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  1. Still struggling with my 315. It just wont go. I have fresh fuel, a spark, the plug gets wet so sure fuel is present. From reading here I suspect the compression may be low. I have measuured it at 145psi. Does anyone have a figure of what it should be. It is possible to turn the engine over by grabbing the flywheel by hand & rotating the engine. Is this normal. Tripple X says you cant do this with his Bultaco. Any comments please. Geoff
  2. Thanks for the link. The 315 flywheel has a M30x1.5p external thread on the centre spigot hence the puller needs an internal thread to fit over the spigot. None of the ones shown on the site would be suitable. The only suitable one I have seen is the Justieone for the 4RT which as I said is
  3. Does anyone have a flywheel puller for a 315 I could hire.
  4. Have you checked the seating on the valve itself. It has a rubber like cone that forms a seal when closed. This can be worn with a groove on the cone or missing completely, worth a look. Can you see where the fuel is coming from.? The face of the bowl may be scored or the o ring may be damaged. From the pictures in my manual the pins are at the bottom of the float facing in with the float levers resting on top of the pins. I think to assemble the levers under the pins would be very fiddly to assemble & would render the floats useless. Geoff
  5. Hi I realise this post is years old but would appreciate a copy of the drawing of the rear suspension link. Thanks Geoff
  6. It is possible to assemble the floats upside down. The lift pins on the floats are off set so if they are in upside down they in fact lock the float valve open hence the flooding. A simple test is to gently shake the carb when assembled, you can hear the float movement if they are free to move ie float. With ref my earlier post about carb/starting problem, I stripped the carb completely, all jets out etc, clean with air line, reassemble with all vent pipes connected & wow what a difference. I tried the kick 3 times then leave for 5 mins method for starting which seems to be the answer, I guess the fuel vapor gets into the chamber as reqd. Choke off immediatly & blip till warm. Guess the moral of the story is that a simple clean is often all thats required, I assumed the problem must be more serious, spark or ignition etc. So get you blow pipe out & start cleaning.
  7. Hi Chips Sounds like we should get together. I have very simular problems with my 1999 315. See the post from acouple of days ago. I have not had a chance to clean the carb yet but will do this weekend. I would be interested to see if the rings make any difference as I, like you dont know what the bike was like when new. Hope we get it sorted. Geoff
  8. Hi All Thanks for the info. I will strip & clean the carb & connect the pipes as suggested. Thanks & I will keep you posted Geoff
  9. Hi All. Does anyone have any photos of the carb for the 315. Mine is a 1999 model fitted with a dellorto PHBH26CS. I have an exploded view in a parts book but need to know what tubes fit where. At present my bike only has 1 tube fitted on the left hand side of the carb (sitting on the bike) connecting to a breather unit next to the rear brake fluid resivoir. My parts book says this is "tube, main air inlet" There are a couple of pipe nipples on the right hand side of the carb with no pipes fitted. The book shows a u shaped pipe that I dont have called "tube,air vent". I bought the bike back last year & am only just getting ready for my first outing. The bike is very difficult to start but I did eventually get it running. The bike was left to idle for approx 10 mins (fan switching on & off so up to temp) when it suddenly revved up-to max. revs as if the throttle was pinned, I was on the other side of the garage at the time. Very strange. Hit the kill switch & restarted and off she went again up-to max. revs. I removed the air box & the Carb slide is free to move as the throttle is opened. Was wondering if the lack on vent tubes may have some bearing on this or perhaps I have a ghost rider in my garage with a heavy throttle hand. Any help or advice or pics would be greatly appreciated. Dont fancy my first outing with the a mystery throttle problem
  10. Hi All Removed the stator assembly & all the wiring. The Stator & flywheel were completely covered in a crud. Must have been getting wet & left standing for some time. Anyway removed stator & cleaned thoroughly, also flywheel. Removed carb & checked all in order & cleaned mesh filter on inlet. Replaced spark plug with the correct type. After much kicking she started so were away. My only problem is that the statror casing has one of the location dowels & a section of the casing broken out. It has been repaired in the past but fell apart when I removed the casing, probably why it was full of water. Being magnesium cant imagine it can be welded very easily. I have repaired with arraldite but feels like a bit of a bodge. Wonder if a new one is available?? Thanks all Geoff
  11. Looking for trials clubs & somewhere to practice in the Bristol Area. Any info would be much appreciated. Geoff Abraham
  12. I recently bought a 315 (1999 Model) The bike was running when I bought it but will not start now. It has been standing for a while but has fuel in the carb. I have removed the spark plug & can see there is no spark. The kill switch wiring does not look original but buzzes out for continuity. Sounds electrical. Does anyone have any test data for the stator assembly or is there any checks I can try on the CDi unit. I am not a 2 stroke expert but am an engineer, I was hoping the staying on the bike would be the problem, not getting it going. Any help please Geoff Abraham
  13. Hi All Im new to these 2 stroke thingies. Bought a Beta TR34 (i think) from ebay. Sold as a project bike so not expecting too much. I did however expect to go forwards. The bike just about runs but wont rev cleanly at all. Climb onboard, clutch in, into gear & bike goes backward through my legs. After much laughter from all around it sinks in I may have bought a lemon or something from a circus act. The engineer in me says how is this possible. I assume if the spark happens in the wrong place there is nothing to stop the engine going backwards. Seeing the other posts on the site this is not uncommon. Guess I need to check the timing etc. Does any one have a workshop manual for the Beta TR34. Help Geoff Abraham
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