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Everything posted by khub
  1. This looks cool, but what I'd like to see is a trials game for the Wii that has you stand on the balance board and use the motion sensing controllers. This way we work on could getting better balance, leg strength and jump timing durng the winter months.
  2. I have a Gasgas TXT 50 that the fan quit working on, It had a sticker on it with the make and model number, and when I searched on the internet found that it was a just computer fan. (my TXT80 and Sherco2.9 do not look like they are computer fans). Was glad that the replacement fan for the 50 only cost me $10 us. Not sure how waterproof it is, but the first one failed because the wires broke loose where it attaches to the fan and there wasn't room to re-solder it back on and I ended up messing up the fan trying.
  3. I had found on the internet site called "trialsmaui.com" that rented trials bikes and had packages for multiple days. I then booked a trip to Maui and will be there on October 27th until November 6th this year. Unfortuantely, the trialsmaui.com site no longer works and I have not been able to get any reply, which tells me they are no longer in buisness. I'm still going to be there and would love to finda way to do some trials riding there, but can't fit my bike in the suitcase I also have just gotten back into off road riding at the age of 53, am in my second year of competing and loving it.
  4. Hi, Starting my second year of Trials. First year used my 1974 Suzuki RL250 in the Vintage Class, now have a new left over 2007 Sherco 2.9 Have to compete in Illinois (NITRO) and Wisconsin (WOTA) since Iowa does not have any trials contests. Have met a lot of good riders and made many friends already. Enjoying my second childhood (will be 53 in June) Kevin Huber
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