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Just got back from Dubai and the customs officers said "we have never seen this type of bike before!!"
we are still trying! better than nowt http://www.thetelegraphandargus.co.uk/disp...ders_future.php
I have a debreif booked with Bradford council about our show next week ,I will bring it up again and do my shouting bit! I am sure I will just get the usual answers but I will make alot of noise! We also made a big donation to the Lords mayor appeal jointly with Colin Appelyard motorcycles and have a local press shoot with the lord mayor on Thursday, I will make sure he knows the damage his council are causing to off road sport in Bradford and our donation ( a new bike to raffle on the showfield) or the event,that brought over 16000 tourists to Bradford would not have been possible without off road sport. I personally spent most of my weeknights and every school holiday on that moorside riding my bike, it gave me a sports carear and a business and would be a massive loss to trials round here, I am trying.
if im honest I was in Majorca and couldnt be ar* sed coming home! we have promised shayne from boyzone a day out riding up at willks!! should be fun seeing a popstar having a serious go at trials!
and check out Dans dancing in the middle, that is why he never pulls when we are out!!!!!!!!!
Just added a new corporate page to xtremetrials.co.uk showing me and Dan riding over some case plant machines in Gemany, if im lucky Andy might make one off them link things for me again!!!!
All the new styke boots have the new sole by Vibram, My boots are over 18 months old now but the sole has hardly worn. I am very hard on boots/bikes
there is a new sole on the novogars now. I helped to develop it. you will not wear it out in 3 years. crosser
Thanks Andy
Just added some footage to www.xtremetrials.co.uk of Dan Having a massive crash at Ally Pally this year. just go to the video page, I would post a link but Im useless with a computer! Crosser Clicky Linky
Hi all, I have printed this topic off and I will show it to my dad later tonight, I will post a reply from him if he gets time in the week as he doesnt know what a computer even looks like!!
Sorry Andy! The contract only came in about 10 days ago and I put it straight up on my website! we WILL have them beers soon I promise! ( I know thats what you really want!) Crosser
What a bloody good idea!! xtreme trials would be happy to donate some funds to plant some trees and thats the angle where I think you would get the most sence. practicly all of our top riders have done most of their practising there over the last 15 years it would be such a shame to lose it, in the next few months I will be spending alot of money with the local press advertising the great yorkshire bike show so I will try and sway a few reports on addingham and see if we can get a few positive stories from local editors( not promising owt but you can normally have a deal with them!) crosser
Xtreme trials (Martin Crosswaite and Dan Clark) are putting together a brand new show and are looking for another commentator to work on occasional weekends (mainly summer weekends) with x-treme trials, We are looking for someone with a basic Trials knowledge but the main things are you will have to be confident in public speaking,be able to travel anywhere in the UK,have flexable working hours, have a good sence of humour, and drink like a fish!! If you think this sounds like you and you dont mind propping various bars up arround the country please email me at martin@xtremetrials.co.uk to discuss the matter further.( to view the show and see what it all about please visit xtremetrials.co.uk) Crosser
Hi Guys, please keep the feedback coming, it is invaluble to us, we ARE taking all ideas on board and allready thinking of ways we can improve the event for next year, would just like to point out that commentating on a indoor trial for 3-4 hours and trying to keep everyone informed of what the hells going on aint easy, I know we may have repeated ourselves a few times but try to remember there is now a high percentage of general public attend Sheffield, we were just trying to make it as simple as possible so they could understand and keep the atmosphere as high as possible. ( looking back we may have overdone it!) A big thank-you to Andy for passing on all the feedback but please keep it coming. I believe you can never have enough. Tell us what you want ( or what will make you buy a ticket!!!) and we will try to deliver. happy new year crosser