Picture above of the 125, is it the prototype or what you can get at your local dealer now, exhaust , paintwork, tubeless tyre?
Having a gander at the filtrate photos from last weekends wetherby trial to see if I could see any old faces I remember.
The first ever trial I rode was at that venue, with riders like JR and Shep, taking part, beat two out of over 100 riders if I recall correctly, still look like reet Yorki sections, no wonder they are bloody good riders from that part of the world, who was the man on the Enfield? he looks familiar.
Two brothers from summerbridge used to set a lot of events back then for the Wetherby club, great lads! shame on me but I can't remember their names, old timers must be setting in any news would be appreciated.
He has been quite the last couple of weeks, we had some bad weather a lot of place's lost power, Jay lives out in the sticks so could still be without.
I will try give him a call tonight.
I will post his email add to you message board
Ten years no bloody problem then, buy and say well it wer on sale luv
Take a close-up picture of your chain and sprocket make sure you get it all including the tensioner, and post it to this topic.
Well 3,000 mile and a few hundred bucks shipping, if you don't mind paying all that for me to have a couple of hours test ride, then I will be glad to give it a go for you.
Very rare at this time in the states, I think there is one doing the demo rounds and would love to have a test ride, but at the moment they seem to be fixing up the European shops/ riders first.
Yes I did complete the six days on a 125 Sherco, but I didn't prove anything that hadn't been proved many times before.
I couldn't answer what the smallest capacity bike ever to win the event was, probably bigjohn, would be the man to answer that question.
As for schoolboys riding 125's I think it is a good transition and learning curve getting the most out of a small motor can only mean when you do move up you will have extra power in reserve, the smaller capacity bike does have good advantages over the bigger bikes in some conditions, traction is easier to find as the power is less likely to break traction.
Some post I see stating they would never ride a 125 cc machine probably are based on the fact they own bigger machines and not experience, my take on this would be don't knock it until you tried it and keep an open mind on capacity and two or four stroke machines, otherwise things have a tendency to come back and bite you on the bottom.
Starting out in trials I found the biggest factor on which machine I rode was what I could afford at the time and the bottom end of the second hand market was were my bikes used to come from, the only thing that has changed over the years of riding club events is I can now afford new bikes, the fun factor remains the same.
So enjoy it while you can
Click on the link and answer the question
No comeback from the teeners Astro, they must still think it's for writing their name in the snow.
A few tales on who and why first used the term woftam, don't know which is true, one was Arthur L, when asked about speedway, said it.
Another said it came from the theory lodge that used to be held at the Red Lion inn Silsden, If someone called elbandidos team it in the seventies it's a good chance a Tyke was saying what he thought about the team.
I don't know the truth on this one.
I linked from the post Perce posted. is the picture on the link Rabie collecting the award????
And well done Rabie, as overthehill states not often you see someone so young putting in the effort you must have to win the award.
Waste of ......... time and money
I need the ride sponsors and all yer know, the owner of TC said he would sponsor us as team TC, more like team WOFTAM, but large sums of money are at stake, the sum of 50 each was mentioned.
Whats in the shed, a few bottles and ear plugs for when her indoors request you help?
Do you think I would let you bunch of mad bugger's loose in my back yard, you would get me deported. Could you imagine Stu fixing to cook on my pride and joy BBQ and a bunch of well lubed joskins sleding a portaloo down the hill
Now if you want to come over and go to my mates house that would be fine
How about somthing new like the best girl you boys have dated, just the same deal all come in different sizes, color, capacity, some cost more to maintain, some I wouldn't touch with a ten foot allen wrench, some are worth the little extra to keep em in good fettle, you tell me.
I just looked at the exchange rate! my 300 quid is worth $554, the pound being $1.84 thats the strongest I have seen the pound against the dollar since I've lived here.
It will change afore I go, I hope
Kicking the bike while in gear if the plates are stuck isn't a smart move, would you start your car in gear, it's asking for somthing to break.
Having many Sherco's I too found when the clutch starts to drag, just changing the oil cured the problem.
I have found when it comes to helmets, you usually get what you pay for, in 98 I bought two helmets at the same time one was cheap the other expensive, a shoei and a NZI, one went in the bin less than a year old, the other is still going strong.
How cheap is cheap? buying three to one make them more expensive
I can swipe the kids pocket money their gran from Yorkshire sent them, It's up over three hundred quid now.
Kinnel, this was posted on the ssdt site, so looks like we will know for sure next week.
Stolen from ssdt website and pasted here by ishy, jan 8th 04
6th Jan'04 Latest news on entries - The ballot will be held over the next few days and letters will be going out next week, there will also be a list of successfull entrants posted on this site. keep your fingers crossed, and to all those who dont make it, we are truly sorry - if we could take 400+ riders we would but its just not possible.
Just got power back for the fourth time ice taking lines out left and right, close call when this tree in the yard just caught the corner of the house, lucky to have no damage.
I hope he gets a F1 ride someday, funny how things can change, what might look as a career finisher could really be a career starter.