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Everything posted by duggan
  1. Alpinestars boots offer the best protection and support plus there super comfortable, only niggle is that white ones look tatty quick, but this doesn't effect the boots it's only cosmetic. I wouldn't use anything else, if you value your ankles and toes it's an easy choice
  2. Where are the experts? In the clubman class? The top 20 clubmen riders would all be more than capable of the hard route in the Manx, which has been made easier every year. The problem is made worse when the high level riders ride the clubman route as the sections are then set out to take marks from them, making the trial to hard for a large proportion of the real clubmen, resulting in loosing entries in both classes. The national / expert class should be hard to push the best riders and hopefully encourage more to make the trip, the clubman class should be challenging but to easy for the high level riders to consider dropping down. Other factors have effected the Manx ie ferry prices, hotel spaces, clashing events...... etc but the level of the sections seems to be the biggest issue.
  3. 100% montesa 4rt I've owned loads of new betas and gasgas trials bikes over the last 7 years, all been good bikes but not in the same league for build quality, reliability and ease of maintenance.
  4. Hey Chris no problem, glad I could help
  5. Pull the spring and plastic spacer down to expose a locking nut on the damper rod, think it's a 15mm. Holding the locking but with a spanner you'll then be able to undo the top cap from the damper.
  6. Don't see the issues with the tick over? 1800rpm does sound high admittedly when the bike is on the stand, but when the bike is ridden this isn't a problem, in fact it pushes on no more than any other trials bike I've ridden. At 1800 the 4rt is only firing at 900 times per minute, which is the same as a 2 stroke idling at 900rpm.
  7. I use one of these 1 litre fuel cans, doesn't take much space and its proper tough.
  8. An option of a 300cc 4t along side the 260cc would be interesting, sure it would generate more sales from the top level club riders.
  9. If it's not broken .........................
  10. The thermostats on the 2014 gasers are just screwed in, might take a rag and a pair of grips if it's tight to get it moving, but it will just unscrew. Be sure to have a bucket on hand to catch the coolant.
  11. Cheers for the replys, Will take a skeet on the H and D website ?
  12. Will take a look on there website, anyone tried one of these? http://www.zonetrial.com/ArticleDetail.aspx?langue=E&Modele=Engine+protector+plate+Montesa+4rt+CSP&Id_Article=9845 http://www.zonetrial.com/ArticleDetail.aspx?Modele=Teeth+kit+for+engine+protector+plate+CSP&Id_Article=9872 Looks strong, plus has the option of fitting replaceable stainless steel grips on the under side to prevent slipping back.
  13. Who makes the best sump guard / bash plate for the 4rt? Hear the standard ones are fairly soft? I've had a Mitani one for a beta Evo that was a big improvement on the standard one.
  14. Update! Rode a 2014 standard Honda 4rt yesterday for a few hours, completely different but great fun. Was enjoying it so much I didn't realise how little fuel I had until it was to late! Two mile walk on a very rough track to get back to the van ? Made the call! Picking up a 2015 Repsol factory replica next Saturday!!! Can't wait, first time I've been excited about a new bike in a long while ?
  15. Been using nano trans for the last few years in my gasgas with great results, minimal drag and clean snappy clutch engagement. Changing to a 2015 repsol and wanted to know if anyone uses nano in there gear box over the recommended?
  16. I think for me it's going to be a case of (better the devil you know than the one you don't) plus it's sounding like the engine will disappoint long term and I'll be wishing I was on a 300 Gas Gas. In an ideal world I'd have enough cash to buy one of every trials bike and the spare time to use them all! But until that day I'll just stick with the Gas Gas. Thanks for all the info and advice guys Ed
  17. Sounds like there's a lot to consider before making a decision, ideally I need to have my gaser and a Honda out for a day and try them back to back to see if I can adjust to ride the 4t. On build quality and finish the Honda is worth the extra money all day long, but for out and out performance the gas gas has the edge.
  18. Cheers for your feed back guys, i do enjoy the power of the 300 gas gas, and I think that's what the Honda will lack in comparison. It's the noise and the build quality that's pulling me towards trying Honda. I think your rite, I really need to have a proper try on one again on some varied terrain with some bigger obstacles. If I buy one on the chance i'll like it, it could be an expensive mistake. If Honda made a the repsol a 300cc as standard I am sure the choice would be easier, I'd bet they'd sell loads more bikes. Last time I heard the 300 kit cost £3000! That's £10000 for a complete bike.
  19. It's that time of year when I look to change bikes, for the last 4 years I've had 300 Gasers and they've been great, light with bags of power on tap. This year however I quite fancy trying a 4rt, I've had a few goes on friends bikes and yet being completely different to the Gas Gas, ie heavier with less power, I've always jumped off with a smile thinking maybe I'll try one. Has anyone made the jump recently and if so how does it compare long term? Did you swop back to 2 stroke or stick with the Honda? Let me know how you got on? Cheers Ed
  20. Hi Try one of these, eBay item number 290998596084 Dry boots every ride
  21. Both good bikes, ride them both if possible and decide which one suits you best or buy the one which is most popular in your area, least then you've got a better chance of someone having spares if a problem arises. I've always got loads of Gasgas spares, am sure that's why all my mates have Gasers, thriving sods!!!
  22. Hi check the pipes from the water pump are getting warm? If the pump fails the coolant will trigger the thermostat but without the circulation from the pump it won't cool and the fan will stay on. Seen this a few times
  23. Does it pop and backfire when trying to kick it over? Could be flywheel has come loose and broken the woodruff key. If the timing is out it'll never start. Might be worth a look.
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