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Everything posted by benspeed888
  1. have you checked for a spark at the plug?
  2. think it held about 50 mls if i remember correctly, and yes zoars is open sundays
  3. last one i bought came from zoars ark in neath, think it was about a quid
  4. wish i'd have been there to have a butchers at it
  5. ok mate, thats great. i will probably need to pick your brains at some point
  6. are they the same? if not what are the differances? thanks Ben
  7. what happened to the reply from the fella who had a tyz back end he wanted rid of?
  8. is the tyz wheel narrow enough to fit straight into the mono swing arm then?
  9. thats a possibility i suppose, but obviously a fair old job as you'd have to make a mount for the scorpa shock that runs without a linkage. i could make the mount but i would imagine the scorpa shock, swing arm wheel and brake set up to be out of my price range at the moment
  10. anyone done or heard of this conversion? it looks pretty close to me and would give you a rear disk and tubeless rim if you use the tyz wheel (which for me would be the point of the conversion) thanks Ben
  11. thankyou guys, they are great. anyone gotpics of works ones? thanks Ben
  12. does anyone have any pictures of a 315r stickered up as a honda? i'm sure i've seen pics of the japanese riders on them, but can't seem to find any. thanks Ben
  13. i've got three later type beamishes here if your interested, i don't want stupid money for them. cheers Ben
  14. Thanks steve, they are different to mine, the ones i have are metalastic metal rubber metal affairs. cheers Ben
  15. what on earth is that fantic looking thingie in the last two photos?????
  16. thanks woody, i'm sorted now(perchased two more bikes )
  17. where can i get some swingarm bushes for my beamish, and also a spindle? cheers Ben
  18. http://www.beamishownersclub.com/_sgt/f10000.htm give this a look
  19. as i keep telling my wife, you can never have to many motorcycles or air rifles
  20. hehe, so does my theoben mfr.
  21. i purchased two beamish 250's today, one is a well maintained runner, the other is complete bar for a cylinder head and a few bit and bobs. i gave
  22. post a picture of it as is, it sounds like a cracking conversion
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