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Everything posted by grib
  1. grib

    Crank Case

    Hey Rob, I think your caps lock key is stuck
  2. I think you will need a red reflector on the back as well as a horn etc. I registered my Fantic 240 last year (in the IOM so it may be a bit different) but all I needed was Road legal tyres (Michelins), horn, reflector & speedo (push bike digital type).
  3. grib


    Has anyone tried these on a 250 Pro? I have got a flywheel weight and slow action throttle on mine, would it be worthwhile to add these too?
  4. 601 is way over the top, 242 should be fine.
  5. grib

    Txt Pro 2003

    I use 66:1 Castrol TTS (Fully synthetic) with super unleaded fuel, and ATF in the gearbox in my 03 250 Pro.
  6. I use 66:1 (75ml in 5 litres) of fully synthetic Castrol TTS and super unleaded fuel, ATF is best in the gearbox - the clutch will drag like mad if you use anything that is even marginally too thick. As PeterB says 10/42 gearing is good, the bigger flap for the aibox is worthwhile, I also have a flywheel weight and a slow action throttle (black tube) on my 03 250, both help to make it easier to ride. If you manage to get it road legal it will probably be the only trials bike in the world that is At least it is already road registered, what you need next is a trials friendly MOT place, a shop that sells trials bikes is probably the best place to start. I have all my bikes (including 2 trials bikes) insured through TG Webster, I think they are in Yorkshire somewhere.
  7. I'm not being facetious but why do you need lights to ride in the daytime? You can register & MOT a bike for daytime use only as long as no lights are fitted - if they are there they have to work.
  8. grib


    Thanks for the replies, I will try some Alpinestars and see how they feel, the only thing is (and I realise this sounds a bit gay) the colour options are rubbish. Billycraigs reply is excellent, some of it does seem to be in a foreign language though
  9. Can't help with Sherco specific things but there is a good article on suspension setup here.
  10. grib


    After spraining my ankles twice in the last 6 months the physio I saw today suggested my boots may not be supporting my ankles very well, I have got Hebo boots at the moment and even when they are fully tightened they don't seem to give a great deal of support. Can anyone suggest some boots which might be more supportive?
  11. Sounds a bit like the Scott Trial (except for the bit about easy sections that is )
  12. grib

    Suspension Set Up

    There is a good article on suspension set up on the Gas Gas USA website here
  13. You may not find a handbook for a 2001 model but there is lots of useful information here.
  14. I think you probably need a suspension specialist to put nitrogen in it rather than air.
  15. Sounds like a blocked jet to me, have you stripped & cleaned the carb completely? Ask Bill Pye at Frankfield Fantic what the base setting for the idle mixture screw should be.
  16. Use good synthetic oil at 50:1. The mixture screw on a Dellorto is a fuel screw not an air screw.
  17. Think there is a bit of confusion over events here. I think schweizmeister is talking about the Manx 2 day rather than the Classic weekend trial - there wasnt a classic in 1995, last year was the 10th anniversary.
  18. grib

    Fantic 307

    I have found this wiring diagram on my computer, obviously it is the green white & red wires you are interested in the rest aren't really needed. The White is ground, red is power, green is trigger, I think the figures in the top right are resistance readings for the power & trigger coils. If you get stuck Bill Pye at Frankfield Fantic is always very helpful (+44 1642 722 378) You need a puller with a 32 x 1.25 thread to get the flywheel off.
  19. Carb leaking could be caused by a dodgy float valve, which would also cause it to run rich.
  20. 90% is the aspect ratio of the tyre that the tube is meant for - the nominal height of the tyre is 90% of 110mm. You could just buy Michelin Trials tubes in the correct sizes of course
  21. Ducati coils are generally quite reliable, if the HT coil runs on another bike it must be ok. The only other two things are the stator coil and the pickup, check the resistance of those.
  22. Michelin list trials tubes in 4.00x18 & 2.75x21 on their website http://two-wheels.michelin.com/2w/front/af...804〈=EN
  23. If its not had much use why did it need the top end apart? If its rattling like a 996 dry clutch i'd say its best left where it is. (unless its very very cheap).
  24. grib

    Heavy Flywheel

    I have the flywheel weight fitted to my 250 pro along with a 10T front sprocket and a slow action throttle, all three mods have improved low speed control for me.
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