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Everything posted by paulmac
  1. Hi Mate Not sure where you're located but our local importer here in Oz makes them you can order them here; http://www.thehellteam.com/catalogue/c18/c113/p102 If you're in the UK, try Nigel Birkett http://www.birkettmotosportukltd.co.uk/?Homepage Paul Mac
  2. Hi grahambaskin Gearbox oil: 600 ml Motul 10w30 (or 10w40 in the hot weather). There
  3. Hey Dr Hud Seems you have an odd problem there
  4. I've put 350mm Falcons (4inch travel) on the rear of my 198b and they're sopt on - as Woody says it tightens up the front just a nadge... Paul Mac
  5. The Hell Team aka Scorpa Global Support - nice work Pauly Paul Mac
  6. Had the Akront rims on my 198b respoked in Stainless by Hagons 15 years ago and they're still perfect... Paul Mac
  7. paulmac


    Had a similar problem on my 08 - turned out the tank cap vent hose was nipped by the zip tie on the frame - just enough to cause a partial vacuum -might be worth a try by taking it off for a while - I cut the vent tube down to about 25 mm and fitted a neat anodised vent cap all is now well. BTW - if you end up taking the carb off, an inline fuel filter is useful addition to keep any crap out in future. Paul Mac
  8. Hi Mate Playing with the timing is easy on the SY - take a look at this - http://www.scorpaaustralia.com/Timing.html - it's simply a matter of whipping off the left side engine case to see how your timing is set - if you're careful the gasket should survive too. Re flywheel weight - experts seem to like the lighter flywheel - more zip - mere mortals seem to prefer the heavier flywheel
  9. Not any more Peter - rule changed - just need to be covered - but hey plugs do save grips Paul Mac
  10. If you're getting a new side stand go for the stand from the 07/08 models The earlier stands are made of 'toffee' and were redesigned in 07 - heaps better/stronger - you'll need to drill an additional hole in the swing arm mounting plate but from memory the stand
  11. This might sound a bit daft but have you tried pulling the clutch lever in and listening for the sound the Scorpa clutch plates can rattle sometimes - usually fixed by an oil change Paul Mac
  12. Check the fuel filler cap vent isn't blocked too - try running without the cap on... Paul MAc
  13. Just had the same problem - and solved it with a version of Timp's suggestion 7/16th socket - grind off the lead in as per Timp's suggestion then - while it
  14. Hey Guys - we're glad you like it
  15. There is one thing worse than getting the carb off - because everything is so well designed, sorted and sealed, when you do get the carb off, unless you've had it upside down in a creek - there
  16. No worries Mate If you've not stripped a carb before get yourself set up in clean area - kitchen paper on the bench is good idea - clean and it helps you see all the bits. Turn the carb upside-down, undo the four screws on the float bowl and lift the off the bowl. The floats are held in by a little rod, pull it out and check how the needle valve (it looks like a little brass plumb bob) slips into a grove on the brass float tab. If you're ordering a fuel filter you might order a new needle valve too. They have seat at the pointy end that wears out so a new one now is good preventative maintenance. Paul Mac
  17. Fascinating stuff chaps
  18. Yeh the old momentum thing - I attended one of the fabulous Zar brothers training schools earlier last month and they slowed me right down, the go is traction not momentum. Now having said that I've been practising it for more years than I care to remember and still stuff it up more times than not but watch the top Australian guys ride - often they'll go from a dead stop a bikes length from an obstacle. Re the how high question - On a Clubman line you'll find the odd log or a small (under 2 feet) step but it
  19. No worries Mate Here's another idea on the sleeper steps - rather than go for the clean all the way to the top - try a slow 'one step at a time' approach - the idea being to plonk the front wheel on each step, short stop then the next step - crack that and you'll be riding C class in no time. keep yer feet up... Paul Mac
  20. He Betabro Here's something to set you up for your first event On the picture where you have the track running up from graded road - practice riding to the top, then a tight turn down the bank and riding to the bottom, then a tight turn up the bank and riding to the top again. Keep practicing until you can do a full lock turn uphill and down hill - both to the left and to the right - get that cracked and you'll ace your first Clubman event. Take a look at this stuff http://www.trials.com.au/contributions/trialman.php - it'll help heaps and remember jimmyl's advice - keep you weight on the outside of the turn (lean the bike into the turn) and your shoulders square to the bars (straight inside arm and bent outside arm) Good luck mate. Paul Mac
  21. Hi xzibit I'm not from SA (a Pom originally but now an Aussie living in Sydney) and I've recently returned from 10 glorious days in SA when they ran the SA State Titles, the Australasian Masters Games Moto trials and the Australian National titles. Between 100 - 150 riders at each event, sections set from Clubman (base level) through C grade (UK Novice level) B Grade ( UK Inter ) A grade (UK Centre champ level to Expert ( our TDN team level) The events were exceptionally well organised and from what I understand the Cub and Open events are run by the same guys and happen most weekends in season (sort of March to November) so I'd be guessing it's all good. The area is stunning
  22. Hey hewson - while you're on the rebuild, think about drilling a hole in the bash plate in line with the gearbox drain plug - saves heaps of hassel later... Good luck Paul Mac
  23. Hi Greeves and swoosedave - thanks for the help on pic posting I'll give it a try - Greeves I've had the old girl this long so I don't think I'll be selling her... Paul Mac
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