230cc per leg, I would try 10w first but its down to personal preference.
Can anyone tell me what the bore and stroke of a 250 Gripper are please; I have spent about an hour on Google but cant find them anywhere. Thanks in advance.
Thanks but I have already got that, what I am after is the parts list with exploded views of all of the components.
Does anyone have a pdf parts list for a Fantic 245 or know of where I can find one on the internet? I have them for 240, 243, 303, and 300(engine & rear wheel only) but need to cross reference something to a 245.
I know this seems a bit obvious but no one has asked yet - what oil are you using?
Conflicting opinions then, as so often happens; I took the advice in the Gas Gas bulletin and havent had any problems for the last 6 years.
This is broadly similar but has some additional information.
My 2003 Pro used to be very difficult to get into neutral and the clutch dragged even with the lever back to the handlebars. I fixed it by fitting new 2004 clutch plates (different part number to 2003)and using Dexron III ATF in the gearbox as it says Here. check the clutch pack dimensions too, mine were OK, just the new plates and ATF made a world of difference.
The slide and needle won't affect the tickover, you should be looking at the idle circuit; it could be as simple as a blocked or partially blocked idle jet or the idle mixture screw being set wrong.
Does anyone know when Fantic started using reinforced front downtubes on the 240 frame? I'm sure I have read somewhere on the web in the past it was from a particular frame number but I can't find it now.
I run my 240 on unleaded (50:1 Castrol TTS) and only get a knock very occasionally. It could be a build up of carbon in the cylinder head if it has been run with too much oil in the past, or if the head has ben skimmed there could be too much compression which could be cured with a thicker/extra head gasket.
I use a gasket on my 240 with a bit of silicone around the wiring where it goes through the rubber gromet, and it doesnt leak at all.
I know a lot of people use power washers on bikes but I would save it for cleaning the patio, if you clean your bike after each event there wont be anything that would need a power washer to get it off anyway.
The timing marks on my 240 are at the base of the flywheel near the surface of the crankcase and they are not that easy to see as they are quite lightly stamped - it might be worth having another look for timing marks.
Perhaps Bill doesn't like me - he told me there weren't any clutch baskets available.
Contact information for Bill Pye & Bob Wright is far from secret - I have just tried a Google search for both and the first hit had the information both times. (I'm not an expert at this level of espionage, in fact the exertion has quite worn me out. )
If the area of the pistons in the 4 piston caliper is greater than in the 2 piston one then using the same master cylinder will create a higher braking force (but the brake lever will move closer to the handlebar). If the area of the pads in the 4 piston caliper is greater than those in the 2 piston caliper then the effect of the additional force will be reduced. What are the piston diameters in both calipers & the sizes of both types of pad? - its easy to calculate the effect of changing from one to the other.
By the look of it you got it home & left it for a good while full of water before stripping it.
A friend of mine bought a new Dellorto jetted for a Fantic 300 as a starting point and hasn't changed any of the settings. It seems to run fine.
I get most of mine from Bill Pye or Bob Wright, there are some parts which you can't get; e.g. 240 clutch baskets and air boxes but its not difficult to get all the parts needed for maintenance. If you want original Fantic consumables I agree you will struggle.
I wouldn't say Fantic parts are difficult to source, not as plentiful or cheap as Yamaha, but not difficult.
Too lazy, and not many replies, how can it be?
On a slow action throttle the tube of the twistgrip is black, quick action is white. A slow action throttle won't reduce power, it just means you have to twist the throttle further to open the carb the same amount
Has the 05 got the flat bash plate the same as the current model? I am thinking of changing my Gas Gas for a Scorpa but didn't want to end up stuck between a couple of trees
How wide is the bash plate on an SY250? it looks very wide in photos of the bike. My Gas Gas Pro bash plate is about 200mm wide and Fantic 240 is about 250mm wide, is the Scorpa any wider?