Yo peeps,
Me and two friends, fairly new to trials are all gettin together sunday for a session But tryin to think of a new place to go??
We done kilkenny, haresfield, randwick, wick street. . There all local places to us but not very challenging?!?
We have looked for a trial nr by but nothing on this weeked??
Any ideas?
Gunna try and sqeeze some more info from your thread,
Is there any othe rknown places in gloucestershire??
Hey all, I have posted a gfew posts already but thought i wopuld introduce myself here,
I am new to trials but not bikes/mc
I have bought myself a 2001 beta rev3 250. And i live in stroud, so if there is any one nearby give me a shout, There are 4 of us now so we will be out and about evenings and weekends~!
Do you knoiw how to check ingnition timing? I have cleaned front pipe best i can, I cant find a way of getting in there to clean it properly
I have nearly resolved the problem, I changed to super unleaded and bvm recommended oil, De-coked and new piston,
I adjusted the mix screw by one turn (cant remeber if i leaned or richend) but it was working fine for half of the day riding then it started playing up knocking and pinging,
I stripped down the carb and check obvios and rebuilt again, The only problem i found was to the rubber part between the carb and reeds, It was split a little but dont think this would afect performance, So my questions are:
What is the part number for the rubber thingy??
What is standard mix? Ie how many turns from tight should mix be??
Anyway, after fidling about the bike runs ok, but will pig every so offen, And pings more when hot??
Any ideas?
Yeah i have been goin there, I always thought prices were gunna be high, But it does seem ok! think i will be sticking to them i guess!
Hey people,
Just a should out to see if there are any people from stroud/Gloucester on here?
Im lookig for places to buy genuine and maybe upgrades in the future, my bike is tottaly standard atm Can anyone sugest any upgrades?
Im on my second thread now! woohoo. . .
Looking for website etc, best places to buy parts for my beta rev3 250?
Hi martin,
To be honest i only bought the bike today so i have no idea what fuel/oil is in there, Not even sure the guy has the correct mix!
I stripped down the top end this evening and de-coked everything possible and had a good root around, engine bearings seem to be in good cond, There is slight play between piston and barrel But thats about all i could do for now, i gave it a ride and bought the temp up and the pink/knock seems to only start when engine is warm....
Does this help..
Hello people,
I have only jus joined forum so go easy on me,
Basically i am new to trials, But not really new to bikes!
Me and a mate have jus bought a ouple of beta's, The only prob is after i have had it home and gone for a play in the woods i have noticed a knocking/Pinging noise when engine under labour, Lets say if i climb or give give it beans it will start pinging on me, no loss of power that i could notice. .
Does any one have any ideas??