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Everything posted by badmotofo
  1. badmotofo

    Ty80 Forks

    As I said the bike was lent to me. I spent about an hour cleaning it up and, yes, I took some scotch brite to the forks and while they are severely pitted I think they will serve the purpose of having one of the kids (or both) compete in upcoming trials events. The bike has no tags so it won't be ridden at any of the public areas here in California. Before riding I cleaned out the fuel system. I found the pilot jet clogged with a rock (pebble?) that I could not dislodge so I ordered a new one and the little bike fired right up. I had a blast riding it around the front yard. While I don't own the bike I am really pleased to finally have a TY250, -175 and -80 in my stable. Thanks,
  2. badmotofo

    Ty80 Forks

    Cheap Cycle Parts ain't so cheep. http://www.cheapcycleparts.com/products/1025978 For that price I could have the entire bike gold plated. Geez...
  3. badmotofo

    Ty80 Forks

    I was given (borrowing) a TY80 for my kids to use. I pulled it out of a storage shed and glaring at me are very poor condition, rusted fork sliders. I did a quick look on ebay and did not see anything. This led me to wonder if any of the other small, 80cc Yamahas of that era might share the same forks or sliders that would work for this bike. Before I start looking up part numbers in the old online Yamaha parts catalog I thought I would see if anyone out there has come across this information. Thanks,
  4. Please see the attached photos. I believe that some component of my kickstarter is not right. I know this bike is pushing 40 years old and most of its life is a mystery to me but I find it unlikely that the solid steel kickstarter is bent. But it looks to me that this is the case. Other 175 owners -- Does you kicker fall out as far as mine does? Does it sit as far out from the bike in the 'normal' position as mine does? Thanks,
  5. Spinner, thanks for the part number. andy.t, that was the thread I was looking for. Just a matter of finding one now. Thanks,
  6. I keep coming back to the idea of replacing the stock right-side crankcase cover with a single-piece unit from a YZ or IT. I've seen pictures of bikes with this mod and love the clean look. A while back I found some info on this but could not currently locate the thread. I remember that, as the YZ/IT motors changed, one model's cover was a direct fit while others needed to be modified (JB welded and filed - I've never had great results with JB weld). Has anyone out there done this modification? Does anyone know which model of YZ or IT would bolt right on? Thanks,
  7. 12 tooth countershaft sprocket.
  8. John Cane from Trail & Trials recommends the longer 360mm and dropping the forks. I needed new shocks and bought these but I have no basis for comparison. My 175 is just a fun bike to tool around on and great for putting with the kids. I will try a few trials events this year in No. Cal. http://www.tytrials.co.uk/trailandtrialsuk/prod_516388--23-Pair-of-Betor-Classic-Trials-Shocks-360mm-TY125-amp-TY175.html
  9. badmotofo

    ty80 trouble

    A friend of mine years ago had a similar symptom. Turned out to be that the muffler was clogged. A fresh repack and all was good again. Might be worth looking at. MB
  10. Thanks for the info and setting me straight. I see a good reference pic on Tony's "77 GET'S HER 2008 MAKEOVER" page. That should help out a bunch. Thanks again,
  11. Hi, I purchased a 1976 TY250C (U.S.) a while back and one of the issues was the side stand was missing and the mounting bracket on the swingarm was broken-off. I purchased a '74 swing arm, side stand and return spring on EBAY but that swing arm shows no mounting bracket at all. In the pictures below, the '76 is on the left and the '74 is on the right. The third photo is of the '76 where the bracket broke (I filed and painted it). The parts diagram at http://www.yamaha-motor.com/sport/parts/home.aspx shows the same diagram for both years despite the differences and the diagram is not clear. So, I'm looking to see if someone can point me to a couple of photos (preferably close-ups) or diagrams for the mounting bracket. It looks like at this point I'll have to have something fabricated unless I'm missing something. And on a side note, the '74 came with a chain lube mechanism but it is completely wasted. I was looking forward to seeing how well it worked, or not. So, does any one use the chain-luber and if so what are your thoughts? Thanks, Mike B
  12. badmotofo

    Ty paint job

    I thought I would add to the conversation. Here is my favorite Bumble Bee TY albeit far from a stock 175. -Mike Behrens
  13. Here is one on ebay uk that might be worth checking out. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Yamaha-TY175-twin-sh...=item4cf032487f -Mike B
  14. Thanks for the information. I will check it out and report back.
  15. I always search boats.net by part number. -MB
  16. For OEM parts, I research on Yamaha's parts catalog web page (http://www.yamaha-motor.com/sport/myyamaha/prompt/L3Nwb3J0L3BhcnRzL2hvbWUuYXNweA==/Parts%20Catalog/starthere.aspx). Then I search the web with the part number. I've had good experiences with boats.net in Florida and nwvintagecycleparts.com in Oregon. -MB
  17. Hey, thanks for the responses. I like the idea of Kevin j's adjustable method. I contacted Richard at Sammy Miller and he said in the two years he's owned the company, I was the first to bring this up. So either people are fixing the pedal height on their own initiative or the brake pedal height does not interfere with their riding style.
  18. I recently purchased a set of Sammy Miller footrests for my TY175. As they mount lower than stock, the brake pedal now sits awkwardly high. I see no way of adjusting the pedal height nor does the Haynes manual discuss this. How have others dealt with this? Rig up an adjuster, heat and bend the pedal, other? Thanks, Mike Behrens
  19. Thanks for the feedback. I went with the 360mm. Per Andy.T's comment, sounds like their recommended forks set up is diferent: "The only modifications needing done is to drop the forks in the yokes so the chrome slider is level with the top of the yoke and extend the sidestand by 20mm". Great web site by the way. -Mike B
  20. I'm looking to purchase new shocks for my TY175. The Betor Expert Trials shocks appear to be a great value. They are offered in 340mm (stock length) and 360mm. Trail and Trials UK states on their web site: "We fit these to all our TY125 & TY175 bike as the extra length not only increases ground clearance but improves the steering quite dramatically." Before I make my purchase I'm looking to see if anyone here has experience with the two lengths and if 360mm is the way to go. Thanks
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