You seem to be expecting a modern sort of slipper pad, made out of some replaceable plastic,there never was one!The chain just runs over the curved metal of the tensioner, and yes, it does get very scored. If you know an engineer he can braze it up, and file it back down smooth, if not, just let it run as it is, after all these bikes don't do a great deal of miles on the road any more.
Thanks very much, AGB.
The amount of information in these forums never ceases to impress me.
Can anyone out there help me find out how much gearbox oil goes in a mont 200, please?
The bike is a HM from about 79-80, but I think they are all the same, even the 125/175 versions.
Help would be appreciated, Thanks
I hate to belittle the opinion of anyone, but I think JJWhites comments could be better understood if we take into account a few things,
1 The top GasGas mechanic, in the district, (who works for JJ's dad), will be "advising" him on his choice of bike.If the comment by JJ sells a few more gassers, that's good for JJ, his dad, and White bros in general.They sell a lot more gassers than monts.I'm not sure of the identity of some of the other contributors, but this is starting to look like a White bros advertising forum.
2. He has the pick of any bike he chooses, it is a lot different if I make a poor choice of bike, and have to live with it until I can afford a replacement, as is the case for the majority of people.
I would like to add I have no problems with any of the staff at Whites, they have always treat me well, it's just that people should know all the facts before they part with the old hard earned cash.
:huh:I heard a story this week concerning a 4RT that snapped the internal stop off the kickstart mechanism, resulting in a trashed engine.The story went on to say that the local mechanic suggested a mod to Montesa and was dealt with very sharply.
Has anyone got any more on this?
Can anyone shed light on the rumour I heard that these bikes can cost a grand for an annual service ?
I am not anti-mont, as I have an '02 315R now, but it's certainly making me think twice about buying a 4Rt. What about it JRSunt? will Al the spanner spill the beans?
I think the mont V sherco argument is likely to show us the way trials bikes will develope over the next few years. The mont is in the same vein as your average modern car, with ultra reliable, electronic management fuel injection. we all know that this is excellent, until it goes wrong, then you go to the only bloke in your area who has the technology to fix it, and he charges you the earth to tell you what bits it needs, then charges you for them on top.I suspect that when these bike have passed down the ownership chain for a few years they might prove to be not viable for a bloke trying to run a bike on a tight budget, therefore that would make them not saleable at a relatively early date.
Can anyone shed any light on the rumour that monts cost about a grand for a yearly service? Come on mont dealers/owners, is it right, or is it spanish propoganda?
Where is the Seeley at on Ebay? I searched all spellings of "seeley", "trials", and "honda", with no results found.
Mine could do with a cam chain, does anyone know which other bikes had the same cam chain, I have heard XL 185 mentioned, but don't know for sure, and as it's running at the minute, I don't want to strip it down, then find out I can't find a chain.