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the artist formerly known as ish

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Everything posted by the artist formerly known as ish
  1. I think it's gunnite, basically a sprayed concrete, over a mesh frame, it is very strong and looks identical to the native granite of the area, it has the grip and texture of rock, could we see world championships run in a flat park with man made mountains? HRC, I see the face, next thing you know everyone will be making a pilgrimage to Disney land to see the face of Christ in stone, and the water will have healing powers
  2. Just got back from a week in Disneyland with the wife and kids, had a great time well worth it. This is a picture from the balcony of our room, a world class section to look at all week, the river raft ride down the section was quite the ride too.
  3. Come on lads, this is front page stuff, no pictures or story if you want people to go to the show, shouldn't it be reported as an event not to be missed next year, if my boy was riding he would get all the coverage I could get him especially when it's" FREE" the squeaky wheel gets the sponsorship, and the sponsors want to see their name everywhere to feel they are getting something for their dollar.
  4. Are entries for this years event going well, lots of entries, average, or p*** poor. Did last years shower or two scare em off or not. Should Vix and I train for a week of riding or a week on the ale.
  5. This will be perfect for you Wayne, when you have a mod or service tip you can also post the picture or diagram along with it, just write your reply, then scroll down and click on browse, this will let you then choose the pic from your own files, click on that file and post the bugger as simple as that. WOW!!! that bugger's a bit big
  6. The old bugger can't mek up his mind which side to dab on
  7. I found it best to first get thi leg ower, then worry about what she's wearing after
  8. I see some posts elsewere have got people worried on price and riding their two strokes, I think the clubman will be safe for many years. The price will be higher for a full blown 4T trialer, but I also expect the companies will also see this and start giving more options like a clubmans air cooled version at a lower price, untill that time there will probably new 2t's for sale.
  9. Lets debate the topic and try and look at possible reasons for his statement. Don't confuse how good the world riders are, and the big effort the companies make to put on a good show in the pits etc with how the series is actualy doing. This topic is also on TA this morning and this is my reply to that post. How many trials manufacturers do you see riding the Scottish? this man is a true enthusiast, and I think he only has what's best for trials at heart. Keep in mind two new trials bikes are now on the market because of him, Scorpa and Sherco. I can see why anyone would be disappointed with the current situation of world trials competition, with the ever lowering numbers of riders and spectators, it may be a wise move to put more effort and money into the club side of trials, they are the ones buying the bikes. Having the top three riders in the world should mean having the top selling machine in the world???????? not the case, lots of $$$ are spent running world championship teams, this must have an effect on the cost for the guy who buys from the local dealer, I suppose the question is how that money could be best used if you feel that it isn't been well used on the world championship scene. More than Mr. Teissier, are unhappy with the current situation, he just happened to bring it to the fore
  10. I posted the story a couple of days ago on the sherco page, then Tim posted half a tale on this page and everyone starts clutching at straws. Om the WR front, many have stated that it's not going in the right direction, I agree with him/them, and have posted many times over the past few years, (forget world championships) because trying to keep people involved in WR happy was hurting the clubs, people are now seeing this and getting back to what they enjoy most, when the FIM get total say over the WR series back they may be able to revive it. This is copied and pasted from the sherco news letter. Sherco is celebrating its 5th anniversary this month. Back in November of 1998 the first of the 1999 2.5 trials model began being produced at the Caldes de Montbui factory. A total of 1,000 or these models were produced in the first year or production. In order to commemorate this anniversary Sherco News is happy to provide this interview with Sherco CEO Marc Teissier. Marc had a dream to produce a world class trials motorcycle and it is obvious from the success that Sherco has obtained, that his dream is being realized. In fact it appears that Sherco has grown faster and larger than he might have originally dreamed. [ HighRes ] What do you have to say about the growth that Sherco has undergone in such a short period of time? The work carried out by the Sherco team during these four and a half years has been truly remarkable, though we cannot forget that they were highly experienced people that stood on their ground perfectly. Hopefully we