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  1. hi Ivorybull. I fitted a Righthand side case to my TY175 from a MX175 when the original one got damaged. Ater fitting it the kickstart shaft had 1/2 inch end float and jammed up when I tried to kick start it. On investigation the MX case had a different profile than the TY one it was 1/2 wider causing the shaft assembly to slide out and disengage the pinion. You may have the incorrect case fitted, I made up a 1/2 inch plastic spacer to retain the shaft. rgds Roy
  2. I bought a Clutch cover from e-bay off a MX175 1975. it fits my 1976 TY175, its just a slightly different profile by the kickstart shaft, though it still fits, it required moving along the spline about 3mm, retaining bolt still goes thru. The retaining bolt in the ex oil pump compartment also required a slightly longer one. Apart from these 2 small problems it is perfect, all mounting holes align and TY gasket can be used. The best bit was the cost,
  3. I have the same problem and have ordered one from Independent Cycles (hasn't arrived yet). Looks like the same one. Was yours the same as this? Hi Rich, Did you receive your cover from Independant cycles, was it off a MX175, if so what year did you order. Can you recommend them. Mine is leaking like sieve, welding unsuccessful. rgds Roy
  4. triton

    ty175 gearing

    Sorry Pat, I don't understand your question, would you mind rephrasing it.
  5. triton


    Hi Owen It might be worth a bid on flee-bay for this item No 220739807582.
  6. I would source another one, mag not good for welding. If a TY175 is the same there is one on a popular auction site this is the item number 250769188664.
  7. triton

    ty175 gearing

    Hi mate, My 175 has 12/51 gearing it makes 2nd and 3rd usable when seeking out grip in the mud. It was like it when I bought it so I cannot give you a comparison sorry. It is fairly straight forward to change the gearbox sprocket, but I would give it a go first as it is. Good Luck.
  8. A reminder that the pre 65 Talmag Trophy Trial is on this Sunday at Hungry Hill, Aldershot. Its a great day out, usually about 200 competitors, first one away at 09.30. Sidecars are quite a spectacle blasting up the steep hills. Triton
  9. triton

    Ty 175 forks

    Hi. Some feedback, after filling with JB weld as recommended by you guys, I rode my first event on Sunday there were plenty of fast forest tracks so the forks had to work fairly hard. No leaks evident so far. Fingers crossed. Thanks again.
  10. triton

    Ty 175 forks

    Hi, Thank you for the helpfull replies, I have filled the damaged areas with JB weld. I have yet to try it out in anger, waiting for my own damaged leg to heal!! I will post results on the outcome. Rgds Roy
  11. Hi, Standard fit is a Mikuni VM22ss, (22mm bore)
  12. triton

    Ty 175 forks

    Hi Guys Following a big step off and the bike hitting some concrete slabs. One of the fork stanchions is gouged in two places, right in the sealing area, they are about 0.350 inches long, 50 thou wide. about 30 thou deep. I have blended the burred edges with a stone, however I think they will eventually cause the seals to leak. Question, is it possible to fill the voids with araldite or solder, succesfully. Or any other fixes apart from rechrome/regrind to size. The tubes are both new from the States only done 4 Trials Doh!!!! Cheers
  13. Hi, Twinshock Trial this Sunday 21st Nov, at Shamley Green. Surrey. Run by the Worthing Trails Club, 10am start.
  14. triton

    Ty175 Rim

    Hi, I need a new rear rim for my 1976 TY175, because the present one is cracked also its due an overhaul as the spokes are corroded. The present rim is a 18 x 1.85 with 36 spokes, with a 4.00 x 18 MT43 tyre fitted. How does this size relate to a WM size rim? Any ideas on UK suppliers? Thanks Triton
  15. Hi Twinshock, I have ridden my Cub fitted with PVL for 6years with no problems. I have attached photo of the mounting lug arrangment for the stator also chain tensioner and access plate for gearbox sprocket. The Electrix set up appears to be cheaper to fit due no machining required but setting the timing is easier on PVL as it can be done with chaincase removed, in fact the engine can be run with the chaincase off. But setting only needs to be done once then you can forget it. Second picture is with PVL fitted. Good Luck.
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