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Everything posted by ozo
  1. ozo

    Majesty Help

    Thanks for the info subanator, its muchly appreiciated. The simple answer is for the enjoyment of it, sad as i am i enjoy tinkering with bikes as much as riding them! If i was looking for high performance without any hassle from a bike id just buy a modern bike and save myself alot of time and money but if i reckon if you enjoy it you might aswell do it! Regards Andy
  2. ozo

    Majesty Help

    Thanks for the info, Il probably end up designing and machining my own reed block with an option for adding a boost bottle anyway. Fortunately my job includes designing and manufacturing racing and custom parts for bikes, but now its mostly 4 stroke mx and road racing parts we produce. When im finished Il post some pics and results of the project. I am also considering an oko carb, anyone had any experience with them? Many Thanks, Andy
  3. ozo

    Majesty Help

    sorted thanks!
  4. ozo

    Majesty Help

    Hello all, this is my first post, im currently restoring my 200 majesty, the bike was yellow and i am looking to keep it original as possible but im having probelms finding any information on paints codes or close matches that are readily available, can anyone help? Also im planning on replacing the original reeds with a set of aftermarket reeds just wondering if anyone has found a make of reeds that perform better than the rest. Many Thanks, Andy
  5. I have a majesty 200 just wondering if anyone knows the code for the yellow it was finished in? Many Thanks, Andy
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