can apply the same successful method to the Enduro and Supermotard categories but, in the meantime, I can surely state that we have started in the best possible way. Your entry in different market sectors - Trials, Enduro, Supermotard,… - Had it been previously planned or has it been influenced by the market evolution? Although we had started working only on trials, we clearly aimed to become a firm specializing in cross-country bikes. Later, the possibility of acquiring the HRD trademark boosted the process by making things much easier for us, but the idea was not new. We have to consider, for example, that the recently released Enduro 4T engine has been for a long time in project and designing process, before rumours about its creation started going round. Which are, in your opinion, the advantages Sherco has compared to other firms with a higher productive output? Our ability to react and specifically, the passion put into their work by the whole team. Obtaining a high productive output is not difficult at all if the previous work has been appropriately done. Why has the Sherco production been divided in two manufacturing centres? The main reason is that each department has enough independence to make its own decisions, irrespective of other aspects other than those strictly related to motorcycle development. This specialization increases our ability to react to any eventuality. When will we be able to see the Sherco Trials 4T? Undoubtedly, early in 2004. Could you reveal to us any new features? I am sorry, but not for the moment. What is your opinion about the future of trials with the 4T? I don't have a very clear opinion regarding this matter, but on the other hand, this step was unavoidable if we take into account aspects such as anti-pollution regulations and the current trend favouring this type of engine. What do you thing about the current situation of trials as a sport? I think that, on a local scale, trials is in good health. But, on a world scale, the situation is totally opposite. Trials does not live up to the expectations of its followers. I'm thinking of withdrawing Sherco from the World Championship if the situation does not improve in a short time. Are there going to be any changes regarding riders for next year? We'll be having Sam Connor in England, Jarvis in the Spanish Championship, Guil in the Junior and also Joan Pons. We shouldn't forget the Sherco Academy created by Andreu Codina last year, which has become a beautiful reality this year, with 12 riders ready to compete in 2004.
  11. Ian, I have had two lost spark, both times it was the plug lead wire, it screws into the coil and the plug cap, unscrew it from the coil and check for continuity or unscrew both and just check the lead then make sure you get it centered on both when you put it back togeather.
  12. It's not a myth!! the sun can shine on Fortwilliam, entries will be flooding in and the thought of last years weather is no more than a pair of soggy socks
  13. Are you the Silsden Boydw? if so just pop down and see Keith Horseman, he did a lot of development work for Ossa.
  14. It's simple Matt, just compare the form. At the end of his fifth full season of world competition Mr Raga has won four rounds. At the end of his fifth full season of world competition Mr Lampkin had won two world outdoor championships and 31 rounds. Today Mr Lampkin is just a few short of winning his 100th round and Mr Raga, is going on strike if he can't have his own way.
  15. From this months sherco news letter. Sherco is celebrating its 5th anniversary this month. Back in November of 1998 the first of the 1999 2.5 trials model began being produced at the Caldes de Montbui factory. A total of 1,000 or these models were produced in the first year or production. In order to commemorate this anniversary Sherco News is happy to provide this interview with Sherco CEO Marc Teissier. Marc had a dream to produce a world class trials motorcycle and it is obvious from the success that Sherco has obtained, that his dream is being realized. In fact it appears that Sherco has grown faster and larger than he might have originally dreamed. [ HighRes ] What do you have to say about the growth that Sherco has undergone in such a short period of time? The work carried out by the Sherco team during these four and a half years has been truly remarkable, though we cannot forget that they were highly experienced people that stood on their ground perfectly. Hopefully we can apply the same successful method to the Enduro and Supermotard categories but, in the meantime, I can surely state that we have started in the best possible way. Your entry in different market sectors - Trials, Enduro, Supermotard,… - Had it been previously planned or has it been influenced by the market evolution? Although we had started working only on trials, we clearly aimed to become a firm specializing in cross-country bikes. Later, the possibility of acquiring the HRD trademark boosted the process by making things much easier for us, but the idea was not new. We have to consider, for example, that the recently released Enduro 4T engine has been for a long time in project and designing process, before rumours about its creation started going