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Everything posted by dirtrider
  1. dirtrider

    Seeley 250

    It's certainly got a lot more poke than a 200 making it much more responsive with none of that hesitation you sometimes get, for example with the TLR's. It'll also pull a tall gear very well which makes for fantastic grip. As for too high a compression ratio I suppose it depends on what you're used to.
  2. dirtrider

    Seeley 250

    Would you have any contact details for Colin Seeley, Big John?
  3. dirtrider

    Seeley 250

    PS. Who made the silencer ?? I don't know who made the silencer it was on when I bought the bike. It is a well fabricated job.
  4. dirtrider

    Seeley 250

    Just had a proper look this time! Yes it does begin with RS.
  5. dirtrider

    Seeley 250

    It begins with TE as I believe all Seeley engines do.
  6. dirtrider

    Seeley 250

    I am thinking about selling my Seeley which is a 250 rather than a 200. I have been fairly reliably informed that it is a Kondo conversion of the original engine. This apparently involved much more than simply a bigger bore ( I think it was 'stroked' as well) and reputedly is a very well engineered conversion and very sought after. However before I very reluctantly take the plunge and advertise it I wondered if anyone else could confirm this or tell me otherwise. I would not want to mislead anyone. I might not be able to bring myself to sell it at the end of the day because I just love this bike so much but I would like to know a bit more about it. Any info very much appreciated. Hopefully I've attached some photos. http://i220.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/b...resnov07041.jpg http://i220.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/b...resnov07003.jpg http://i220.photobucket.com/albums/dd207/b...resnov07012.jpg
  7. I appreciate what you are saying Scotty but this is a very sensitive subject in the club. There is a strong body of opinion from some long established members that allowing bikes from the same era such as yz's would be the start of the slippery slope. Ahh the dreaded monos!!! The club is a classic club and it wants to encourage the use of bikes from the classic era (whatever that is) by making sure they aren't swamped by more modern bikes. Currently the enduros and hillclimbs attract a very good mix of bikes from the fifties through to the late seventies/early eighties. This must be a good thing. It's also a simple and effective way of having a cut off that's obvious to everyone. So good luck with the rebuild. It'll be well worth it.
  8. I use monograde 30 or 40 depending on time of year. Fill it up to the brim, they don't hold much, and even more importantly change the oil regularly. I learnt my lesson the hard way. I had an engine seizure on a road trial and got stranded in the middle of nowhere. Decent bikes though.
  9. Lovely bike, but its got to have twinshocks I'm afraid.
  10. I'll be there on my big thumper. First time out after the winter rebuild (still in progress so got to get a move on!). Also hope the operation on my old leg is fully recovered by then! KSI thumper, is there any development on the enduros you mentioned a while ago?
  11. dirtrider

    Vintage Enduro

    You've fired my enthusiasm now and I'm going to call a few people to see if we can get a decent event up and running later this year. It will need about 40 riders - what do people think? How long? 2 x 1 hour? Save me a place! Also got quite a few mates who would be interested. What part of the country would it be in? I find that 2 x 1 hours is about right.
  12. dirtrider

    Vintage Enduro

    *Midland Classic are organising 2 classic and twinshock enduros and 2 grass hillclimbs in 2007. All events are held in Derbyshire and they are all excellent events. I rode them all last year and will be doing the same again this year. First event is an enduro on March 11. Entry forms are available now from Secretary Steve Davies. Tel 01246 568891 or download from website. Get your entry in early as it is already filling up.
  13. Don't fancy the little 2 stroke but the big thumper sound good!
  14. I'm not too bothered about being competitive. What I fancy is a good ride out basically on a bike that's enjoyable to ride. I'm not too keen on the Serrow, Beta Alp type thing. I'm a big lad and fancy (need) something with a bit more grunt. Quite like the idea of a biggish (400/450) trail/enduro bike. What are the sections like? Are they tight or do you get proper natural sections?
  15. Has anyone done any long distance trials such as the Moor to Sea and the Ilkley Trial? I fancy a go at something a bit different. If so what sort of bike would be suitable? A pre 65,a twinshock or even a modern enduro type bike? What sort of bikes are popular in these events and are the trials any good? Any thoughts/comments welcomed.
  16. Synthetic enamel (black of course, but you can get other colours if you want to ponce around). Buy it from any decent auto paint supplier in a tin. It's not expensive and it brushes on a treat. It's also very durable. I've used it a lot on classic car restorations and also on my bike frames.
  17. Does anyone know anything about the moor to sea trial held on Dartmoor? What sort of bikes are eligible? Is it a classic for old bikes, are enduro/trail bikes suitable or is it strictly trials only? Any info appreciated.
  18. Hi If you are coming from the M1 then head straight towards Worksop and look for a left turn on a bend about a mile or so after the Half Moon pub. It is signed from there. Dead easy to find.
  19. dirtrider

    Tlrs On Ebay

    Where are they all coming from? Fresh in from Japan?
  20. Likewise. Very pleased with the frame. Everything fits- cub hubs, silencer, chain guard etc. I don't have an oil filter fitted. I've thought about it but as you say where do you fit it? I have an external OTJ type that I could fit that I took off another bike with a Cheney oil in frame and that was fitted just under the front of the top tube. I've also seen B40 scramblers with a filter fitted near the bottom of the rear down tube. Not sure that either of these are suitable for the otter frame. What I do is change the oil regularly. The capacity is pretty low and it soon deteriorates. I learnt this lesson the hard way. Big end seizure on a road trial in the middle of nowhere.
  21. dirtrider

    Another Seeley.

    Mine's the same. Different frame and engine numbers.
  22. My chain tensioner is fixed to the frame and it's never thrown a chain since I've had it- about 4 years- rocks or no rocks. Is everything correctly aligned and tensioned?
  23. My chain tensioner is fixed to the frame and it's never thrown a chain since I've had it- about 4 years- rocks or no rocks. Is everything correctly aligned and tensioned?
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