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  1. You don't know how happy that makes me feel
  2. Mmmmm sherpa325, Is it possible for you to list your" all of my friends" please? Its not that I doubt what your saying,its just id like to check up with all of them. Cheers Brt650 Happy New Year everyone
  3. If your replacing the main bearings, the flywheel side bearing has an oil drain hole in it. It needs to line up with the drain back hole to the gearbox area. It’s the lower one. Actually, the new style bearings, from late 2003 on , have a drain hole drilling in them. The right side doesn’t need to be lined up.
  4. I'm really hoping we have computers and internet in 11 years time when sherpa325 answers this question.
  5. Hi Phillip, As you say it’s the springs and the pins hitting, you would think maybe the basket or the hub are spaced out too far. 6mm is a large gap trying a different case. You might need to pull it apart and check the chain alignment. Checking to see if the basket is out of alignment with the crankshaft sprocket. If it’s right, check the spacer thickness between the clutch hub and basket. I don’t have a measurement for it. The later clutch assemblies use threaded pins and nuts. Cheers Brian
  6. Hello phillip1, If you can wait 11 years Sherpa325 will have the information you need. It might take longer though, as you didn't put Urgent in your heading. Is there an extra clutch plate fitted? That would space out the pressure plate. Or a thicker washer between the clutch basket and the inner bearing. Brt650
  7. That’s my mum Sherpa325. I told mum there was a handsome gentleman from Queensland that might give her a call , but that hasn’t happened yet feetupfun. Hello pschrauber, I like your version of setting timing much better than sherpa325. I think his explanation is lost in the translation somehow. My Avatar, maybe it’s been affected by covid-19. I can’t remember how I did it, so there’s no way I can fix it. cheers everyone Brt650
  8. Well congratulations nw rain man, I’ve been asking sherpa325 how to do the timing on my 159 350 for over ten years. He has never told me how to do it and you ask and straight away you have a way of doing it. Thanks for doing that, I’ll go out in the shed and get straight on it. Make sure you tell us how you went. p.s don’t forget to fit the carb cheers brt650
  9. Please don’t take offence here b40rt , but Sherpa325 you can. Did you read the heading Sherpa325? Two things I noticed 1; Urgent in the heading 2; 2009, The year Steve wanted the help. I hope I never have an emergency sherpa325 and have to hang from a short rope over a deep hole waiting for you to get around to giving me some help. just saying cheers brt650
  10. Well I'm not too big to admit I may have the cc capacity of the bike incorrect, But I didn't want to put said owner/ Christmas gift receiver through all that pain again trying to receiving that information . I believe you drove off leaving him to repair the damage you caused. Not much damage really. A barrel, piston kit and gaskets. It was probably due for a de-coke anyway. I guess he had to wait till his birthday to get those items. I'm also lead to believe his Aunty drove two hours to watch him ride his new gift. I guess she probably watched him ride it on his birthday. No biggie. I wish you were my friend just saying cheers
  11. Unfortunately I do have two witnesses. The horror of this incident burnt forever in their minds. unfortunately not "fake news" cheers brt650 p.s not being picky of course
  12. Maybe your right toofasttim, I have a friend that I ride with. He has a gas gas 300 and he can't pick the difference either.Although my mate does pop and fart. I had a ride and couldn't pick it . His mate and his son have gas gas's and they can't pick the difference. So that only leaves one answer , we are all senile. Do you happen to know if there is a tablet to correct this condition? Thanks brt650
  13. Hey sherpa, You forgot the rear shocks, seat,handlebars,levers ,brake pedal and light flywheel. You can protest all you like. I think I may know the person who the protest goes too. But at least that answers my next question, Were you riding this week end? I'll take that as yes. Cheers mate brt650
  14. Hello sherpa325, Is that 199b the one with original footrests? Or have they been cut off and had modern brackets welded to it? Would be a shame to wreck a classic bike like that. Actually I'm against modifying any old bike to bring it up to modern specs. Cheers brt650
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