!) to the 80's when folk asked why Eddy Lejeune always managed to turn up at section spotlessly clean, even after 20 miles of peat bog. There are more recent instances as well.

    Those who cheat and are caught are excluded from the trial, they should never get an entry again, doesn't matter who they are

  5. Okay chaps and chapettes,

    has anyone thought of a TC booze up somewhere in Fort William during the Scottish this year, just want to know so if i'm in the Fort I can be there

    going back to the original post of this thread

    i thought that there was only one booze-up at the scottish -

    Location - Fortwilliam :blush:

    start time Saturday night :)

    finish time Sunday morning (7 days later) :D


    How could I have forgotten that......


  6. 20 years from now and I bet I'll still be getting stick for that

    20 years from now there might be some sections at 'Morar' :):blush:

    20 years from now, Kinell will be running mystery tours round the Scottish Highlands :D :D :P:P

    (he will also have signed a huge contract with mountain rescue...just to be really safe..on the off chance...that something doesn't go quite right...)

  7. Slapshot, I see you work for the Met office. Is it possible for you to arrange for it to be warm on Thursday morning for the run up to Chairlift!!!

        Mark T

    If I could do that I'd make a fortune, I always thought that the cold, wet weather was part of the fun of riding the Scottish :)

    Hopefully May will be fine but the waye the weather is screwed up this year god alone knows.


  8. Hi john,

    I would if I actually knew when I was going to be there. I was supposed to be observing this year but can't gaurantee leave, until the Met Office finally sort themselves out leave is at a premium. As is typical though two weeks before hand the leave will be authorised ;)

    We'll see,



  9. Matt...buy drink...that's a new concept ;)

    Couldn't be there cos of work but there in spirit ;)

    Pleased to hear the trial went well and like the idea of no Best Clubmember Award. The club used to say provide an observer or you don't ride, maybe that needs to be applied rather more rigorously.

  10. Yes the Trial is on, was up there today.

    there's still plenty of snow between sections which will test your ability to stay upright,

    sections are all good and clear and the forcast is dry but cold so wrap up.

    Big entry should be a good day..

    H..  ;)

    ey Up

    hope it's a good day, years since I was up at Holehouse, night shift unfortunately.

    d ;)

  11. I was reading a blurb on the web the other day, asking the question "is beer better for you than water"  well I can't answer the question because I don't like water  ;)

    I like your train of thought, Ishy though one question? do you import proper beer or do you drink the American "water" :D they pass off as beer ;)

  12. Needs to be between 11.30pm and 7am for me...any night of the week will do though! :D

    Tell you what, just leave the results one night and come out on the town with us, I'm sure no-one will mind ;)

    Alternativley, we'll all bundle into the office and help you out with the white wine ;)

  13. As Martin Luther King said, "I have a dream...."

    I'm nearly 40 but I still dream of riding the Scottish (on some nights I can still win ;) ), I know it'll never happen, I know it would kill me to try but I still dream about it and for a lot of trials riders that is a vitally important part of every year, deciding whether they have the wherewithal to stick in an entry.

    Everyone who has ever ridden a trial wants to ride the Scottish, whether they are world round contenders or someone who will take 180 fives, finish 59 minutes late every night have a knackered bike and body by Monday teatime, they still want to try. In our esoteric little world, the Scottish and the Scott are the two biggies, finish them you are a "real" trials rider as my old man likes to say.

    Whatever we have to say I think Willie got it spot on and that legacy is what will keep the Scottish going. Some will bitch every year but it won't change a thing, the Ballot is the only fair way to do it.

  14. Reed Valve version.... clever stuff ;)

    Seriously though, it looks not too bad, bit of a tidy and a bit of a fettle it would probably look quite tasty. Don't know whether the seller has much of a clue though reserve met at

  15. One warning then dock them an extra 5 simple really, for the big boys that can mean winning or losing the trial. Observers have a big role to play in ensuring fairness, they can't jump on one guy and turn a blind eye to others.

    That happenned in last years P65 Scottish, observer jumped hard on Mick Grant at one group for moving a rock, not even out of line, but let certain others named in this thread away with what he wanted.

    Who will take the title of " No Stone Unturned" for his momoirs first :chairfall:

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