nothing ,still has the 2010 frame too , 1 bolt airbox supports.
usually they advertise last years bikes available from dealers , not this year ,available pdi'd
direct from them , now the s3 bike ,they already supply parts direct , trials and enduro direct . is this a sign of the times??
and youd totally trust a bolt on part over the frame number!
if you join milton buzzard , a freindly club and the bonus ,they have a practice ground and run easy saturday trials too.
nene valley harder trials ,but worth a look . as for dealers, go for one with a good rep rather than all show. there are a couple in the centre .
rough looking 05, how much do you think its worth?
i dont understand why you still want to use part of a map not written for a 250?
9/41 or 10/43 for me . std is 10/41 which makes first a little too fast for me .
but its a personal thing , best advice i had was use a r1 chain , last longest.
try http://www.msport.uk.com/montesa.htm manual and parts book
looking at the replies you got in your starting problem post ,i would ignore most of the advice
you will get on here. this kill switch and oxygen sensor advice sums up there knowledge ! a little knowledge is worse than none!
anyone know the dates for this? is it the 6th and 7th ?
from what ive heard ,you would have plenty of time to have a very good look at that bike!!
neo, i trial every weekend in 2 or 3 centres in the uk. two dealers ride the trials i ride, both using the demo.
ive have never seen a customer bike. dealer one has had bad starting and bad intermittant running, also snappy clutch,with nasty noise. dealer 2 has had primary and gearbox issues , when asked this was a complete cassette change ,as he described . when i asked the problem, he told "we just swapped the whole lot" . so the two i have seen still have issues . the importer cannot give a totally unbiased view. i can supply details of the dealers if required , the tatty green thing on lewisport usa"s site is one! regards
gizza ,you have been supported by these people every ridden year ? this isnt a joke!! spend six day in the highlands observing for a few years ?? i guess not!!!
so dabster, is your wife a teacher?
so steve, who did you mind for?
that press release was april!! heath , well if steve saunders rode a mont, heath would tell a different story ,enough said..
yes but didnt borus say he had ridden the bike ? the press say nobody exept colomer and jeroni has ridden it untill last week?
how would the ice only push out the dent and not expand evenly?
it seems to me that when you ask a question on here ,out of courtesy or manners, you reply to answers .
given your post history , it would seem you show neither !
with either given you would get more help !!!
at a gues id say he means the vac pipe for the reugulator? but if im being honest, i think it would be imposible for the damage caused .
in agriculture most 4ts have little or no filtration and never fail!! and we are talking belt and braces honda here!!
hi anyone know the size ? i have a set that fit the later bike /pro but too big, any advice welcome. thanks
this guy ? IS HE ON A WIND UP ? not got the manners to even reply! even if hes now got one!
the guy is ignorant , he cant be bothered to reply to most things !
bad choice of words? well the assets are siezed and sold to pay off the "baggage" ie the creditors they owe money to
and if you where one of those people or companys or the c&r , you might have a different attitude ?
but looking at that auction , the best has gone!