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  1. Peter I may be biased but look at it this way, the SY Longride is quite a bit cheaper than the Monty $rt and already has the tank and seat included in the price. You may want to get a slightly more padded saddle made up for longer rides but the Scorpa is ideal. As far as fuel consumption goes, I get around 30km out of a SY 25o even when I am chasing (and often passing) big bore enduro bikes on the tighter forest trails. I think 70km from a longride should be about right. The other option is to buy a SY250 trials and then get a longride tank and make your own seat (depends on how much padding you already have). Then you really have the best of both worlds and still most likely less than the Monty in price. Hope this helps
  2. Bikerdude My TY-S175 was a bit like that until I changed the main and pilot jets (see Birketts webpage for details) the other thing with the little 4t's is they run really strange when you are getting low on fuel, even though there seems to be enough in the tank they tend to cough and splutter well before they actually run out of gas. The other thing that makes them do funny things is having the wrong float level setting (I think Birketts have that covered to)
  3. SCRATCHES........ oooo no! I just polished the bashplate this morning You really don't expect me to ride anywhere that runs the risk of me falling off do you When I say clean laps I don't just mean not footing I mean bringing the bike home shiney, that's why my bikes are the best secondhand ones in the country Remind me not to let on my '06 for a demo ride!!!!!
  4. Hi Guys I don't know about the fuel starving bit but my new 06 likes a good clear out once it is off the choke. It always starts on the second kick from cold with full choke, then I open the choke and tickle the throttle for a bit to keep it running until warm. If you open the throttle before it has started to warm up it will die instantly. On the other hand, if you leave the choke on too long you can bet your grandma's undies that it will fuel up and run like a lawn mower until cleared out. I'm running a 140 main jet so it is leaner than stock but it still likes to get a good rev out through the gears to clear any excess fuel out of the bottom end. The mixture screw has me beat on this bike though.... it seems to run ok anywhere between 1/2 a turn and about 4 turns out??????? Now that the motor has had a few hours I have gone down from 50:1 to 70:1 Motul 800 but I might still try a leaner main sometime in the future. This info may not be too much use to you as I am riding the "SY250 Racing" not the UK model that comes with a tow hitch for plowing fields
  5. no, not yet Scorpa3, you can easily have a 'sticky up' rear mudguard. got one on mine. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> My 06 sounds just like my 04 but my 04 still nearly as new as my 06 I had my first two real rides in the last couple of weeks on the 06, a one day and a two day. Only riding clubman (I'm a fraidy cat and hate falling off) but I won both trials and put in two clean laps I'm getting heckled to go up to veterans (over 40) but my knees knock louder than a worn out fantic at the thought
  6. Poor ev.... Kickstart was a UK Trials TV show. I hadn't heard of it until very recently a very nice person gave me a couple of DVD's from 85 and 86. It featured the worlds best riders takling a course a bit like cross country horse comps. It really is a fantastic format, I am thinking of trying something similar here. See guys not all Aussies know very little...... Well I guest I did find out about it from a pom
  7. Alan I agree with you completely. I have 200amp MIG that has done so much work on jobs ranging from very thin sheet steel, auto repairs through to making tractor implements. I runs hot after a while on full amps but has been going strong since 1986 (Works out to less than AUS$100 a year), so false economy to buy a cheapy. I have a Tombstone ARC and it lays down a beautiful weld with 4mm rods but does it spin the electricity meter and heat up the curciut breakers fast! As far as a TIG goes you are spot on about practice. I have done some stainless work with one and found it not too difficult but I have been oxy welding, brazing and silver soldering for nearly 30 years and to me it is just like an electric oxy welder. I plan on getting one in the future but single phase 240volt ones are few and far between even in Australia
  8. Hey Brad The bike looks good. Is that a plate/cover over the front of the motor??? It looks like the exhaust is comming out through a hole??? The only change I have made to my '06 was to swap the triple clamp bolts from the '04. The '04 now has shiney new ones and the '06 has black ones to match the clamps. I guest I don't set the world on fire with imagination huh!
  9. Pitley I agree with you completely I think Rossi could give them a run for their money on a Sherco 4T..... that would take a genius! Sete might be on one next year, much easier to pick up and get out of the gravel traps
  10. Yep looks good.....but......... What happens when the next owner goes along to his local Yamaha dealer and gets in an arguement over them not having the parts I can just see it now.... No, it's not a TY 250 it is an SY 250 . I said a 2003 model not a 1983 model Some poor spare parts guy is really going to suffer because of you Booma
  11. Beware of cooking your brakes. Just keep in mind they are very small and thin brake discs and very small pads. You will find if you push them too hard your pads will wear very quickly and the discs will blue from the heat. Heating the discs doesn't really seem to do too much harm but I think you find they will harden and become brittle if you do it too often. You can always do what I do when I am going hard..... Don't use the brakes, save them for when you need them and don't speed down hills and then brake long and hard. Can I suggest buying an 11 tooth front sprocket to, this saves the engine a lot of work on the trail and lets you spend less time changing gears. Otherwise you find you are in 4th or 5th all the time and wringing the motor or slipping the clutch all the time. I used to run an 11th front on my Sherco 250 and I have one here for my Scorpas to. I even have a 12th for the SY 125-175s which makes them a great little tight forest track racer (like a mountain bike that you don't have to peddle). Hope this helps. Downunder
  12. downunder

    Moto Gp

    Monty-P Don't be ridiculous! Vali can't be known as GOD...... Who would be his footpeg sponsor be then?? Haven't you seen him before every race on his knees saying "**** {auto censor, obviously you can't say **** regardless of what letter it starts with } God you make awsome foopegs....even better than Scorpa and trialscast ones!" My fav 4..... Vali, Bayliss, Steve Martin and the ring in.... Joa Hindren! Downunder (where we can say anything, do anything and...... think a lot)
  13. ev.... Don't worry about the bike holding up to it, these things are bullet proof. But there is two things to keep in mind..... 1) You don't have the suspension to allow you to bash wheels over sharp rocks, roots and logs at speed without wacking into rims and tyres and hurting the running gear so keep you eyes open all the time. 2) 2 litres of fuel will get you far enough from home to be able to show off but further than you want to walk back! Other than that... Go forth and demoralis(z)e! 'cause when it gets to tight tracks and hillclimbs in the forest we can eat big bore enduros for breakfast, dinner and tea!! Downunder (if riding fast in a section was worth anything I'd be a winner!)
  14. Well the Dr did it again! But what about that ride from Casey Stoner!!!! I think Casey will soon be on the podium once he comes to grips the Motmonster. He was on rails for the first 11 laps and then seemed to lose the flow a bit and suddenly it looked like a 250 lapping in the top 5????? Still a bloody good effort just the same(can an Aussie say that here????) Is Rossi at top speed or has he got something more than his arm up his sleeve (as Barry Sheene used to say). Doohan used to like to get out in front and build a big gap if he could, at least then you knew what he had. Rossi never lets you see if he has anything left in the tank and just wins by being just far enough in front. But still how can he not win on the Camel Scorpa ooops, Yamaha? Downunder
  15. Bruce.....I don't know anyone by that name...... must be someone else that rides a Scorpa
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