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slapshot 3

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Everything posted by slapshot 3
  1. Tell you what, just leave the results one night and come out on the town with us, I'm sure no-one will mind Alternativley, we'll all bundle into the office and help you out with the white wine
  2. Okay chaps and chapettes, has anyone thought of a TC booze up somewhere in Fort William during the Scottish this year, just want to know so if i'm in the Fort I can be there
  3. just got mine in this morning as well, Cheers
  4. As Martin Luther King said, "I have a dream...." I'm nearly 40 but I still dream of riding the Scottish (on some nights I can still win ), I know it'll never happen, I know it would kill me to try but I still dream about it and for a lot of trials riders that is a vitally important part of every year, deciding whether they have the wherewithal to stick in an entry. Everyone who has ever ridden a trial wants to ride the Scottish, whether they are world round contenders or someone who will take 180 fives, finish 59 minutes late every night have a knackered bike and body by Monday teatime, they still want to try. In our esoteric little world, the Scottish and the Scott are the two biggies, finish them you are a "real" trials rider as my old man likes to say. Whatever we have to say I think Willie got it spot on and that legacy is what will keep the Scottish going. Some will bitch every year but it won't change a thing, the Ballot is the only fair way to do it.
  5. Reed Valve version.... clever stuff Seriously though, it looks not too bad, bit of a tidy and a bit of a fettle it would probably look quite tasty. Don't know whether the seller has much of a clue though reserve met at
  6. One warning then dock them an extra 5 simple really, for the big boys that can mean winning or losing the trial. Observers have a big role to play in ensuring fairness, they can't jump on one guy and turn a blind eye to others. That happenned in last years P65 Scottish, observer jumped hard on Mick Grant at one group for moving a rock, not even out of line, but let certain others named in this thread away with what he wanted. Who will take the title of " No Stone Unturned" for his momoirs first
  7. Hey Gizza, How many have you ridden( from your posts, would my assuption that you are a certain Mr Griffiths be correct?) I think what you have said is correct, there is no easy way of doing it the ballot always seems the most straightforward to me. I am heavily involved in the running and organisation of Ice Hockey in Scotland and no matter what happens something a simple as a cup draw, taken in a simple ballot the same a football, always causes a hassle as well. I think the club do an incredible job, Willie over the years, Mark, big Rab Paterson, HL and the many others over the years. Their commitment and dedication to creating the greatest trial in the world is there for us all to see every May. Yeah people are unhappy and pi$$ed off about not getting an entry but hey that's life. The club, I assume, publish a set of guidelines as to how entry allocation will work with the forms, if so then no-one has the scope to argue or criticise, you put in an entry you accept the rules, if you don't get through the ballot, well thats just your tough luck. The critical anonymouses are the one who whinge every week that a trial is too hard, the sections too easy, the car park too muddy but never lift a damn finger to help out, sod em in my opinion. Good luck in May, Gizza, if you are who I think you are, I'll even say hello
  8. Hello Donald, You've heard of badger bating ? well this is similar - 250 is the weight you have to get below before your scales stop showing - (ONE AT A TIME PLEASE). I'll get back to you about the average score after Sun... H.. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Pounds or Kilos........... Have fun on that B40, It's just about our age D
  9. Is 250 your licence number, age, or average score d
  10. I think the rise in the old Honda's popularity is partly due to the "4 Stroke revolution" with the 4RT, Sherco and Scorpa. Personally I fell in love with them and that subtle purring noise in the 80's when they first came out but maybe my tape of P65 bike noises says something else. I've always found the delivery smooth, tractable and they are just fun to ride. Unfortunately being crap I can't do it justice.
  11. Took you a while to come clean... bit like my riding. Enjoy Killearn on a real bike D
  12. Little green monster sitting here, that collection looks fantastic, post some individual pics if you can
  13. Is that 10 points or 10 Fives..... d
  14. Hughey, That intro sounds like a Lonely Hearts ad, whose B40 did you buy donald
  15. I think it sounds okay though don't forget any bike on a PC will sound a hell of a lot different in real life
  16. Seeley Honda 200 Looks nice
  17. Sorry boys, I think i have you all beaten without trying. When my dad came back to trials in the mid 70's after a 10 yr gap the new Bultaco got to live in the big KITCHEN CUPBOARD Workshop maintenance took place in the kitchen once the table and chairs had ben moved out, "Linklife chainlube"(no spray can stuff back then) did stink for a few days afterwards though.... If I can find a picy, I'll post it on here later. Andy, If this is a comp, I'll gladly accept my prize
  18. You could always send SPUD a big BANNED sticker for comments like that
  19. Looks like a 77. My old man bought one when he got back into riding after a 10 year gap, that looks very pretty though with the polished casings Cue Big John............. Dy
  20. Same as the 250 there are no piston kits available for hondas. How much damage is there, is the piston you have totally knackered or salvageable, there are a couple of other options you can try, PM me if you want Donald
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