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Everything posted by scotty97
  1. scotty97

    2007 290 Carb

    Can anyone tell me what that standard carb is on my 2007 290??? need to know the model??? Was thinking of getting a clear float bowl, so i can see any moisture etc... Has anyone used one of these??? are they OK for everyday use????
  2. scotty97

    Help sherco 250

    Hi, just reading this post and i know it might sound daft, but can some explain what lapping the flywheel to the shaft is?????????
  3. Copemech, following advice from yourself, i made a break pedal bush out of Aluminium Bronze which we had in work, No wear at all on it yet so its definately a better idea. Cheers
  4. Sounds like a good day out to me!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. scotty97

    Rev3 Graphics

    Theres no graphics on the bike at the moment, we were just hoping someone might have the backing paper left off their graphics
  6. Cheers fellas, looks like im not the only one geting problems then. Next time i get 5 minutes i'l take drain the bowl and then see if she starts. Luckily we dont get very cold weather for long, only a few weeks every year so i think i'l leave enlarging the choke. I havnt been a ble to get out on it so often this year so perhaps the longer spells sitting in the garage and the bit of cold weather we had has got to the fuel then. I'l check the earths aswel as advised,
  7. scotty97

    Rev3 Graphics

    My brother was to put customised ones on and he has a friend who can make them, just needs the template??
  8. Yeah, but even when the bikes hot, if you dont get it started on the first 1 or 2 kicks, it turns into a nightmare????? It was never like that before.
  9. Well the last three times i've been out, i noticed the problem. never happened before that first time. Wet but not cold second time. cold (2-3degress C)and snow last time. about 5 degrees C and dry. dont think its to do with water cos it happened when i got her out of the garage. unless water has got in somewhere when i used it the time before. like i said runs perfect once started. I read somewhere about corrosion on the stator from damp inside the mag cover??????
  10. I have a 2007 sherco and im having trouble starting lately. When i first bought it, one or two good kicks and it would fire up. Recently when using it, it seems to take over ten kicks to start cold and then runs perfect, but when i knock it off if it doesnt start on the first 1 or 2 kicks, it can take ages to get to fire up. During this time when im trying to kick it, the kick back gets quite violent (snapped a kickstart too). I have not retarded the timing yet, (although i bought the puller to do it) and i know this might help. But i have never had this problem before with starting it. I would like to get it starting as it was before, before i start adjusting timing. The bike is serviced regulary, and the spark plug is new. Its hard to get my head around because when it does start it runs like a dream. Any ideas what i could look at?? Could timing slip? Coil?? As anyone else seen this before?
  11. scotty97

    Rev3 Graphics

    Would anyone have templates that i can use to get graphics made for my REV3. Just so i know the actual shape needed???
  12. Hi, Ive purchase an old mk1 Caddy Pickup as a run about and to put my trials bike in the back. rather than just strapping it down, in the past I seen some brackets that bolted to the back of your pick up and clamped the front wheels in. Does anyone know where to buy these or is anybody using them??? Photos of your set up would be a bonus
  13. How much are you selling it for?????
  14. scotty97


    Cheers copemech, exactly what i was looking for. Just wanted to be sure before i go potching with something that i've never done before.
  15. scotty97


    I know theres loads of threads about retarding the timing on the 2007 sherco 290 but i wanted to be sure cos i've never attempted this before. To retard the timing you turn the back plate anti-clockwise? correct? is this anti-clockwise when looking at the flywheel??? Has anyone got a photo showing the stator plate that has already been retarded. A photo is a 1000 words and all that
  16. scotty97

    290 Kickstart

    I've had an o-ring delivered with mine, should that be an o-ring or a washer?????????
  17. scotty97

    290 Kickstart

    Is there a certain procedure for fitting a kickstart to a 2007 sherco 290. dont really know how to fit the ball bearing, spring etc.......
  18. I have a Sherco 290 with a tubed michelin tyre on her with no rim lock and i noticed after the last outing on her, that the valve was at an angle so obviously the tyre has moved slightyly!!!!!!!!
  19. Look in some of the trials bike magazines, you can see some of the pro's wearing them??????????
  20. Anyone tried one of these wristbands?????????????? They just put one on a friend of mine in the shop and he reckons it works.
  21. Right, i didnt even think about hitting it on accident. Yeah it is slightly above pegs. I'l just have to get used to using it where it is. It doesnt help that at the moment im wearing my old moto x boots as im saving to get a nice pair of trials bike boots.
  22. scotty97

    290 Rear Brake

    i have a 2007 sherco 290 and the rear brake pedal seems to be too high, i have to bend my ankle a hell of a lot to get my foot onto the brake. when pulling a wheelie it feels almost impossible to tap the rear brake. Is there anyway to adjust the height of the brake pedal.??????????
  23. hi copemech, i got to fit a new kickstart on my 290. you say that the spring, ball bearing and screw adjustment is critical..! couldyou please explain the fitting procedure/
  24. I know, i just ordered it.
  25. I bought the lever from SPL*TSHOP, I only have the knuckle left on the kickstart shaft, do i need to order the spring, ball bearing and grub screw aswell??? or do you think they come as part of the lever????????
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