I've been searching and reading about Gas Gas for days now and I have a few questions.
Some basic info about me:
- I race Enduros at the A level and have ridden dirt bikes most of my life. My favorite trails are the most technical singletrack I can find.
- I grew up racing BMX bicycles all over the US in the expert class, as well as doing bicycle freestyle. Many of the tricks that trials riders do are similar motions to what we used to do on freestyle bikes
- I love competing and hope to ride as many trials events as I can.
- I have never even ridden a trials bike
- I live in Colorado and will be riding from 4000 ft (Moab Utah) up to 11000 ft, but mostly 8-10K ft
- Over and over I read that GG's are reliable if they are P.D.I.'d properly and if you do the proper maintenance. No one really specifies the "proper" maintenance. Is the proper maintenance any more than correct jetting, frequent transmission oil changes, and clean air filters? If I am missing something please let me know.
- Originally I was drawn to Gas Gas 250 Pro because I'm a beginner and it seemed like the perfect size. I'm getting mixed opinions on engine size and the altitude that I will ride at. A guy that goes to all the events in CO is recommending the 300 over both the 280 and 300 for High altitude riding. He is saying that once I advance the 250 won't have enough power (at higher altitudes). They also claim the 300 is very easy to ride due to its torquey nature, the 280 is very snappy and more difficult to ride, and the 250 is perfect for sea level or lower altitudes. I know I should ride the bikes and I hope to get the opportunity soon. Would I really outgrow a 250 at altitude once I become more advanced?
- What are the year to year changes on the GG pro's between '04 and '09? I haven't been able to find a list of changes from year to year.
Sorry for the long post, I appreciate any feedback.