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john b

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Everything posted by john b
  1. I've ridden a TL in classics the last few years, and its great. Bog standard, 125cc, and I think the 'lack' of power helps and it never gets you in trouble. You have to think 'two feet ahead' as if there's a bit of a step etc you need to make sure you put the (little) power on early enough ! Is it competitive ? - I've won an easy route trial on one against modern bikes (and I'm not a good rider!!) and finished top 10 in the Nostalgia in Twinshock class (was on the easy route tho when there used to be 2 routes)!! Great bike to learn on for basic 'classic' trials techniques cheers John
  2. Completely agree on both issues The queues that really annoy me are the funnels - where it becomes a free for all. I know there isn't always room for an 'orderly' queue but you have to try ! And secondly not thanking observers is just plain ignorant. When we did kids route the last few years (the kids have now graduated to the main route) the first rule we taught, even on the small conducted route courses we did was 'always say thank you to the observers' - and its stuck. Mind you, at my age now I'm often thankful of a 15 minute sit down before a section !
  3. I normally carry the reserve with me .....(5 litre can !) Agree on the tap - I've had instances when I've opened it, started the bike up and found it just want fully unscrewed...... cheers John
  4. Hi Map is detailed on the events page Thanks John
  5. Hi there 14 years old is B class surely, irrespective of what bike is ridden ? In the year commencing January that they turn 13, then its B Class ? cheers John
  6. Best way too get on - get to a trial and ride one. The North East has a very active trials scene with trials every Sunday (all bar Remembrance Sunday !) , during the summer there are also Saturday afternoon and Wednesday night trials. Everyone is friendly, and you will come on leaps and bounds doing a trial (and its generally cheaper than practicing !!) cheers John
  7. Hi Its flagged off the A68 If you have been to Butsfield Quarry before, its just up the bank (heading towards Consett) from there Type below into google maps Waskerley Consett DH8 9HS cheers and see you there ! John
  8. Same here - my sons wouldn't start after being left with petrol tap on. We manged to bump it ( easy to do, just sit and paddle) eventually spluttered into life, and kicked a load of sh*t out if tailpipe ! Cheers John
  9. Or you could save a lot of money and buy my 2008 Scorpa SY200F.......you won't find better ! Cheers John
  10. Cheers Mike Thats great ! so its a 150cc ? He loves the classics - started on TY80 at 8 then moved to Whitehawk. For modern stuff rides the Beta (and is now beating me !!), but he still loves the classics. We were looking for a Bantam for him, but found this sprite which looked (and rides) excellent. All we have done is stripped down, powdercoated frame and are putting back together replacing anything bent/broken. cheers John
  11. Many thanks Mike - a good man to know - thats great advice ! The bike is apparently a 150cc (I though all were 125?) It doesn't have the big finned barrell - more 'rounded' - Is that normal ? We have only ran it once before we stripped down for rebuild and it did run well. I got the bike for my son who is 11. He rides modern, but also classics but growing out of his Whitehawk 80 so this seemed ideal ! He certainly had no bother in streams, up steps etc with it cheers John
  12. Many thanks Mike - you saved me a big job if I removed !!! Is there a drain plug on clutch side or is it just as easy to remoce whole clutch cover ? Any other advice on the engine, as they seem rare ! cheers John
  13. Hi there I'm rebuilding a sprite with sachs engine. On the underside there are two drain plugs, one with a normal bolt head, and one a different shape. Removing the 'normal' bolt to drop the gearbox oil, and there was around 150 ml of what looks like ATF that came out (looked very clean !) Quantity seems a bit small, and unsure of the other bolt on the underside of the engine. Any advice or help !?? Cheers John
  14. Cheers guys- much appreciated John
  15. Hi Simple question ! - Has anyone fitted a chanin tensioner to a TL125 ? if so any information or photos appreciated ! cheers John
  16. Ha Ha - didnt realise there were two (or more) Daisy Hills !
  17. Daisy Hill in the North East ??
  18. Thought it was you ! Not many next door neighbours riding scorpas !, You at oxen law Saturday ? Cheers John
  19. Wobblenorbed- tried your neighbours bike for myself- too late, sold !!!! T**t !! Like rocking horse sh*t cheers John
  20. Cheers Nostalgia trial is Kendal classic - it runs at Segbergh. Great trial - 2 laps 20 sections on the Saturday, and you can stay and watch the classic scramble on the Sunday !
  21. OK - shame you sold it ! I've got some spare engine parts that came with the bike. If I drop it with you sometime would you have a look over it ? Im more thsn willing to pay for time - id be over moon (well my son would !) if I got it fixed Do you do the Nostalgia trial in the summer ? I've done it that last few years - its excellent cheers John
  22. No, we are away the bank holiday weekend So can't (unfortunately) . You doing it ? My son is over the moon we might be getting the Montesa fixed ! Cheers John
  23. Yeah ! remember - at section 10 ! well any help with the Montesa is greatly appreciated if you want to give me a ring sometime. Was a good trial at the weekend - my son started trials on a TY80 and has been riding modern for a while on a beta 80 but he really enjoyed it as well - and he really wants the montesa 172 cheers John
  24. Hi - yes I did Darlington trial at the weekend - I was on the TL125, my son was on the Whitehawk 80. Ideally I would like to keep the same engine so would be great if you could have a look for me ! I was hoping to have the montesa as the next twinshock bike for my son after the Whitehawk. I'll pm you with contact details if that's ok Hi - tried to pm but won't let me ! My number is 07976647755 Many thanks John
  25. Hi I've a very good condition Montesa 172, engine is sweet.....but can't get the gearchange sorted...... I was thinking of either selling on as is, or possibly change the engine ??...... Ideally I would like to keep in line with the era (i.e I don't want to put a modern chinese copy 125 in), and ideally keep as a 2T. Anyone any experience or advice on most appropriate, with minimal modification (although I've no problem with sorting some fabrication work) cheers John
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