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  1. Hey Doug. It's Reid. Great to see you at Ormstown. Have to agree it is getting better and better each year. Mick Andrews was the perfect guest. A true gentleman and an amazing rider.
  2. Thanks very much for that link Jack. I copied all of the photos and am perusing them very closely. I actually have that site in my favorites, but had not been on recently and hence had not noticed that it had photos of the respective tanks/seat combos now that I am now trying to decide between. I've purchased items from Paul before and he has always been extremely helpful. He has promised to mount a Golner unit his bike and take photos of the process so I can see how it attaches and how it looks once mounted. I've pretty much narrowed it down to the Golner and Mitani units. I love the look and style of the Mitani but sourcing a red one at a reasonable price has thus far proved impossible. I also have a 3rd option in that I have a Clarke aftermarket ATC70 fuel tank that I picked up cheap on Ebay. It's super light, mounts easily, is virtually indestructible and holds the right amount of fuel. From a competition standpoint it might be the best choice... but boy... is it ever ugly mounted on the bike...
  3. Thanks Mike! That is good info. Honestly, I will not know the answer to either question until I get a unit shipped to Canada and try to put it on. These are actually the type of things I am concerned about. I'm not real keen on shelling out a ton of dough to get something that may or may not work. I will ask those specific questions. The folks at Shedworks are sending me an email with step by step photos of a Golner unit installation which will hopefully help answer some of those issues. I'm still hoping as well that someone with experience with the Golner seat/tank units for TLR200 will chime in and comment on how the units worked for them.
  4. Good suggestion... and I have now sent them a reply requesting a pic on a bike plus all of the info I asked in the first post in this thread. Would still like an independent opinion though... because... like... they are selling the stuff so of course they are going to say it is fabulous... call me a skeptic but I would really like to hear from someone who spent the money and can offer an objective opinion on the product.
  5. I'm seriously considering ordering a Golner style seat/tank unit from Shedworks for my TLR200. The photos of the Golner units on the Shedworks site look very nice, but there are absolutely no photos of any of the units mounted on an actual motorcycle. This makes it a bit difficult to tell perspective on the width, height and the overall look on a bike. If anyone has a Golner seat/tank on their bike and could post a picture of it I would greatly appreciate it. Also, how do you like the unit? Is is easy to mount? What about total weight savings over the stock seat and tank? Also if anyone could recommend another style of seat tank unit for the TLR200 I would love to take a look at them. Greatly appreciate any information anyone can provide. Thanks!
  6. Just a question. I presume you bought the complete assembly including the front pipe? I was thinking of just getting the muffler assembly and hooking it up to my front pipe. Any idea of how much weight saved by the muffler? And the total assembly? Do you think it's worth getting the entire assembly or will the muffler be sufficient? OK, that's 3 questions Thanks again for the review and the time to answer my questions!
  7. That looks fabulous! Thanks very much for the review!
  8. Wow, that is a great price on the Delkevic system. I even have a buddy in the US I can have it shipped to, then pick it up when I visit. Thanks!
  9. I recently picked up a very nice Honda TLR200 for vintage trials. Rode my first trials with it last weekend and the bike worked great. Compared to my TY175 though it is certainly down on power. The bike currently has the stock exhaust system in very good condition. I'd like to try one of the aftermarket exhausts. Just wondering if anyone has any experience with the system sold by Sammy Miller. It is this one: http://www.sammymillerproducts.co.uk/795 I was originally considering a WES exhaust but the SM system is considerably less expensive. I also like the look a bit more than the WES. Thanks in advance for any help you can offer!
  10. They certainly look like the stock pegs to me. If not, they're doing a darn good impression of the stockers on my TY175. It is common for TY175 riders to drop the stock forks 18-20mm in the clamps. The bike turns significantly better that way with a minimal effect on ground clearance.
  11. Really!? Very interesting... I think I am going to go with the standard length shocks and the forks set up flush. I can play with them from there by either dropping the forks down in the clamps or laying down the shocks to raise the back end... or both LOL!
  12. Yes, that seems about right. Most likely new shocks of the same length would be the best setup so I think that's what I will go with. Thanks!
  13. Just picked up a set of TY250 forks for my TY175. I know tytrials recommends going to longer shocks and then dropping the stock forks flush with the top clamp. However with the 250 forks should one still go with the longer shocks or standard length? Thanks in advance for your help!
  14. Wow! Ask, and ye shall receive... Thanks very much guys for the excellent tips on TY175 mods. I can believe the level of knowledge and advice offered so far. It is greatly appreciated! I believe the bike already has Boyesen reeds and a few other things done to the engine by the previous owner, who was a very experienced trials rider. He rebuilt the engine last winter to get his son into the sport but said son ended up declining so I picked up the bike . The motor runs like a dream and pulls from idle smoothly up to the top. Starts first kick every time and it will sit on the stand and idle all day at revs so low you would swear it was going to stall... but it won't. It runs so well I am almost scared to touch it LOL! The WES or SM silencer though sounds like a useful option. I am definitely a no-stop rider so I may go with the longer shocks etc. We'll see about the forks. Soft forks actually don't bother me that much on this bike because the front wheel seems to spend a lot of time just skipping over the ground... Swing arm lengthening is something I had not even considered... however I do have a friend who is a very good fabricator and could certainly do the job for a case of beer. Might be worth looking into as a winter project. Thanks again and keep them coming!
  15. I'm looking to modify my 1977 Yamaha TY175 to make it more suitable for my size and for trials competition. But before I spend a ton of money I thought I would ask those who have hopped up their bikes for some advice on what works and what doesn't. Thanks in advance for the help. Maybe a bit of info would help. I'm 50 years old, 200 lbs and 6 feet tall. Fairly muscular and a longtime motocross and ice racer. I just started riding again this season after 12 years of no dirt bikes. I picked up the TY175 two months ago and have ridden 1 trials event, in which I competed in the Twinshock C line. I plan to ride C the rest of this season and then move up to B next season and hopefully A the following year. The bike is bone stock with the exception of Renthal motocross handlebars and oil pump being removed. All I've done to it is drop the forks 17mm in the clamps and cranked up the preload on the rear shocks to their stiffest setting. Both of those changes made a big difference! The modifications I am definitely going to do are put on 6" rise trials handlebars, new Michelin tires, and add a Sammy Miller front mudguard stay. I'm not planning to touch the engine, as it runs perfectly, but I may add a WES silencer down the road. Here's some of the other items I've considered and my questions about them: Shocks - I am going with the Betors. I've read that it is best to go with 14" shocks and then drop the forks flush with the top of the triple clamps. However some say stick with 13.4" shocks and the forks lowered in the clamps. Your opinions? Also at 200 pounds I assume I should go with the 50 lb springs instead of the 40 pound? Forks - If I go with 50 pound shock springs, should I stiffen up the forks? And are there stiffer fork springs available? Footpegs - I've heard good and bad about the Sammy Miller footpeg kit, most notably that they actually cause the bike to shake its head at rocks. Is it a worthwhile upgrade or should I just widen the stock pegs? The SM peg kit is very expensive here in Canada and I can widen the pegs for free! Also, I've heard KX65 footpegs will fit in the stock mounts. Is this true or are there any other pegs which would fit? Also considering a new Sammy Miller seat/tank kit, but I'm holding off to see if I can find a used one. Can anyone comment on the benefits of this set up? My stock seat and tank are in very good condition so I could easily stick with them. Any other suggestions for modifications would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Here's a pic of the bike as it is now from my ride yesterday:
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