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  1. Steve Goode may have what you need, worth giving him a call. http://www.stevegoodemotorcycles.co.uk/twshspares.html
  2. Stock length is about 53mm centre to centre.
  3. Parkstone Martin? Mansfield rd maybe? Looks like a few of the roads leading up to Ashley rd.
  4. Cheapest way into trials is certainly not any classic class like twinshocks or pre65. It used to be, but like many things these bikes are becoming fairly expensive as you have found. In my opinion the cheapest way into trials is a more modern bike, mid to late 90's and beyond can be bought really cheaply. Spares availability and cost will vary of course.
  5. wayne_weedon

    Engin Size

    Also 238cc for the later ones.
  6. There are plenty of 1/2" drive 36AF sockets available. Try ebay, I would use an impact type with a full hex.
  7. The problem is, mainly of these bikes have had neglected maintainance in this area for decades and these parts can become "as one" The Inner bushes were not plated from new, nor was the engine mount. Add to that the plating on OEM spindles was dire and you have a recipe for the parts to literally fuse together over the decades. It's so much less painful to just cut the thing out and change the spindle. This problem is not restricted to Bultaco's either. Yamahas are prone to it too.
  8. Yes there is. By scrapping the spindle. They can corrode so badly to either the rear engine mount or one or both bearing sleeves that it's virtually impossible to salvage the spindle. I have only come accross one single bike where the spindle came out whole. There are numerous methods to removing the swinging arm in this case. I prefer to drill both ends of the spindle to 1/2" diameter dead central so that the spindle ends can collapse and release the arm. It's then easier to work with just the swinging arm in a vice. Others saw through the spindle, but whatever you do try not to cause any damage to the rear engine mount as it's width is crucial to the tolerancing of the complete system. Wayne...
  9. It's actually a self contained air spring which is used with a shorter compression spring.
  10. You got a nice little TIG there Jon! Sure you can knock up a nice airbox from some old landy panels See you sunday with any luck!
  11. Its there OTF. It's the same bike I posted about maybe a year ago? Certainly goes well.
  12. I have a local copy of it if you are really pushed. I'm assuming it's the white one.
  13. Lookup fastener suppliers in the yellow pages. Go pay them a visit and specifically ask for High Tensile Socket cap screws in the correct length. If you are going to ride the bike it's the best option in my opinion. The originals were phosphated (black) if I recally correctly but bright zinc plate looks better. Another way is search on the net for a good brand like "unbrako"
  14. Just dont ever use Anodised Alloy bolts in this application, I wouldnt even recommend normal stainless steel bolts. Go for a high tensile Socket cap in bright zinc plate.
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