round. Which are, in your opinion, the advantages Sherco has compared to other firms with a higher productive output? Our ability to react and specifically, the passion put into their work by the whole team. Obtaining a high productive output is not difficult at all if the previous work has been appropriately done. Why has the Sherco production been divided in two manufacturing centres? The main reason is that each department has enough independence to make its own decisions, irrespective of other aspects other than those strictly related to motorcycle development. This specialization increases our ability to react to any eventuality. When will we be able to see the Sherco Trials 4T? Undoubtedly, early in 2004. Could you reveal to us any new features? I am sorry, but not for the moment. What is your opinion about the future of trials with the 4T? I don't have a very clear opinion regarding this matter, but on the other hand, this step was unavoidable if we take into account aspects such as anti-pollution regulations and the current trend favouring this type of engine. What do you thing about the current situation of trials as a sport? I think that, on a local scale, trials is in good health. But, on a world scale, the situation is totally opposite. Trials does not live up to the expectations of its followers. I'm thinking of withdrawing Sherco from the World Championship if the situation does not improve in a short time. Are there going to be any changes regarding riders for next year? We'll be having Sam Connor in England, Jarvis in the Spanish Championship, Guil in the Junior and also Joan Pons. We shouldn't forget the Sherco Academy created by Andreu Codina last year, which has become a beautiful reality this year, with 12 riders ready to compete in 2004. What is Sherco trying to accomplish in the enduro category? We have already had a good start in the 50cc category by winning the 2002 French Championship, and by also winning the Trophee Des Abeilles 2003 and becoming the 2003 French Championship runners-up. We are starting to work with Italian rider Stefano Passeri and other national riders with the 450. Our real entry in the World Championship will take place in 2005. In which category would you place the new Sherco Enduro if compared to other models from rival firms? The Sherco 4.5i is a true Enduro bike, not a modified Cross. It has been created for competing with the KTM, Husqvarna, etc. Will the range be increased with different cc bikes or other types of engines? There will surely be a 250cc in the future, it's a logic evolution. Are there going to be motocross versions? Not in 2004, but probably afterwards. What are Sherco's future plans for the enduro and/or Supermotard with the new bike? I've already answered about the enduro category. In the Supermotard case, we have started by obtaining an absolute success with the 50cc, winning the 2002 French Championship with Yoan Marche and in 2003 with Mike Valade. Following the example of trials, we have created the Sherco Cup, with 25 riders aged between 12-18 years. For the moment, 2004 will be a testing year with the 450i, but in the future we will surely become more involved in Supermotard with this bike.
  16. Got to agree with Nigel, horses for courses!! I did notice those that bought them and liked them did well, but a lot just couldn't get on with em, and soon switched back to 2 strokes.
  17. Tim, I have you have? not sure of your question. I have an 89 RTL 250s, I rode it last year in a modern event and won! this year I rode it in one day of the modern US nationals and wasn't far off the money in my class. Your question about the TLR, I used to ride this model in the UK, loved the bike http://pages.infinit.net/glap/images/H1984_tlr250.jpg The S, I think was made for the JAP, market??? same bike except the tank seat unit, sought after for the classic trials and twinshock class, Mick Andrews rode one in the TS class in the SSDT about 1993, he must of thought it was the best one for that class. Is it still up to the job?, at club level, classic, twinshock, yes. Don't let it rot away in the shed, if you are not going to use it, I will give you a fair price for it, shipping, take the bike apart, and in three boxes less than 70lb each!! ship each box as used MC parts with UPS, don't ship tires, tubes or handle bars, drain oil well out of engine. Take a pic and lets all have a look at the beast. Andy needs to move this to the correct forum
  18. Reading some of your other posts I'm guessing that your not that old, so you wouldn't of been riding trials in the mid eighties when the last four-stroke trials bikes were built. And as no full blown trials iron of the so called next generation four-stroke has been seen, makes me wonder where you get your hate from??? Being a bit older than you, I think I will wait and see what they are like before I decide what I think of them
  19. Nigel, Whats the ryanair judgment?? I agree with your post Subira, makes a lot of sense to me.
  20. Clicky on this! just pic a year and model. http://www.ataq.qc.ca/musee.htm
  21. Just seen your avitar Kinnel would that be a Fantic K roo?
  22. I hear he has a fair pair of pants to fill
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