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Everything posted by blackrandomapple
  1. I think the stators are supposed to more like 400ohms, Had this problem already, I would test the coil pack first tho between me and my brother we have had both stator and coil go we have a 2002 rev 3 250 and a 2003 rev3 270, both coil and stators are common faults!
  2. Been having a look around and cant seem to find any trials events this weekend! Does anyone know of any? Regards James
  3. Here is the flywheel without the weight, The weight fits on to the flywheel using the two holes u can see in the pic
  4. I put money on it being you water pump impeller snapped in half, It happends to me, no fan even on hot days, so i replaced thermostsat, still no fan i took impeller cover of to find it in 2 pieces, New impeller and everything is fine! there about
  5. Thats alot` of money for a 97' My mate trials his quite alot and its a tough machine, he bought his for
  6. I wouls look at the stator, my brother went a few weeks ago, There is a way to check if it is that by using a meter that measures ohm's There is a thread somewhere on here that tells you what it should read, I measured the ohm's on my bro's bike and it was well out, My bro's bike stopped dead but from what i have read some play up for a while! Before checking that i would take a good look at the kill switch and coil pack, try bypassing kill switch Stators are about
  7. I think i read a post about someone having the same sort of problem, It turned out to be flywheel weight was loose! other than that i dont know! Main bearings sound more like grinding, and from what i know big ends is a distinctive knock, If it didnt do it when you started it the second time it could be something to do with engine temp! Hope this helps
  8. How come you was riding on the road? Think my bike would blow up if i rode it fast
  9. Sideways play is normal as ar as i know, aslong as there is no up and down play! i have a rattle but it is something to do with the clutch, From what i have read its a common beta rattle,
  10. I seen a horse and its rider stood on a roundabout the other day. Now even if i was legal and rode my beta on the road the police would have a field day if i rode over a roundabout. We just cant win
  11. Im not the most experianced rider yet but does the bike have a quick action throttle? If so maybe you could try a slow action one My bike has a flywheel weight as standard?!?
  12. From what i can tell it has been turned already by the previos owner, oths sides of nobbles have even wear on them, The mud was pretty severe today tho, I have my second trial next sunday, Im hoping the weather will be dry and see how it performs there. At my normal practice site it is mainly rocks, i Dont have a problem with grip there. . I dont want to buy a new tyre atm if i can help it!
  13. I had a fair bit of practice but the place i practice is an old quarry and this trial was woodland and streams etc, The trial was really good fun, I chose intermediate route for a good challenge, It was far from easy tho, Lots of dabs but i learned more there than any practice!
  14. Nice info, I had a trial today and strugled on some sections, At present im still just doing tight turns rather than a hop etc, It will be nice when i can master hopping confidently
  15. Hello, I had my first trial today, Went really well But i felt i could have done with a little more traction in places, What tyre presure is best for mud/clay? Also i think i may need a rear tyre as mine has lost the square edges, ?!? Thanks
  16. Nice one dude, i have had a fiddle about with the rear shock settins and been bouncing around the garden
  17. I will give the rolling start a try, it sounds like i will be able to get the back wheel higher that way, then i could possible work on body movement, It is a very hard thing to explain in text!
  18. I think balance is my problem here, I find it hard to get into position ready to lift without loosing balance
  19. I orderered it from my local shop after trying it on, but they never had my size, i tried the same helmet but different colour, It felt ok, My last helmet felt great in the shop but after riding it feels completely different and really heavy, I am hoping the new hebo one will wear in nice and stay snug
  20. hey folks, Im not sure if anyone is gunna be able to explain in text but... Im trying to master turning in tight space by lifting up the rear wheel and turning the back of the bike left or right, There was a guy up killkenny where i practice who did show me but i still cant do it, He says about compressing the rear shock using clutch front brake etc, then lifting bike moving hips etc etc, but i can only swing it about 10 inch and i always loose balance and dab my foot down! If you can explain how you do it then it would be a great help!
  21. 2001 beta re 3 250cc 70:1 As per factory recommendation
  22. Hey I have my first trial on sunday thought id better get a new helmet as mine is a cheapo 55doh one, I also been doin alot of practicing and things are starting to get a bit dangerous and some of the stuff i been doing have a long fall to the bottom lol so i have ordered a hebo zone 2 in mat black, for 150doh should do the trick and last me a while, I was just wondering if anyone has got one and are they ok ie do the fi nice and do they feel heavy, Thanks in advance
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