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Everything posted by simon1310
  1. simon1310

    No Clutch

    hi this may sound like a silly queston but this is all new to me. i have the basic mercanical knowledge for vespa scooters but not for trials bikes. is there some sort of book like haynes manual or anything like that that one can buy thanks simon
  2. simon1310

    No Clutch

    the bike is a GG 270. the lever does pull in with no resistance what so ever its very easy
  3. sorted thanks guys.. they have about 2 a month have to phone to find out dates cheers
  4. simon1310

    No Clutch

    i will try to explane this the best i can...... some how the other night while out on the trials bike my chain came off the back sprocket as i was going up a little hill. As i was moving the chain carried on and jamed up round the main drive sproket and stalled the bike. After freeing the chain and putting it back over the back sprocket every thing was good apart from no clutch. I can get all the gears, i remover the clutch plate to see if any damage had been done but could not see ant thing a miss there was nothing in the oil was all nice and clean. I then did the brake fluid but still nothing. any help would be greatfull. sorry the message went on so long lol...thanks simon
  5. anyone help? i have e,mailed Tong farm (parkwood off road center) in Bradford a few times now and have had nothing back. So does anyone know if they have open days for trials bikes? if so when and how much does it cost? any information would be great full........Also does anyone know the situation about ridding in Scotland? some one told me you can camp and ride any where is the ture? (no trespass law) is this true? thanks again
  6. simon1310

    Side Stand

    anyone know where i can get a side stand for a Gas Gas and how much it will cost thankyou
  7. simon1310

    Stop Button.

    Hi am new to this and have just got myself a trials bike,but it does not seam to have a kill switch. I have been and got one but cant seam to find any wires for the kill switch to slot into. so my queston is are they easy to fit? the bike is a gas gas txt 270.. regards simon
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