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I have a TY175 and love it, they have an amazing bullet proof engine that never quite seems to run out of puff. I am 11 stone and it suits me fine for all yellow/red routes that I do. I even took it to Spain in 2008 and did hte 30Km Rpbregordo. The standard forks are 32mm where as the TY250 are 34mm, very common to change them to beef up the front end. I would say in standard trim the only real short comings are the gear change mechanism what seem to have more neutrals than gears and that the wheelbase is a bit short and the front comes up with very little encouragement - a nuisance going up hills! I found that doing a 'Sammy Miller' and climbing all over the front of the bike does keep it down but it's not a position I've had to get into with other bikes. Ask a 100 people and you will get 100 different answers, try it and see. Do you know there are even people out there who like the Bultaco?!
Hi all, there were 66 HT3's made 2 of which were works bikes according to the Ariel Owners Club. There are 29 still on their register. I own one (photos in the TC garage). The reason there were so few made is because they were exactly the same price as the HT5 so why would you but the 350 when you could have the 500?
Thanks all, I have found silver mudguards at MD Racing Products https://www.mdracingproducts.co.uk/ these are the UFO vintage range. They are cheaper than the Stilmotor ones too. I have ordered a pair and I will let you know when they arrive what they are like.
You could always look on the Beamish Owners Club website as the whole manual is on there not just the parts list. If the engine has really been rebuilt it will be quite quiet, I have restored a couple of these and they run like clockwork. If you are on +2.00 it is on the maximum bore for the available pistons, if there is a cheap chinese piston in there you may find it rattles. The manual should tell you the correct jets and needle position. The Suzuki RL250 Exacta engine was simply transplanted into the Beamish.
I have a 37AT in pretty original condition apart from a missing seat. I have had a repica exhaust and side panel made, had the tank done and some plating so far, it's a project a bit down the list! I have some photos of one in Devon if it's any help? I also bought a brochure from Big John a while ago but there is little information in it. I think I may have an airticle from a 1969 magazine I coulds scan you if you are interested. PM me if I can help at all.
Iam certain I have seen metallic silver long plastic rear mudguards with front to match somewhere out there on a bike. The Gonelli ones are just too short at 70cm and the only Stilmotor ones (100cm) Steve Goode has are grey or white. I would like a pair on my chrome-framed Cub as I can't see the alloy ones lasting long the way I ride! Can anyone suggest as supplier?
Are you going to Robregordo? If you are going and have space for one more bike and would like to earn some money towards your trip, please contact me.
Does anyone know where a pair of farbar mounts can be found for a 1998 Techno?
I have a pair on my Cub, they work very well - probably better than Rocks and on a par with Falcons.
Thanks Dibdob69, that's exactly what I needed!
I recently bought a pair of Paoli forks that came from a 98 Techno (38mm god stanchions and red rork bottoms). They came with new seals which I nave just fitted but I don't know how much oil and what weight to use for them. Not sure if all Paoli's are the same but the right leg has no spring (much like the Showa on the Montesa 315R). Can anyone advise volume and weight please?
I had one brand new ine 06, awesome bike with the power of a 250. Mine had the usual Mikuni carb probems even from new and I eventually sold it after 6 months and bought a 200 GasGas as the clutch was awful and I could never get it to operate other than on or off - a real shame as the engine was brilliant even if you couldn't leave it pointing down hill if you wanted to start it again! I see someone on here reckons to have a clutch fix, if that works and the carb is sorted it's as good a bike as you will find. Generally owned by older clubman riders and looked after - very good in the mud.
Hi Neil, Interesting to hear that a chinese one works - no reason why it shouldn't of course! Where did you get it from?
Thanks Max, the messge I got was: "I have a TLR250 with broken CDI (not advancing) rendering the bike useless. I can't find anyone to repair it (some of the wires are broken at the box)." So I think in this instance it could be the CDI unless you have any other thoughts?
Haha, thanks Ishy. Any idea how a guy in Russua can buy someting from a Japanese auction site? I managed to buy a bash plate via 'Japanese Auction Center' and what sold in Tokyo for