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Everything posted by pete_scorpa3
  1. It must be a simple case of demand outstripping supply. The first four were sold at
  2. I didn't go myself, but a rider called in to collect some paperwork from me on his way home from the show and he echoed the comments above.
  3. Welcome the TC. Don't worry about the observer thing, although it would be nice for every new rider to turn up with a volunteer, it rarely happens, so we just muddle along and if the worst comes to the worst, we just stick the boards at the end of the section and observe each other. I given up worrying about finding observers at our events. I do however give a free entry worth
  4. After many years of owning Beta Techno's, I bought a new 04 Rev3. The stator went and Lampkins replaced it free of charge. Six trials later the replacement went and they replaced that free of charge. Top dealers but rubbish product. At that point I gave up and have kept away from Beta's ever since.
  5. I couldn't get on with the Montesa, I really liked the Sherco 320 but couldn't start it (all the time) so I bought a Scorpa 2t and have been really happy. It's down to preference.
  6. Only a 'shot in the dark' idea.... If you still have the wiring for the headlight, you could try running a wire from it's supply to the fan, turn the headlight switch on and the fan would work. This won't cure your voltage supply issues to the fan but it might just provide a temporary cure. If the fan still turns slowly, then the supply to the headlight is compramised too.
  7. It's a tricky one, when I used to go to the TT races in the Isle of Man, it always amazed me when I got home how many people weren't even aware it had been on. Even people with road bikes were often unaware of the two week event. Getting the right publicity is difficult and very expensive.
  8. When I use a graded climb, I always but a board at the begins cards which says: "Footing allowed. Score is taken when front wheel stops moving."
  9. Talk of Slavery or Fox hunting or what-ever is way out of context. The ACU offered a genuine chance for 'us' to put foward ideas for discussion about trials. As a regular over 40 club rider said to me at our trial on Saturday "I'm happy with things the way they are, I ride my bike in a trial, have a good time and go home happy." Judging by the lack of suggestions (the 125/175 point was a worthy one!) I guess we're fulfilling that wish on the whole and may as well keep things as they are.
  10. My lad had a Rev3 200 back in 2004 and it was a super clubman machine, I rode it many times and never found it lacking in the power department and was brilliant in very wet going. The only thing I would add, although the smaller engine capacity gives the 200 the impression that it is lighter when riding, it is the same weight as the 250 when you have to pick it up. I hope this helps. Pete
  11. Welcome to TC, let us know how you get on with finding that bike!
  12. Could be that the cable needs oiling, or perhaps it is starting to frey inside and causing a restriction. If you remove the cable, make a carefl note of it's route. I tend to take a few snaps with the digital camera, so if I can't work it out when refitting, I just check the picture. Hope this helps. Pete
  13. Do the little niggles make the bike 'not fit for purpose?'
  14. The ACU are having an open trials forum to allow riders or clubs to discuss any issues which they might have. Excluding British Solo and Youth Championships, (which have their own seperate forum), any topic can be put forward. Personally I am interested in the whole issue of Risk Assessments, but I'm sure that there are many more points that could be covered at this forum. Any suggestions? Pete
  15. Me too. (Crap and brake!) I never realised how much until I rode a classic with the rear brake on the opposite side.
  16. Hi Charlie, what part of the world are you from? Pete
  17. I've only ever used Castrol TTS Fully synthetic so I've not got any experience with this oil, but I only use semi synthetic in the strimmer.
  18. Thanks to Andy for providing the video's of the recent World Trial, inparticuar the amazing clean from Fujinami at section 15 on day two. Even after watching it three times, it still looks like something you'd only see on a computer game. Awesome!! TC suporters can view the video by following the link on the fron page. For me, the yearly suporters subscription was worth it just for this one video.
  19. Best of luck to all the clubs who put on a conducted route. I tried this at our last club trial and only got three riders. Although the three that turned up made it worth the effort, it was a lot of work for so few riders. Is there likely to be a better turn out in Yorkshire? Pete
  20. The first thing to eliminate is the fan motor. Bypass the sender with a short piece of wire and see if it runs all the time. If not, you can check the fan with a seperate 12v battery.
  21. pete_scorpa3

    Techno Fan

    Had one go on a Techno many years ago. They are an arm and a leg to buy, luckily I had an old fan kicking around from a Honda NC30 race bike so I used that. A pal also had one go on a Techno and he bought a little 12v from a model car shop and fitted that for a fraction of the price of a Beta one. Hope this helps Pete
  22. Day two had a 50% increase in riders, another one turned up. It's really encouraging to sign a young person up for their first ever trial. I was 17 when I did my first one, he's got 11 years head start on me. Sadly I can't justify putting on a seperate route for just two or three riders, so unless people pre-enter in future, this will be the last one we put on. At least we gave it a go. Pete
  23. Ohh I'm talking about tyres, I'm already past the other!!!
  24. Doesn't matter what brand I use, I'm still rubbish. However I do enjoy riding, so I'll keep at it until I'm too old!
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