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  1. UPDATE - Yes they can be repaired , have stripped and identified the seals, bushes bearings etc on Sunday ordered Monday Rebuilt today and repressurised with air ( not nitrogen )today have ridden for 3 hrs this evening and they are perfect . I will be putting a kit together as soon as I can if it helps anyone out Jim .
  2. Thanks I will try falcon and Alan as I need a word anyway wil keep you posted it may help others thanks
  3. To be fair John built the first shocks for the bike and they were awful and we couldnt get them right they now grace a shelf in the garage collecting dust , iam no expert on suspension they just didnt work .
  4. Thanks Dave tried them yesterday , as yet no spares or repairs done ? as far as they know they are throw away . I will pull them apart this weekend and see what I can find Jim
  5. Hi there I have a set of Magical shocks on my ossa that have expired ! I have pulled one apart but have a problem that I cannot get the correct amount of oil back in them . I havnt yet had a response of Craig at Magicals and Iam aware he may now not be trading . Could anyone advise someone who could rebuild them ? I dont want another brand they have been brilliant right up to the point they exploded . Thanks in advance Jim
  6. I would sort it with Ebay asap b4 you cannot claim through them it will sort it quicker hope this helps jim
  7. Thats a bit vauge , where has it ended up ?
  8. http://www.trialscentral.com/forums/topic/45127-trying-to-contact-bill-beveridge/ And another when will people learn ?
  9. Norcross where do I start Bill is on here as jack the lad and will probably reply later with some excuse saying he has been abducted by aliens , was involved in a meteor strike or is on his 25th phone blah blah blah , my advice would not to entertain the phone at all and simply go to his house and get your parts back . After 22 months I know only too well the phone is a waste of time and yes his phone is " some Distance from his garage " about 25 paces to be precise and his mobile will be in his pocket ! oh and I dont doubt he has tried to contact you numerous times - Not ! Hope this helps Jim
  10. You can contact the organisers on there web page or facebook they are normally very prompt , Jim
  11. Thanks stork was considering the sealed bearing as i know someone who dosn,t run one at all ! but think i will sleeve it and fit a proper seal holder thanks jim
  12. Advice greatfully recieved Iam in the middle of a belt drive conversion with an neb clutch was wondering how to seal the crankcase do i need to machine a seal holder and run the seal on a hardened sleeve or can i just fit a main bearing with a an internal seal , also I have got a 24 tooth front pulley but reaslise some people run a 22 so they can fir a smaller rear sprocket , thanks Jim ( sometimes easier to ask than work it out )
  13. Thanks for that It was a weight issue as well really but iam probably easier loosing the weight . Wanted 2 pushrods ? why
  14. Help currently building a short stroke ht5 at the moment was wondering what barrel to use wether to do a lightweight nicasil bore or conventional cast liner also if nicasil what rings to use any suggestions opinions would help thanks jim .
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