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Everything posted by kibsy
  1. im new to trials too but i wear a back protector too, its light and flexible, you can get them off ebay for around
  2. hi, my front brake suddenly went really stiff , i released all the pressure by letting all the fluid out, i started to bleed the brake (pipe on nipple into tub of fluid, nipple open then lever in, nipple closed, lever out, then repeated.) i noticed that there were tiny bubbles flowing out from the holes at the bottom of the master cylinder. then i noticed that fluid was dripping out of the master cylinder at the back like where it meets the brake lever. i then took the valve out and checked the seal for niks, there were none, i have no idea what to do, any help would be much appreciated as its beautiful weather at the moment and i cant ride regards james
  3. hi hoggle

    im having real problems with my front brake. the pistons are stuck:/. i have no idea how to 'unstick' them, do you know?

  4. kibsy

    Brake Pistons

    hi, my front brake pistons are stuck on my gasgas 125, how do i get them free? kibsy
  5. hi, how do i check if the brake pistons are stuck? thanks

  6. kibsy

    how do i check if the brake pistons are stuck?

  7. really appreciate this, i cant ride it and its so frustrating :/

  8. wii fit, sound funny but it really helps kibsy
  9. hi, my gas gas 125's fronts brake stopped working yesterday. the brake seal under the brake fluid holder thing was broken. i then bled the brakes and now there is a huge amount of resistance when i pull the brake lever and the brake never bites so i cant do an endo, any halp in this situation would be helpful. thanks kibsy
  10. hi thanks for the advice and i was already considering getting the dvd but at
  11. hi, im very new to trials and im wondering where to have some lessons. I live the north east of england. help would be much appreciated. thanks
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