Easy Motofire, I'm not that ballsy!
The fact that I can't get the height, implies that i have tried. Ive used 2nd and 3rd gear. I think I'm depending too much on the bike, not enough body?
I'm having a hard time getting any height. Theres ALOT going on all at once, so any tips would be appreciated.
Sounds like it might very well be the head gasket. When I was having my troubles, that issue came up. Seems if the head gasket is leaking, the pressure from the cylinder will released into the coolant system. With no where left to go, the coolant is forced by the cap and out the overflow. A MX mechanic mentioned this to be a common problem.
A quick check.... place a bit of soapy water or even spit, yes spit, and if the head gasket is leaking, bubbles will form. Don't know if is relaible, but this is what I was told.
Replacing the head gasket is not a big deal. You shouldn't have to remove the motor, just the tank. Be sure to tighten the head bolts with a torque wrench and in the "star" pattern.
good luck.
I'd buy anything Frank makes!! I have two of his Spooky XC mountain bike frames and a buddy rode his downhill and dirt jumping frames. The guy is good at what he does and is awesome to talk with. Very passionate about his work. I think I remember him building a small downhill rig for his kid that was cool and also a bmx ride with disc brakes. If your really considering his frame, get intouch with him, very down to earth.
Problem solved. I found a small pine leaf/ needle in my carb. When the mechanic I was riding with heard it, he felt it was the sound of the bike overheating. He checked the air behind the fan and said it was cool, meaning the fan was only blowing and not drawing air through the radiator. The engine was pinging quite loud and felt like it was going to die at high revs.
So, with the help of many, I was able to find the problem and the bike ran great all weekend. A little coolant leaking, but I'm assuming that is from the gasket when I checked the impellar.
Thanks to all for your help.
Hi, not being a knob here but you believe it is there or it is there definetley?
No offense taken. If is that important, I will check when I get home tonite for the exact location.
Well?, Dr have you been home yet, we are all in suspenders waiting!!
Sorry for the delay, yes, the regulator is still mounted and connected.
Unfortunately, I may have misdiagnosed the problem!! IDIOT! Ran this by the factory boys and they seem to think it is a fuel starving problem, sysmptons are similar. I have a late night at work today, but will get to it by end of tomorrow and let you guys know the result.
Hi, not being a knob here but you believe it is there or it is there definetley?
No offense taken. If is that important, I will check when I get home tonite for the exact location.
Hose is OK, no pin hole leaks.
I believe the regulator is still mounted. Ran the bike today and the fan came on and and also shut off numerous times.
Ran this by two "mechanical minds" today. Couple things they mentioned that may help others...
1. To check the operation of the impellar, take off the radiator cap and check for circulation of the coolant.
2. Someone mentioned a leaky head gasket, to check that, look for an abundance of air coming out of the overflow.
I was hoping to avoid tearing the motor apart, but looks like that may be my next step.
If I didn't understand your scenerio the first time, what makes you think I'm smart enough to get it the second time?
Ok, so I'll reverse my opinion... keep the individual scores secret, just like the team scores! The US team has its best finish and its hardly noted!
Yes, the lights were tasken off, but the fan still works when revved.
I'll check the bend in the hose. That is a very tight bend.
The symptom is heat. No visible smoke. I did notice tiny rust marks around the fill and sides of the radiator, indicating some water was getting out.
The motor was pinging, only when hot, not all the time.
Riding is "advanced", but these last two rides I wasn't doing anthing big and no high speed trails.
The brakes are not sticking. The bike rolls freely.
Thanks for the ideas so far.
07 SY250. For some reason it has been overheating lately. I've checked the obvious,
Coolant is full, except for a little bit gone from the overflow.
Fan works
Impellar is in good condition and spins
Coolant in good condition
Radiator is NOT clogged, so that air can pass through the cooling fins
Not sure what else it can be??
I was under the impression the motor is based on an older YZ 250 motor, that would explain the long kick starter. I'll do some research.....
I'm with Steve and Titanium. Other "individual" sports show the individual scores. MXdes Nations, Golf, Tennis etc and they too, have many variables which could affect scoring.
Agreed, Helmet light is where its at!
I use a NiteRider digital helmet light. I think it is intended for mountian bikes, but it works great for trials. The battery last about 4 hours.
It might be the thermostat. Try disconnecting the two leads that go on to the t-stat and connect them to each other, probably have to use a small piece of wire. This will put power to the fan full time.
Make sure you are patient and use common sense when drilling out that broken bolt. Long story short, my buddy now has a new way of draining his fork oil!!!
Now would be a good time to also grease the shock "bearings" (not sure what the real name is,, heim joint maybe?). I'm referring to both eyelets of the shock.
Its not the cold weather, my Sherco is tough to start in these Northeast temperature also, BUT once warmed up, starts first kick.
Sounds like it is getting too much fuel? When we had a hard time starting a bike, after awhile we would shut the gas off and tip it over to drain the bowl, similar to what you are doing, Bikes would start right away. Also, Whenever I would forget to turn the gas off on my Beta, the next day I would kick it forever to start it. If the gas was turned off,( for the night) starting was no problem at all.
Maybe a float level issue? Could be as simple as jetting.
Starting to get more popular here in the US.
Don't over think this. Just stick with the first paragraph and make sure they are parallel. It will make sense when you take the float bowl off and set the carb upside down on the work bench.
I just went through the same problem. After greasing the linkage, the squeaks came back rather quickly. Mike at RYP suggested greasing the bushings in the shock. They are pain the neck to get out, but that solved the problem, no more squeaks!!
I used waterproof grease, they also suggested adding a little moly based grease.
Any tips on how to add coolant? The radiator is pretty well hidden and it looks like I have to move the radiator to do so??
Barry, if you want to save money, heres what I did.. I put 2 nuts (you should have 2 from the ones you took off, I got mine from the spare levers I carry) on the end of the existing adjuster screw, tightened them against each other and then put a spring from my mountain bike skewer between the nuts and the lever. Saved me $15 !! and they work great!
Thanks for the help, looks like I caught it in time as there is nothing even close to resembling that photo.
So if I'm hearing correctly, the cheap cases caused the breakdown on the coolant and thus the overheating problem?
Based on the earlier posts, the overheating caused the coolant to breakdown and thus would leave me to still try and determine the overheating problem.